Friday, June 10, 2016

Friday Notes 6-10-16

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Final Exam Schedule:


Leland & Gray
 Exam Dates: Monday, June 13 and Tuesday, June 14

Exams - BLOCK Schedule 

Green Day

White Day
Monday, June 13

Tuesday, June 14

Students Arrive

Students Arrive
Block A Exams

Block B Exams
HS Lunch

HS Lunch
Ext. Test Time for Block A **

Ext. Test Time for Block B **
Block D Exam

Block C Exam
Ext. Test Time for Block D and snacks on C-level

Ext. Test Time for Block C and snacks on C-level

Exams - PERIOD Schedule
Green Day

White Day
Monday, June 13

Tuesday, June 14

Period 1 Exams

Period 3 Exams

Period 2 Exams

Period 4 Exams
MS Lunch

MS Lunch
Period 7 Exams

Period 5 Exams

Period 8 Exams

Period 6 Exams

Makeup Date: Wednesday, June 15
Students who missed exams due to illness can take them on this day if they bring a doctor’s note to the office. Students can also arrange with their teachers to come to school and make up missing assignments.
Final Exam Information for Students and Parents/Guardians

1.    The exam length for block-long classes is 2 hours and 15 minutes.
2.    The exam length for period-long classes is 1 hour and 19 minutes.
3.    Students who have a different class on green and white days will report to their class according to day color.
4.    Students must report to their scheduled classes (either block or period) at the assigned times listed below and remain for the entire exam period/block for the assessment or other classroom activities.
5.    No students may not be in the halls on A, B, or D levels during exam periods or extended work-time (10:10-11:05am and 1:20-2:35pm).
6.    During the 7-minute break for middle school students after an exam, students must remain directly supervised that class’s teacher, departing just a minute before the next exam begins.
7.    For students who need extended time, their teacher brings the exams to A-13, where a staff-member will continue proctoring the exam. These students who need extended time will follow their teacher to A-13. Teachers cannot allow students to go to A-13 with their exam by themselves. These students will go to lunch when they complete the exam.
8.    If they do not have an exam, high school students who have a Free Pass or Academy block, who have followed procedures with a note in the main office, can arrive late (A- or B-Blocks) or leave school after their last exam (D- or C-Blocks).
9.    Students with Free Pass may be in the C-level lobby, activity room, library, picnic tables, or the schoolyard visible from the front office. The library is for silent study only.
10.  Wednesday, June 15th is the makeup day. Students who missed exams due to illness can take them on this day if they bring a doctor’s note to the office. Students can also arrange with their teachers to come to school and make up missing assignments.

School Board Student Member:

Deadline Extended - Student Member Sought for State Board of Education
Audience:  Secondary Students Graduating in 2018 or Later

The deadline for student candidates to submit an application to serve on the Vermont State Board of Education as one of its student representatives has been extended to June 10, 2016. The State Board of Education meets on the third Tuesday of every month and establishes policies, regulations and rules related to education in Vermont and in keeping with statutes passed by the Legislature. Candidates may apply using the Student Application for Gubernatorial Appointment. Questions about the State Board of Education may be directed to Maureen Gaidys at (802) 479-1030 or Questions about the application or the nomination process itself can be directed to Jessica Gingras at (802) 828-6469 or Please distribute it to any student who might be interested.

Leland and Gray Players:

Take a break, relax, and enjoy HATS OFF Friday @ 7:30; Saturday at 3 and 7:30.  The outdoor temps will be on the cool side so you won't bake in the Dutton and it is the shortest program in years! Packed with silliness, sincerity, pithy comedy, dance, and song, it also features a few stellar alums.

The Leland and Gray Players celebrate their 20th season with HATS OFF 2016!  on  June 10 and 11 in the Dutton Gymnasium on the Leland and Gray campus, Route 30, Townshend. 

An eclectic parade of music, dance and comedy Hats Off  offers Leland and Gray Players in grades 7-12 an opportunity to select what they want to perform, to display their strengths, to hone new skills, and to discover different ways to contribute to the performance.  Many students also direct, choreograph and design for Hats Off.

This year’s show includes classic comedic skits from Monty Python, Saturday Night Live, Abbot and Costello, Second City,   Jonathan Rand and more.  Songs and dances will include musical numbers from Oliver, Sound of Music, Hamilton, Aladdin,  and more—along with a few surprises.

