Thursday, May 26, 2016

Friday Notes 5-27-16

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Pops Concert and Art Show:

This coming Thursday, June 2nd, the annual Pops Concert and Art Show will be held in the Leland and Gray main gym and activity room. 

This concert, the L&G Jazz Ensemble and JV Jazz will be swinging along with the Rebel Clefs (the high school a cappella group) and the Samba Band. The Rebel Clefs have been hard at work will be performing an outstanding selection of songs featuring the seniors in the group - who are a very talented bunch this year, and the Jazz Ensemble will be playing around half a dozen charts, old and new, from blues to funk to ballads, one even written by the band members themselves!

The spring art show will be showcasing work from all the Leland and Gray art students that have been creating in classes and independent studies this semester. The collection spans many styles and media, and it's always guaranteed to please. 

On Thursday, the doors open for the art show and concert at 6:30, and the music begins at 7:00pm. It is an evening not to be missed, and we'll see you there!

School Board Student Member:

Deadline Extended - Student Member Sought for State Board of Education
Audience:  Secondary Students Graduating in 2018 or Later

The deadline for student candidates to submit an application to serve on the Vermont State Board of Education as one of its student representatives has been extended to June 10, 2016. The State Board of Education meets on the third Tuesday of every month and establishes policies, regulations and rules related to education in Vermont and in keeping with statutes passed by the Legislature. Candidates may apply using the Student Application for Gubernatorial Appointment. Questions about the State Board of Education may be directed to Maureen Gaidys at (802) 479-1030 or Questions about the application or the nomination process itself can be directed to Jessica Gingras at (802) 828-6469 or Please distribute it to any student who might be interested.


The application for the program can be found here.

Foogicle Fridays:

Every Friday there will be foogicle for sale during MS and HS lunch for $1.  All proceeds go to the Ann Chapman Memorial Scholarship fund!

High School Prom:

A big THANK YOU to all of those thank helped make this years prom happen!  It was a great success!  Check out the photos from Mr. Barnum here:

From the Music Department:

Music and Art in the Foothills of the Green Mountains
The fifth season of Pikes Falls Chamber Music Festival in the Town Hall in Jamaica, VT will be held on July 28th - August 6th. This year, PFCM will again hold a series of evening concerts and a family and community day, including an open mic night. In addition, PFCM musicians will tour Southern VT to play in nearby towns such as the Latchis Theater in Brattleboro. Admission is free of charge, but donations are welcome!
The 2016 festival will include 11 performing musicians, 2 composers, a conductor, and 3 visual artists. Selections by Bach, Prokofiev, Ligeti, Joan Tower, along with two world premieres will be performed. Complete concert repertoire is listed on the Dates and Events page of the festival’s website:


To order yearbooks online, go to:


LEAF Program:

L.E.A.F. (L&G Environmental Action Force and Outdoor Club)

What we do as a club​:
  • hike and learn wilderness skills
  • L&G School Community Garden
  • make and teach upcycled crafts
  • attend Youth Environmental Summits
  • educate ourselves and others on the outdoors, environmental issues and model sustainable practices
  • support and promote our composting and recycling initiatives
When? ​Every Friday​HS lunch C4 and on occasion after school.

Late Bus:

The late bus will stop running on June 9th.

Please make alternative transportation arrangements for the dates the bus is not available.

The late bus runs Monday - Thursday.  The late bus does not run on half days.

You can access the full late bus schedule here.

After School Programs:

HEY! Help runs the following times:  HEY! Help will end on June 9th
Mon-Fri   Mornings   7:15-7:45  in the Library
Mon–Thu   Afternoons   2:45-4:15, Mon in A-11, Tue-Thu in the Library

After School Programs:
-Jr. Iron Chef on Tuesdays
-Dungeons & Dragons on Tuesdays 
-L&G TV  and  Story Telling on Thursdays
-Mural Club on Thursdays 
-Computer Coding and Games Creation on Thursdays
-Weight Training on Thursdays
-Create in Three Dimensions on Tuesdays and Thursdays 
-NEW>>> Ceramics on Wednesdays see Ms. Wilson for details 
-NEW>>> SAT prep

All after school programs at L&G are offered free of charge.

See Dale Stevens in room C5 (in the activity room) or for more information


If you have any community events or information you would like to be listed in Friday Notes, please e-mail


Baseball and Softball Playdowns:

The Playdown information for Varsity baseball and softball will be posted on Monday. Please check the website and the google calendar for game information.

We will be hosting playdowns for both baseball and softball. Dates and times TBA.

Boys Varsity Basketball Coach:

Application Deadline:  Sunday, June 3rd
Candidates should have a strong basketball coaching background with the ability to teach and motivate student athletes effectively. We place emphasis on teamwork, sportsmanship, and spirit to support athletes in healthy, competitive athleticism. 

Season begins November 28, 2016 and ends in early March. Practices are Monday-Friday after school and sometimes on the weekend. Times vary according to the gym availability. Attendance is mandatory at all games, practice and the post-season awards event.

Please send resume and references to:
Marty Testo, AAD at P.O. Box 128 Townshend, 
Vermont 05353 or

Summer Athletics Camps:

There are a variety of summer athletics camps offered at Leland & Gray.

Mr. Russell and Marty Testo will be offering a Summer Baseball Camp on June 20th-24th for grades 1-11.  More information and a registration form for camp be found here:  9th Annual L&G Summer Baseball Camp.

Mr. Russell will also be running the 20th Annual Leland & Gray Basketball Camp on June 27-July 1st.

Boys and Girls Grades 4-6 9:00-12:00

Boys and Girls Grades 7-11 12:30-3:30

Contact: Tom Russell

Mr. Barton will also be offering a Summer Soccer Camp on July 18th -22nd for boys and girls grades k-12.  More information and a registration from can be found here:  20th Annuals L&G Soccer Camp.

New Co-Curricular Calendar:

Tired of Digital Sports/League Minder?  We were too!  So we've transferred all of the co-curricular events to a Google Calendar which can be found on the left hand menu bar of the L&G homepage or here:  Many thanks to the IT department for their assistance with this process!  The information will still be kept up to date on Digital Sports.