Thursday, October 6, 2016

Friday Notes 10-7-16

If you are not receiving Friday Notes by email and would like to or if you would like to be removed from the Friday Notes email list, please email 
Please also add to your contact list so the mailing doesn't end up in your spam folder. Thank you. 


Important Notice Regarding Free and Reduced Lunch:

If your family was eligible for Free/Reduced Price school meals last year and you have not yet submitted a new application or have received a letter of approval you may be at risk of losing benefits for this school year. Unless you submit an application or other qualifying document by 10/12/2016, your child(ren) will have to pay the following prices for school meals:  Breakfast $1.75  Lunch $2.75

Free and Reduced Meal Applications are available on the Windham Central S. U and Leland and Gray websites and are also available in the school office.

You may call Deborah Mears at 802-365-9510, or email me at if you want to discuss this matter.

SAT / ACT Registration:

If you have not yet taken one of these exams, it is highly recommended that you do so, at least once. Either exam is accepted at all schools that require standardized testing. Even if you think you are applying only to schools that do not require test scores, it is a really good idea to take one test!!! Better safe than sorry! 

ACT Test Dates
December 10, February 11, April 8, June 10
To register, visit

SAT Test Dates
November 5, December 3, January 21, March 11, May 6, June 3
To register, visit

Refuse to Use and JISP:

Grade 7 & 8 students can purchase JISP passes. The registration link is:

Grades 9-12 students can purchase Refuse to Use passes. 

Remember: registration is not complete until the online form is successfully submitted, payment is received, and an appropriate photo is submitted (Attending the Kick Off is not registration).
The registration link is:

After Oct 10th, there is a late registration fee.  Please register ASAP
Both links are on the L&G home page.

Volunteers needed for JISP:

Grades 9-12 : Are you interested in volunteering to ski or snowboard with L&G during winter sports. Karen Meyer needs volunteers. Volunteer registration is via the JISP link on the L&G website. Please let Karen Meyer know if you register. She needs to supply Stratton with a list of all L&G volunteers.

From the Music Department:


ROCKTOBERFEST 2016 is happening on Friday, October 7th, 2016 from 7:00pm - 10:00pm
This is one of two all-school events open to students in grades 7-12.  Rocktoberfest is an outdoor dance and a bonfire, taking place in the parking lot next to the soccer fields.  
Admission is just $5.00.  Bring extra money for concessions which will be sold by the L & G Booster's Club.  This is a school wide community building event, so no students outside of Leland & Gray will be allowed to attend.

For more information please contact Tammy Claussen at Leland & Gray.

New Wrinkle Publishing Writers Contest:

Are you a novel writer? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have your story inspire illustrations, or even music?

If you are at least 13 years old, have written a story that you plan to self-publish (or have one in the works that you can wrap up in the next couple of months), we invite you to submit your short synopsis (no entry fee) for a chance to win illustrations and music inspired by YOUR story!
 Winners recieve an original soundtrack and ten illustrations based on their book, and a professionally designed book cover. 

See Ms. Birgé or go to for more information.
Everyone who enters is also eligible for prizes like t-shirts, mugs, and an amazon fire tablet. Deadline is November 28th.

Act 46 Study Committee Meetings:

Leland and Gray Towns Study Committee - Brookline, Newfane, Townshend, Windham, and Jamaica

10/19 - 7:00 pm - Leland and Gray

11/2 - 7:00 pm - Leland and Gray

L&G Facebook Page:

Did you know Leland & Gray has a Facebook page?  Like the page for updates and pictures of things happening at L&G!

Girls Rock The Capitol:

Girls in grades 9-12:  Do you have an interest in government, public policy, or advocacy? Are you interested in getting a behind-the-scenes look at your state government? Join Girls Rock the Capitol (GRTC), a unique legislative internship and mentoring program for high school girls. Applicants must be mature, articulate, and interested in advocacy or political service. Please see Sarah Grasso for more information if you are interested.

West River Valley Thrives:

West River Valley Thrives is seeking a Student Assistance Professional (SAP) for 20 hours per week. This is a school-based position working with Leland and Gray Union Middle/High School students in Grades 7-12 for the 2016-17 school year or until June 30, 2017.