Featuring several new faces as well as a host of veterans,  the Hats Off ’16  company includes Adam Culver,   Rebekah Winot,  Susie Francy, Caroline Mehner, Tino Benson, Gabrel Vanni-Phillips,   Nathan Claussen, Bradford Cutts, Nastia Stevens, Abbie Hazelton, Madison Chase, Christian Cannella, Luke Parker-Jennings, Gregory Holland, Emily Frost, Rebecca Williams,  Kenny Cashman, Sam Thibault, Sam Harrison, Skyler Nupp,  Maris Linder, Veronica Stevens, and Makaylee Cutts.

To commemorate the Players’ 20th, alumni  Jesse Cannella, Arik Clark, and others are joining the Players for Hats Off ’16.  Producer is Annie Landenberger and assistant director is alumna Emily Thibault.  Nathaniel van Osdol heads the design/production crew;  prop/ running crew includes Skyler Nupp, Kaylah Jacobs, Anna-Cate Harrison,   Fairen Stark, Erelyn Griffin, Jillian Carona, and Susie Francy;  Dale  Stevens is Tech Director; Nastia Stevens, Austin Morse and Veronica Stevens are on lights, Sage Hall and Grant Cullen , on sound; Anthony Carona designed the poster. Dan DeWalt is accompanist.

Tickets are $6 for adults and $4 for students and seniors--available at the door. Performances are Friday June 10, 7:30 PM; Saturday June 11, 3PM and 7:30 PM Information:;  802-365-7355 x 204

Friday Notes Farewell - from the Student Assistance Professional:

It is with a heavy heart that I will be saying farewell to Leland and Grey this year. My position as the Student Assistant Professional has always been grant funded and unfortunately, we did not receive the grant for next year. As I look back on my time here, I can say that I will miss the students above all. The connections I have made and the support in the building were essential to my work with students.  Being known as the drug lady never bothered me as I saw everything from marijuana to heroin take over Vermont.

It has been a privilege to work with a new group of Above the Influence (ATI) members each year and with them go on many adventures. This year we participated in a number of prevention activities including Sticker Shock, Tag it, and Prevention Day VT.  ATI has grown each year and I know that West River Valley Thrives will continue that growth for years to come.

It is my hope that prevention education continues not only at Leland and Gray but also in our homes and in our community. It seems like almost every day we are reading about an overdoes or lethal car accident where substances have played a role. Talking about prevention education with 4th -6th graders in the Windham Central Supervisory Union was something I always enjoyed and looked forward to. It is never too early to start talking about prevention, and making healthy choices.

I cannot tell you how touched I have been these past weeks. The parent emails, staff and student visits made me realize what an impact my small office had. Having changed the decorations with every season, students immediately noticed when I took everything down. To pack up three years’ worth of stuff may be easy, but to say good bye to everyone that I have grown so close to has been very hard. I have always told the students that I work with that I am the Student Assistant Professional, not the teacher, or parent. It is because of this that I will miss them the most, as they are the heart and soul of Leland and Gray.

Peace out L&G



The application for the program can be found here.

S.E.E.K. Summer 2016

SEEK 2016 will run July 5th  - July 29th  from 8:30am - 3:00pm Monday through Friday.

This camp is an opportunity for students entering 7th or 8th grade to improve academic skills and make new connections with their peers from across the towns of the WCSU.

We ask only for a suggested donation of $20 per week for supplies.

Thanks to federal funding for summer programs for kids, the costs for teachers, bus transportation, field trips, and meals are all covered.  

If you are going to be a 7th  or 8th  grader in the fall and you live in any of the towns in the WCSU area, then the SEEK camp is perfect for you!

Spend your days doing creative, hands-on projects and experiencing outdoor adventures.

Keep your brain and body active— no summer boredom for the month of July!

You can build machines, write stories, create skits, film videos, hike, and explore the woods and stream that surround Leland and Gray.

This year we are adding trail biking for two of the weeks and more arts and crafts options during the afternoons.

We do not require that students attend all four weeks, but we do ask that you register for your dates in advance so that we can plan accordingly.

