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Parent Advisory Group:
Parents/Guardians and Staff:
Due to April vacation, the Parent Advisory Group meeting is postponed until the fourth Tuesday of this month. The meeting is scheduled for April 28th at 7pm in the library. This month's topic is student disciplinary consequences. Come join us and voice your views in time to revise L&G's Student Handbook for 2015-16. Please contact Dorinne Dorfman in case you have any questions at ddorfman@lelandandgray.org or 365-7355 ext. 133.
Rising Juniors and Seniors:
Intro to College Night:
This informative workshop will answer all of your questions about the college search and admissions process. Natalie Brennan, Leland & Gray’s Outreach Counselor from the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC), will explain the admissions process, financial aid, visiting colleges, and the SAT/ACT. She has materials that will assist you in tracking “what to do when.” The school counselors will review L&G’s transcript, recommendations, deadlines and our web-based college and career planning tool, Naviance.
We look forward to seeing you and working closely with you and your college-bound student. If you have questions, please feel free to call Sarah Grasso at 365-7355 ext.125.
Refreshments will be served.
Wednesday, May 13th
L&G Library
Wednesday, May 13th
L&G Library
From Jaclyn: E-Cigarettes:
An e-cigarette is a battery powered device that heats a liquid solution to produce a vapor for inhalation. The solution varies in nicotine levels, and there is even a 0% nicotine option for people who are trying to quit. With new nonsmoking laws in the state of Vermont, e-cigarettes have come under fire because they do not produce any second hand smoke, only water vapor. Making them seem safe to others. So does that make it ok for people to smoke inside restaurants, busses, or buildings? Manufacturers are marketing e-cigarettes towards teenagers, because they are “cheaper” and “safer” than regular cigarettes. The FDA does not regulate e-cigarettes, however in August 2013, they did announce that they might ban e-cigarettes due to “concern about the safety of these products and how they are marketed to the public.” Until they are deemed safe by the FDA the VT Department of health has advised not to use any of the e-cigarette products on the market. Want further information? Visit www.legacyforhealth.org or www.tobaccofreekids.org
Music Night:
Come enjoy an evening of great music played and sung by talented L&G musicians and have some delicious pizza at the same time, all while supporting the L&G music department!
On Friday, May 1st at 7 PM the L&G Friends of Music will be sponsoring a "Music Night!" Once again, we will be serving pre-ordered pizzas to accompany the show. Get order forms in the music room.
On Tuesday, April 28th at 5:30 in the music room the Friends of Music will hold a meeting to plan the event and to determine scholarship recipients. All music parents are invited to attend. Scholarships are available to music students for music lessons, music related camps and instrument purchases. See Mr. Kelley for a scholarship application form.
On Friday, May 1st at 7 PM the L&G Friends of Music will be sponsoring a "Music Night!" Once again, we will be serving pre-ordered pizzas to accompany the show. Get order forms in the music room.
On Tuesday, April 28th at 5:30 in the music room the Friends of Music will hold a meeting to plan the event and to determine scholarship recipients. All music parents are invited to attend. Scholarships are available to music students for music lessons, music related camps and instrument purchases. See Mr. Kelley for a scholarship application form.
Samba Band:
The Leland and Gray Rebels Samba Band will be representing our school at the All State Music Festival Parade in Middlebury on May 6th. The parade starts at 6PM.
Five Students will be participating in the All State Chorus on May 7th through 9th. Susie Francy, Emma Urbaska, Giannina Gaspero-Beckstrom, Sam Dutton and Carl Judd-Wright will be singing. The concert is on Saturday at 2 PM at the Middlebury Memorial Sports Center.
Prom will be held on May 16th at Stratton in the Green Mountain Room from 7-11pm.
Tickets are on sale now!
See Nika with questions.
10th Grade Class Fundraiser:
Stay hydrated with a new colorful and stylish 19 oz. Leland & Gray water bottle! See Ms. Dixon, Mrs. Liskowsky-Doak or a 10th grade Student Council member (Chloe Fawcett, Caroline Tietz, McKenzie Boyle, Caleb Thibault, Tino Benson, Jake Wilkins or Aaron Claussen) to get one. Water bottles will also be available for purchase at upcoming softball/baseball games. They are $8.00 each, all proceeds will support the 10th grade class.
Summer Opportunities:
Looking for something to do this summer? Look no further! Click the link below to see a wide range of non-academic and academic summer programs!!
Current Juniors:
Looking for an incredible summer experience that pays?!