Job Summary:  The SAP has primary responsibility to provide substance abuse education and support to students. The SAP will be responsible for identifying and providing assistance to students with substance abuse issues at the school. This individual will also provide substance abuse prevention education to both Leland and Gray students and elementary students in the Windham Central Supervisory Union. The SAP is a WRVT staff person who will be based at Leland and Gray.

For more details and to apply for this position, send resume, cover letter, and three references with contact information to Kristin Cox at or to West River Valley Thrives, PO Box 1373, West Townshend, VT 05359 by October 7, 2016. West River Valley Thrives is an equal opportunity employer.


Please check your L&G e-mail frequently for important yearbook and senior year information. Thank you!


Late Bus:

The late bus will began running on Monday, September 19th.
It will continue running through Wednesday, October 19th.
Please make alternative transportation arrangements for the dates the bus is not available.
The late bus runs Monday - Thursday.  The late bus does not run on half days.
You can access the full late bus schedule here.

HEY! After School Programs:

HEY Afterschool Programs and Late Bus are back!!
These free programs are additional offerings beyond sports, drama and band  practices. 
For the first couple of weeks, HEY is focusing on 3 spaces where students will find cool things to do after school. We will keep adding new programs as we get rolling.
For a full schedule of the week go to HEY Programs on the co-curricular tab on Leland and Gray website

We also offer paid positions for high school students to be Elementary Counselors and Peer Tutors. There are specific requirements and applications for these positions.  Contact Thara for more information. (See below)
**Please note that Elementary Counselors and Peer Tutors cannot start work until they receive a confirmation email that all their hiring paperwork is complete

Information on HEY and the late bus will be continually updated on the Leland and Gray website.  Look for HEY Afterschool on the Co-curricular webpages.

Contact person for any questions:  Thara Fuller, Director of Expanded Learning  802-365-9510


If you have any community events or information you would like to be listed in Friday Notes, please e-mail

Dash to the Dam 5k:

The West River Valley Thrives Coalition is sponsoring a family and individual fun run on Saturday, October 29th at 10:00 a.m. It will be a great day, so get your costumes on and join us.

Please share this far and wide!

For more information and registration:

Fall Classes At In-Sight:

In-Sight is offering a great selection of classes in Analog Photography, Digital Photography, Video, and more this semester. Our programming is available to all youth ages 11-18, and is offered regardless of ability to pay.
Call : 802-251-9980 or Visit for more information.

Community, Hope & Action Concert:

Community,  Hope & Action is looking for student volunteers to play games and do activities with children at their upcoming concert on Saturday, October 22 at the Townshend Town Hall from 6-9pm.

They are also looking for students to join their committee which meets weekly on Wednesday mornings at the Townshend Library.

For more information, please see Terry in the main office.

Empty Bowls Dinner:

Image result for empty bowls dinner brattleboro

The 12th Annual Empty Bowls Dinner will take place on the Landmark College campus, Saturday, October 10, 2015 with two seatings at 5 and 6:30 p.m. in dining hall. For a $25 donation, guests enjoy a simple meal of soup, bread, cheese, apples, beverage, and dessert, against a background of live music. Guests select the handmade bowl from which they eat, and take it home with them as a reminder of the many people who go hungry each day. All proceeds to benefit the Groundworks Collaborative Food Shelf.

For more information on either event contact Libby: or 802-257-0066 x1101

Wanted: Volunteers for the Annual Empty Bowls Dinner:

Groundworks Collaborative is looking for high-school students to help with setup for the annual Empty Bowls dinner, which I'm sure you know benefits the homeless. The dinner is at Landmark College on Saturday, October 8, and we need students to help from 2:30 to 7:30 p.m. Volunteers will receive dinner, but most of all, they'll be working to help those that need it. If you would like to volunteer, please call Carol Greenhouse at the following number: 1-802-490-0197


New Co-Curricular Calendar:

Tired of Digital Sports/League Minder?  We were too!  So we've transferred all of the co-curricular events to a Google Calendar which can be found on the left hand menu bar of the L&G homepage or here:  Many thanks to the IT department for their assistance with this process!  The information will still be kept up to date on Digital Sports.