Questions? Contact Thara Fuller, Director of AfterSchool and Summer Programs
Call Thara at: 802-365- 9510   or e-mail her at:

Foogicle Fridays:

Every Friday there will be foogicle for sale during MS and HS lunch for $1.  All proceeds go to the Ann Chapman Memorial Scholarship fund!

From the Music Department:

Music and Art in the Foothills of the Green Mountains
The fifth season of Pikes Falls Chamber Music Festival in the Town Hall in Jamaica, VT will be held on July 28th - August 6th. This year, PFCM will again hold a series of evening concerts and a family and community day, including an open mic night. In addition, PFCM musicians will tour Southern VT to play in nearby towns such as the Latchis Theater in Brattleboro. Admission is free of charge, but donations are welcome!
The 2016 festival will include 11 performing musicians, 2 composers, a conductor, and 3 visual artists. Selections by Bach, Prokofiev, Ligeti, Joan Tower, along with two world premieres will be performed. Complete concert repertoire is listed on the Dates and Events page of the festival’s website:


To order yearbooks online, go to:

Retirement Party:

When: Friday, June 24th 6-7:30pm
Where: The River Garden in downtown Brattleboro
What: A family friendly event with food and music and displays of student projects.
A $5 ticket at the door earns you a raffle ticket for the prize of one night and breakfast for two at the Whetstone Inn in Marlboro.  To purchase tickets in advance ($5 for one or two for $8) send a check to WCSU  1219 VT Rte 30  Townshend, VT 05353.  All proceeds benefit afterschool and summer programs for kids in the WCSU area. 


LEAF Program:

L.E.A.F. (L&G Environmental Action Force and Outdoor Club)

We need your help!  The new L&G School Community Garden needs to be adopted by local families this summer.  From July 5 - July 29th SEEK camp participants will be able to water and weed, so that stretch is covered.  Coverage is needed the weeks of July 20th and 27th and all weeks in August.  We need six families in total.  If you can commit to one week please contact Stephanie Nyzio at or 365 - 7355 ex. 149. 

Encourage your children to get involved in co-curricular activities next school year. LEAF meets every week at lunch and after school during the fall and spring season.

What we do as a club:
-hike and learn wilderness skills
-L&G School Community Garden
-make and teach upcycled crafts
-attend Youth Environmental Summits
-educate ourselves and others on the outdoors, environmental issues and model sustainable practices
-support and promote our composting and recycling initiatives
When? Every Friday HS lunch and on occasion after school.

Late Bus:

The late bus will stop running on June 9th.

Please make alternative transportation arrangements for the dates the bus is not available.

The late bus runs Monday - Thursday.  The late bus does not run on half days.

You can access the full late bus schedule here.

After School Programs:

I personally would like to thank all the people that helped make this year’s After School programming a reality. Without you, the student leaders, student counselors, peer tutors, and all the faculty and staff who offered their time and expertise, this programming would not have been possible.


This year’s After School programming has ended. Now is time to think about next year’s offerings. If you have any ideas for programs that you would like to see offered next year, please send Dale an email

We also need student counselors, program leaders, and peer tutors to help run these programs next year. If interested, see Dale Stevens to pick up an application form or download from the L&G After School programs web site. Keep in mind that these positions fill fast and are limited in number.

Remember that all After School programs at L&G are offered free of charge.

See: Dale Stevens in room C5 (in the activity room) or Email:


If you have any community events or information you would like to be listed in Friday Notes, please e-mail

West Townshend Farmers Market:

Please join us for our third market of the season this Friday June 10th. The Townshend Farmers Market is located on the lawn of the historic West Townshend Country Store. The Townshend Farmers Market will run every Friday from May 27 to October 14th from 4-7pm. 

This week we'll launch our Early Bird Special: Shop between 4:00 and 5:00 and receive a $2 discount on any purchase of $10 or more from participating vendors. Shop for your fresh local groceries for the week from our returning vendors: produce from Wild Shepherd Farm and Sitting Tree farm, local meat from West Townshend Botanicals, maple syrup from Taft Hill farm and biodynamic teas from Meadows Bee Farm. Don't forget your Kim-chi and Sauerkraut from FinAllie Ferments, and wood-fired sourdough from Bread From the Earth. Back to the Moose Robe will return with their native American crafts and chaga tea.