CollegeQuest is free to those who apply, and includes all materials, room and board, and meals. This year, students will be awarded with 3 VTC credits for successfully having completed the college-level Human Biology Lite course offered by CollegeQuest, and each student completing the 5 weeks will receive a stipend in the amount of $1500. This is a huge opportunity for the rising high school senior who intends to pursue a career in healthcare or the health sciences following high school. The CollegeQuest opportunity is available to students currently in the 11th grade (who will be seniors next year), and who will be the first in their family to receive a four year degree. They must be a VT resident. APPLY NOW!
www.svahec.orgLEAF Meetings:
L.E.A.F. - Leland & Gray Environmental Action Force
Want to farm?
Want to reduce how much trash L&G generates?
Want to make upcycled crafts with elementary students?
Want to attend student centered summits to make our school more sustainable?
Want to plan, build and plant a greenhouse at L&G?
Want to watch movies on science, art, nature, and other cool stuff?
Want to bring local produce to your cafeteria?
JOIN US! - We make things happen.
Middle School students - Thursday lunch meetings with Ms. Davis
High School students - Fridays lunch meetings with Ms. Nyzio
Leland & Gray Players:
Leland and Gray Players present The Servant of Two Masters, physical comedy and farce at its best, on Thursday, May 28 at 7; Friday, May 29 at 7:30; Saturday, May 30 at 3 and 7:30. Laughs will keep coming in two packed hours of witty exchange, twisted plot intrigue, juggling, music and dance--all with characters from centuries ago who make comedy what it is today. Info: alandenberger@lelandandgray.org.
National Honor Society:
The Leland and Gray Chapter of the National Honor Society, class of 2015, is preparing to induct the new members of the chapter, rising seniors with an average of 85 or better who demonstrate excellence in academics, leadership, service and character.
This year’s class-- co-presidents Madison Cannella and Giannina Gaspero-Beckstrom; co-treasurers, Emily Stockwell and Olivia Reilly, and members Billy Culver, Corso Donati, Jesse Cannella, Ryan Borgesen, Haley Buffum, Erica Cutts, Emily Thibault, Abby Winrich, Alexa Litchfield, and Sarah Sheppard—will pass the mantel at the 2015 induction ceremony on May 18.
This year’s class led various service and fundraising efforts: Accomplishments included leading the school’s Project Feed the Thousands campaign yielding 737 items to donate to the Townshend Food Shelf and $258 in cash donations. In addition, the group raised funds to donate to the Windham County Heat Fund and Outright Vermont. The NHS class of 2015 concludes its year of service at Leland and Gray with its annual “Raise the Bar” campaign aimed to encourage peers and underclassmen to set high expectations for themselves and to take advantage of opportunities afforded them at Leland and Gray—opportunities which further learning about themselves and the world in which they live while preparing them for fulfilling independence after Leland and Gray.
Service project requests from the community are welcome. Contact advisor, Ann C. Landenberger, alandenberger@lelandandgray.org.
Late Bus:
The late bus will be running the following dates:
Monday - Thursday: February 23- April 16th
Monday - Thursday: April 27-May 28th
The full schedule can be found here.
Monday - Thursday: April 27-May 28th
The full schedule can be found here.
After School Schedule:
Just a reminder about our current after school offerings:
Monday: AM and PM HEY! Help and Computer Refurbishing
Tuesday: AM and PM HEY! Help, Set Construction (Dutton), Dungeons & Dragons (A3), LGTV & Aviation (IT Room), DJ & Music Tech (Music Room) and Dance (Dutton)
Wednesday: AM and PM HEY! Help, Anime/Manga Book Club (Library)
Thursday: AM and PM HEY! Help and CLEA (B2)
Friday: AM HEY! Help and GSA (B11)
Tuesday: AM and PM HEY! Help, Set Construction (Dutton), Dungeons & Dragons (A3), LGTV & Aviation (IT Room), DJ & Music Tech (Music Room) and Dance (Dutton)
Wednesday: AM and PM HEY! Help, Anime/Manga Book Club (Library)
Thursday: AM and PM HEY! Help and CLEA (B2)
Friday: AM HEY! Help and GSA (B11)
Samba Band:
The Samba band meets on Thursdays from 2:40-4:00 in the Music Room.
Hope Into Action:
Community Hope and Action presents the “Last Saturday Concert Series”: free monthly performances and supper for all ages at the Townshend Town Hall, at 6 to 9 PM.
