Thursday, December 15, 2016

Friday Notes 12-16-2016

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Please also add to your contact list so the mailing doesn't end up in your spam folder. Thank you. 


Important School Calendar Change!:

There will be no school on Monday, Jan 2 due to a federal holiday, per Bill and the WCSU board.  
This goes for all schools in the SU.

Snowball Dance for Middle School Students:

Important Upcoming Dates for the Players:

DECEMBER 16, 19 and 20: DRACULA  OPEN Auditions 2:45-4:30 in B4
 Tech week starts:  May 18
Performances:  May 25-26    

JANUARY 4, WED: SPAMALOT Video Viewing and Ice Cream Party: 2:45-5 in B4

JANUARY 6, FRI: Submit all plans known for HATS OFF. See requirements above.

JANUARY 11, WED: 2:45-4:30. Brainstorming for all who want to be
involved in HATS OFF, but who haven’t yet submitted plans for numbers
in the show

Presidential Scholar's Awards:

Congratulations to seniors Caroline Tietz and Caleb Thibault for receiving 2 of VT's 10 2017 Presidential Scholar's Awards.

These awards are for students based on outstanding leadership and service.  Caleb & Caroline will be honored at a State House Reception on 1/9/17!  
Great work!

Mimesis, the Leland and Gray Literary Magazine:

Mimesis, the Leland and Gray Literary Magazine, launched its 2017
issue Thursday, December 15 during high school lunch.  All are
welcome--artists, writers, editors--to form the editorial board that
will create another publication of poetry, prose and fine art.  Middle
school students are welcome, too, so stay tuned as to how you can
become involved.

Junior Iron Chef Fundraiser:

 Please contact Susan Jones for more information:

Project Feed The Thousands:

Project Feed the Thousands began the first Monday after Thanksgiving Break.
More than 20,000 under 18 in Vermont live in food insecure households.
Food insecurity has been linked with delayed development, poor
attachment, and learning difficulties.

PLEASE Give if you can, what you can.

Place non-perishable food items and toiletries in the box provided in
your homeroom.
Deposit  cash donations in jars brought around by NHS members. 
The class bringing in the most food items will get Spirit Points.

Holiday Bazaar:

Come join us in the IN Program (C1) for our annual Holiday Bazaar! Lots of homemade goodies and handmade gifts! Thurs and Fri Dec 15-16 from 8-2.

Project Graduation Bingo:

From National Honors Society:

Urgent! It is getting cold! Please bring in winter coats and winter bedding in good condition. NHS will be donating them to families in our area to help them stay warm this winter. 
Please bring them to Ms. L's room B4. We ask that you only bring in items that are in good condition so we don't have to throw items away. The items we receive for young children, in addition to bedding will be distributed. The items that fit students in our school will be given to the future school store. 
Thanks for your donations!

​Student Job Opportunity:

Title: Afterschool Student Aide
Description: Responsible for assisting in the planning, organizing, implementation and promotion The Collaborative Extended Day Program 
Hours: Part time up to 12-15 hours per week, hours available afternoons (3-6), school calendar half days and some school vacations
Reports To: Programs Coordinator

Work Duties: 
1.  Engage with students in afterschool activities, providing a positive role model for their time in the program.
2. To implement The Collaborative standard administrative procedures and practices for the program regarding the designated student
3. Participate in pre-program training and regular scheduled meetings
4. To establish and maintain positive connections with designated student and other program participants
5. Support the designated student being inclusive with peers and independent 
6. To serve as a support to the designated student when necessary
7. Perform other duties as directed

Please apply at the link below, and we will contact you regarding your application.

Questions can be directed to Kimberly at

SAT / ACT Registration:

If you have not yet taken one of these exams, it is highly recommended that you do so, at least once. Either exam is accepted at all schools that require standardized testing. Even if you think you are applying only to schools that do not require test scores, it is a really good idea to take one test!!! Better safe than sorry! 