Come meet some of our new vendors of the season: Nomadic Roots, Susan's lemonade, Jersey Girl's dairy, The Crooked Farm, Jamie's Jammin' Gifts, and Grafton Rd. Confections.
We will also have delicious Thai food offerings by Thai Hut and will be joined again by Yalla VT, offering fresh pita, hummus, and falafel. From 4-7 we'll be serving out famous top-your-own wood-fired pizza, with a selection of local, seasonal toppings! We are now offering Against the Grain gluten free pizza crust.  
Music for the evening will be performed by Shelving Rock - Music from the ledge.  A pair of seemingly diverse musicians with many years of chopping away at their respective opposite styles of music land in the same place at the same time.  Old time meets new time meets now.  Stephen Iachetta, (fiddle, mandolin, claw-hammer banjo) the “Shaker Fiddler” and T. Breeze Verdant, (Vocals, guitar, stomp-box drum, songwriter) the “Folker with a rock and roll heart” play timeless music with a message for today.
We are officially accepting VT3Squares, EBT, Farm to Family and Cash Crop coupons.
And don't forget, the Thrift Shop upstairs is open until 7 on Fridays.
Follow the link below like us on Facebook:
Hope to see you at the market!

West Townshend Farmers Market
The West River Community Project
6573 Vermont Route 30
West Townshend VT, 05359

Bob Zentz:  Folk Musician and Story Teller:

... a singer of songs, old and new, about people, places and times gone by ...     

... a player of dozens of the usual (and unusual!) "unplugged" folk instruments ...Djiril

... a collector of stories in verse ...
... a teller of "the tales behind the songs" ...
... a commentator on the ecology of the human spirit ...
... and a scholar of the evolution of "homemade music"
Bob Zentz will be performing a family friendly Concert at the Moore Free Library in Newfane on June 15th at 7:00pm. 
Location: Moore Free Library, 23 West Street, Newfane 
Tickets available at the door or by reservation  802- 365- 0222
Seating is limited 
$10.00 Donation 

A Local Summer Program:

Photography: In-Sight's summer classes for youth ages 11-18.

The In-Sight Photography Project and its Exposures Cross-Cultural Youth Arts Program empower youth, through photography, to find their own creative voices and to communicate their unique personal visions. Classes in photographic arts are provided regardless of ability to pay. Curriculum is guided by understanding and respect for individuals, communities, and cultures. 

For more information and to sign up for classes, please visit:


Mandatory Co-Curricular Meeting:

On August 29, 2016 there will be a mandatory co-curricular Meeting for grades 7-12
Where: L&G Gymnasium
Time: 6:30-8:30

This program will cover all the co-curricular activities (athletics, drama and music)  offered at L&G! It will be an opportunity to meet the coaches and program directors and go over the expectations of the Athletic Department and individual programs.

We will also have a guest motivational speaker William D. Harris present Make that Change "Today for a better tomorrow."

High School Baseball and Softball Banquet:

The Varsity Baseball and Softball Awards Banquet will be help on Tuesday June 14th at 6:00pm in the L&G Main Gym. This is "Pot Luck" style, so bring your favorite dinner dish!

Summer Athletics Camps:

There are a variety of summer athletics camps offered at Leland & Gray.

Mr. Russell and Marty Testo will be offering a Summer Baseball Camp on June 20th-24th for grades 1-11.  More information and a registration form for camp be found here:  9th Annual L&G Summer Baseball Camp.

Mr. Russell will also be running the 20th Annual Leland & Gray Basketball Camp on June 27-July 1st.

Boys and Girls Grades 4-6 9:00-12:00

Boys and Girls Grades 7-11 12:30-3:30

Contact: Tom Russell

Mr. Barton will also be offering a Summer Soccer Camp on July 18th -22nd for boys and girls grades k-12.  More information and a registration from can be found here:  20th Annuals L&G Soccer Camp.

New Co-Curricular Calendar:

Tired of Digital Sports/League Minder?  We were too!  So we've transferred all of the co-curricular events to a Google Calendar which can be found on the left hand menu bar of the L&G homepage or here:  Many thanks to the IT department for their assistance with this process!  The information will still be kept up to date on Digital Sports.