Saturday, April 25th features a very special memorial concert for Jamis Lott, a much-beloved artist who passed from this world much too soon. Family and friends have created a scholarship fund in Jamis’s name at Castleton State College.
Please bring a potluck appetizer or dessert to share with your friends and neighbors, new and old! Volunteers will provide the main meal and beverages. Childcare provided.
Let hope in! We care about you! Bring your whole family and have fun!
Many groups from in and around Townshend contribute to the “Last Saturday Concert Series.” They include the Townshend Fire Department, Townshend Library, Townshend Masons, Townshend American Legion, West Townshend Community Project, Townshend Elementary School, Leland and Gray Union High School, West River Valley Thrives, Vermont Department of Health, Health Care and Rehabilitative Services, Grace Cottage Hospital, Calvary Chapel, Our Lady of the Valley Church, and The Townshend Church.
Upcoming Events:
The West Townshend Country Store will be holding the following events:
Plant Walk with Sally April 22nd
Permaculture Discussion April 30th at 6:00
Kimchi Workshop April 16th at 6;00
Worm composting and Vermiculture May 18th
Seed Swap and Seed Bomb workshop May 4th
Permaculture Discussion April 30th at 6:00
Kimchi Workshop April 16th at 6;00
Worm composting and Vermiculture May 18th
Seed Swap and Seed Bomb workshop May 4th
Poetry Night:
West River Community Project:
West River Community Project has completed its latest expansion — a shiny new commercial kitchen created in what had been the dirt-floored basement of the West Townshend Country Store.
Pending a few administrative details, the kitchen soon will be open for community rentals and classes, and it also will offer expanded food preparation space for the cafe upstairs. Locals have been talking about the kitchen concept for years, and a $50,000 U.S. Department of Agriculture grant allowed the project to finally come to fruition.
"To have their support for what we're doing in this little community has been such a boost," said Robert DuGrenier, the Community Project's board president.
West River Community Project has been working to transform the country store property, situated on Route 30 at Windham Hill Road. The building was at one point in danger of closing entirely and forcing out the local post office — the only remaining tenant at that time.
In addition to the post office, the property now hosts a thrift store and cafe. And there are a variety of community gatherings held there: Organizers kept an outdoor oven going all winter long to continue the store's popular Friday-night pizza and music events, and the property will once again host the Townshend Farmers Market this year starting on June 5.
The addition of a community kitchen further expands the building's offerings, but it wasn't an easy project. Crews removed several feet of dirt to make the basement usable, then constructed a modern food-preparation space that includes radiant floor heat, LED lights and a mix of new and used kitchen accouterments.
"A lot of the equipment here is purchased through the USDA grant," DuGrenier said.
The kitchen has passed inspection and is in the licensing phase. Community Project Executive Director Eric Scott added that "we're finalizing all of the procedures (for kitchen use) now."
While an exact date was not yet available, administrators said the kitchen will open soon. And there will be a variety of potential uses.
"I think the impetus for the kitchen has been — since we have the farmers market here in the summer — to help steward some of the farmers market people to start creating value-added products," DuGrenier said.
He sees the kitchen as an "incubator" for such products — for instance, processing an overabundance of harvested tomatoes, or creating a maple-syrup-themed offering. DuGrenier said there already has been interest from a handful of people who want to use the kitchen for products as diverse as kimchi and cookies.
The space is "also a kitchen for producing stuff for the cafe upstairs," DuGrenier said. "So it's sort of a dual use. They'll use it for baking and preparing takeout food and lunch."
The kitchen also could serve as a classroom. In addition to cooking classes for the public, "we'd like to really have a mentoring program for young entrepreneurs who are starting a food business, to help them figure out all the regulations they have to follow and to help them with how to market their products," said Phyllis Trier, a member of the Community Project's cafe committee.
Trier believes the community kitchen "could be used for so many different things," with additional equipment purchased later as the need arises.
More information on West River Community Project's initiatives is available at www.westtownshend.org. The site also has a link for jobs and volunteering, and Scott issued a reminder that the organization relies on community support to accomplish its goals.
"We are majority volunteer-run, so we're always looking for volunteers," he said.
Summer Soccer Camp:
Leland and Gray 19th Annual Summer Soccer Camp forms are now out. Please download or pick up in the front office. It can be found here.
Baseball Clinic:
Upcoming Events:
Please check Digital Sports for any changes.