ACT Test Dates
December 10, February 11, April 8, June 10
To register, visit

SAT Test Dates
 January 21, March 11, May 6, June 3
To register, visit

December School Lunch Menu :

Senior Class Fundraiser:

Dunkin' Donuts Coupon Books for sale!!
For sale by the senior class, $10 per book with over $25 in savings!
Ask a Senior or Mrs. Liskowsky-Doak to purchase one.

Junior Class Fundraiser:

The Junior Class is holding two fundraisers to support the Junior Class and Prom.
Please collect bottles over winter break and bring them to A14
There will also be a 50/50 raffle. Please see a member of the Junior Class for tickets.

Parents of Seniors:

Would you like to recognize your outstanding graduate in the 2017 Leland and Gray yearbook? Purchasing an advertisement is simple!

First, create a piece of text congratulating your student.  If you want to have a picture on your ad, send it as a jpg.

Size options:
Business card $25.00
Half page $50.00
Full page $75.00

Once your ad information is complete, you can send all your text and photos to Nika Oakes, Yearbook Editor, at Please send payment via check to Leland and Gray.Thank you for advertising in the L&G Yearbook!

From the Music Department:

The Leland and Gray Music Department will be performing their Winter Concert next Thursday, December 15th at 7pm.  The music students have prepared a fun and exciting concert program for the evening.  All Leland and Gray faculty, parents and students are invited to come and support the Music Department.  We hope to see you there!

Refuse to Use:


Join LEAF every Thursday during high school lunch in the artroom, B15. 
What we are working on:
  • school garden/composting
  • attended the Youth Climate Summit at UVM on November 18th
  •  creating an educational bulletin board on A Level with changing topics that effect our environment 
  • replacing plastic utensils with silverware in the cafeteria
  • organizing the Earth Day Assembly in the Spring fundraising in February.

From The Nurse:

I am still missing a lot of Health Questionnaire/Permission to Treat Forms. Thank you to the families that have already returned them.

New “Contests” Page on Website:

From Ms. BirgĂ© :
As literacy coach, I frequently receive announcements about contests for our students, usually around writing. These range from small local events, to national contests with hundreds of students entering. 

With help from our IT department, we’ve decided to create a space on our website for these contests. We hope that this will encourage more students to compete. You can find this new page underneath the  “Students and Parents” tab. 

Entering contests is a great way for your student to push themselves academically, and to connect skills they learn in school to the real world. As well, many contests have cash or other prizes, even for runners-up. Keep an eye on this new section of our website, and please encourage your student to enter some contests!

Calender Raffle Thailand Trip Fundraiser:

Calendar Raffle Winners (Trip to Thailand Fundraiser)
12/01 - Maple Syrup - Jessica Riemenschneider
12/02 - D&K Gift Certificate - Sarah Birge
12/03 - Mary Meyer Teddy Bear - Taylor Haskell 
12/04 - A Weekend Camping at Bald Mountain Campground - Barbara Davis
12/5 Homemade Jewelry and a Gift Cert. to Shear Designs in Townshend - Terry Davison-Berger
12/06 - Winter Healing Salve - Ake Tuttle
12/07 - Pottery by Jennifer Connor - Chrisman Kearn
12/08 - D & K Gift Certificate - Felix Martinez

Thank you for supporting our trip to Thailand!

Thailand Trip Fundraiser:

Please Contact Mr Rico at 365-7355 ext 111 or via email

L&G Facebook Page:

Did you know Leland & Gray has a Facebook page?  Like the page for updates and pictures of things happening at L&G!


Late Bus:

Reminder to Parents and Students:
There will be no late bus Dec 19-21
You can access the full late bus schedule here.

HEY! After School Programs:

HEY After School Programs run when the Late Bus is running.
These free programs are additional offerings beyond sports, drama and band  practices. 
For a full schedule of the week go to HEY Programs on the co-curricular tab on Leland and Gray website.

Contact person for any questions:  Thara Fuller, Director of Expanded Learning:  802-365-9510


If you have any community events or information you would like to be listed in Friday Notes, please e-mail

Magic Mountain Ski Patrol :

Students 15y of age and older:  
We are looking to get some local, younger blood on our Patrol.