Day | Date | Time | Event | Sport | H/A | Opponent/Title | Facility |
Wed | 4/15/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Girls (JV) Softball | A | @ Mill River Union | HS Softball Field |
Thu | 4/16/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Girls (V) Softball | A | @ Springfield High School | TBD |
Fri | 4/17/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Girls (JV) Softball | A | @ Springfield High School | TBD |
Sat | 4/18/15 | 11:00AM | Game | Boys (V) Baseball | H | Vs. Green Mountain | Baseball Field- on campus |
Sat | 4/18/15 | 3:00PM | Game | Girls (V) Softball | H | Vs. Fair Haven Union | Softball Field 1- at school |
Sat | 4/18/15 | 1:30PM | Game | Boys (V) Baseball | H | Vs. Green Mountain | Baseball Field- on campus |
Thu | 4/23/15 | 4:30AM | Game | Boys (V) Baseball | A | @ Woodstock Union | TBD |
Fri | 4/24/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Girls (V) Softball | H | Vs. Mill River Union | Softball Field 1- at school |
Mon | 4/27/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Girls (V) Softball | A | @ Mill River Union | HS Softball Field |
Tue | 4/28/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Girls (8TH) Softball | H | Vs. Hinsdale High School | Softball Field 1- at school |
Tue | 4/28/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Boys (8TH) Baseball | A | @ Hinsdale High School | TBD |
Tue | 4/28/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Boys (V) Baseball | H | Vs. West Rutland | Baseball Field- on campus |
Wed | 4/29/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Boys (V) Baseball | H | Vs. Mt. St. Joseph Acad | Baseball Field- on campus |
Thu | 4/30/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Boys (8TH) Baseball | H | Vs. Dummerston Middle School | Baseball Field- on campus |
Thu | 4/30/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Girls (JV) Softball | A | @ Otter Valley Union | JV Softball Field |
Thu | 4/30/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Girls (V) Softball | A | @ Otter Valley Union | OV Var Softball Field |
Sat | 5/02/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Boys (V) Baseball | H | Vs. Poultney | Baseball Field- on campus |
Mon | 5/04/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Girls (8TH) Softball | H | Vs. Marlborough Middle School | Softball Field 1- at school |
Mon | 5/04/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Boys (8TH) Baseball | H | Vs. Marlborough Middle School | Baseball Field- on campus |
Tue | 5/05/15 | 3:45PM | Game | Boys (8TH) Baseball | A | @ Kurn Hattin Homes | TBD |
Tue | 5/05/15 | 3:45PM | Game | Girls (8TH) Softball | A | @ Kurn Hattin Homes | TBD |
Tue | 5/05/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Boys (V) Baseball | A | @ West Rutland | TBD |
Tue | 5/05/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Girls (JV) Softball | H | Vs. Hartford | Softball Field 1- at school |
Tue | 5/05/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Girls (V) Softball | A | @ Hartford | HHS Softball Field |
Thu | 5/07/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Girls (V) Softball | A | @ Fair Haven Union | TBD |
Thu | 5/07/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Boys (V) Baseball | H | Vs. Woodstock Union | Baseball Field- on campus |
Fri | 5/08/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Girls (JV) Softball | A | @ Fair Haven Union | TBD |
Sat | 5/09/15 | 11:00AM | Game | Boys (V) Baseball | A | @ Twin Valley Middle High School | Wilmington/Baker Field |
Sat | 5/09/15 | 11:00AM | Game | Girls (V) Softball | A | @ Twin Valley Middle High School | Twin Valley HS |
Tue | 5/12/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Boys (8TH) Baseball | A | @ Chesterfield Middle School | TBD |
Tue | 5/12/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Girls (V) Softball | H | Vs. Hartford | Softball Field 1- at school |
Tue | 5/12/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Girls (JV) Softball | A | @ Hartford | HHS Softball Field |
Tue | 5/12/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Boys (V) Baseball | H | Vs. Otter Valley Union | Baseball Field- on campus |
Wed | 5/13/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Girls (8TH) Softball | A | @ Chesterfield Middle School | TBD |
Wed | 5/13/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Girls (JV) Softball | H | Vs. Green Mountain | Softball Field 1- at school |
Wed | 5/13/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Girls (V) Softball | A | @ Green Mountain | Chester Rec softball |
Thu | 5/14/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Girls (8TH) Softball | A | @ Walpole Middle School | TBD |
Thu | 5/14/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Boys (8TH) Baseball | A | @ Walpole Middle School | TBD |
Thu | 5/14/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Girls (V) Softball | H | Vs. Windsor Jr/Sr | Softball Field 1- at school |