An OEC class will require online learning at home. There will be weekly participation in a classroom setting at the mountain, with hands on skills training and on-hill training. The course is somewhere in the range of 100hrs and the cost of the course, textbook, etc will be in the range of $200. One should be able to ski or ride advanced terrain safely.   At the end, if you pass the written exam and skills portion, you will be a member of the National Ski Patrol with all of its benefits.

Christmas Celebration at the Congregational Church

Dear neighbors and friends,

Please join us at 6 o'clock on this coming Friday, December 16th, at the Windham Congregational Church (the white one on the hill) for a celebration of Christmas:

--Dan DeWalt and friends playing jazz, appropriate for the season.
--Singers from the Windham Elementary School, rehearsed and directed by Kate Ullman.
--People from the church reading the Christmas story.
--Pianist Nancy Dyke leading carols.
--Goodies downstairs--hot cider, cookies-- in the meetinghouse afterwards.
--A freewill offering to benefit both food banks in Townshend and Londonderry will be taken.

Best wishes and peace to all of you during this festive season,

Ginny and Dave Crittenden
West Windham

Nurturing Creativity Arts Nights:

Crisis Text Line available in Vermont - Text VT to 741741:

Vermonters who are experiencing a mental health crisis now have a new way to find support when and where they need it, 24 hours a day. Crisis Text Line™ provides free*, round-the-clock support, seven days a week by providing access via text messaging to trained Crisis Counselors at the moment help and support are needed. This service is being provided through a partnership between the Vermont Department of Mental Health and the national organization Crisis Text Line. This is a welcomed key addition to the other mental health services available for Vermonters to access when circumstances or events become difficult to handle. Learn more about the national organization

*for Verizon, AT&T, Sprint or T-Mobile carriers; all others carriers may charge rates


From the Boys and Girls Varsity Basketball Teams:

The Boys and Girls Varsity Basketball teams are going hold a friendly spirit competition between the 7th to 12th grades to see which class can show the highest attendance at HOME games. There will be a sign in sheet provided at the ticket counter that is a roster for each grade. Students will sign in when they arrive at the game and sign out when they leave. Students must remain at the game for at least one half (2 quarters). At the end of the basketball season which ever class has the highest attendance for home games will win 100 spirit points and a pizza party for the entire class that will be paid for in full by the Varsity Coaches.  We encourage all parents and family of students and all community members to unit to make sure their child/student can contribute to the cause and attend home games this year. It is a win, win situation for all members of the Leland and Gray Community!

Students!  Athletes!  Leaders!:

Come join us!  We are forming a leadership group for student athletes who are interested in playing a lead role on their teams, helping organize school athletic events, help work on spirit week, and working together to coordinate other community and leadership activities.

Meetings will be before school so they don't interfere with practices.  Anyone interested should come to the next meeting on Tuesday, January 3rd at 7:15 am in the Weight Room.  See Mr. Barton or Mrs. Liskowsky-Doak if you have any questions.

Save the Date:

L&G Rebel Nation will be hosting the HARLEM SUPERSTARS on Saturday January 14th at 6pm in the Main Gym!

We will be putting a team together of principals, teachers and community members to take on the Superstars. 

This night will include SLAM DUNKS, TRICKS, AUTOGRAPHS and a special HALFTIME SHOW! 

The L&G Booster Club and Athletic Department will be selling tickets at all L&G home basketball games. Tickets purchased in advance are $10, tickets at the door the night of the show are $15.

Come enjoy some family fun at a great community event....Go Rebels!

If you have questions please email Marty Testo at

Online Registration for Winter Sports:

The online registration is open for students interested in participating in MS and/or high school winter sports. This includes basketball and snowboarding. Please go to the L&G website and click on Co-Curricular Activities, then click on  Athletics. Click on the link click there for online forms and submittal.

Please follow the instructions from there. If you have questions please contact the Technical Support number provided on the site.

Go Rebels!

Co-Curricular Calendar:

Tired of Digital Sports/League Minder?  We were too!  So we've transferred all of the co-curricular events to a Google Calendar which can be found on the left hand menu bar of the L&G homepage or here:  Many thanks to the IT department for their assistance with this process!  The information will still be kept up to date on Digital Sports.