Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Friday Notes 9-8-2017

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Community Service:

All 9th, 10th, and 11th graders have community service requirements for graduation. 9th graders must complete 40 hours, 10th graders must complete 35 hours and 11th graders must complete 25 hours. Check out the website for more information:

Also, please see below section with Community Service opportunities. 

Radon Update:

"As of 9/1/17, I am very pleased to announce that all areas previously with high radon amounts at L&G have been retested for radon - following our mitigation work - and all areas have tested below the recommended threshold.  We apologize for the length of time that this dragged on."

-Bob Thibault, Principal

Health Office:

Welcome back! Please remember to turn in your health forms to the nurse as soon as possible. If you need a new form they are available using the link in the health section of the student handbook or you can pick one up from the nurse's office. Please contact me if you have any questions. 


Sara Dunbar 
School Nurse

Service Learning in Ecuador in April 2018:

Have you ever thought of traveling to a foreign country to work beside the natives in a service learning project? Now is your chance to take a meaningful sustainable and unforgettable venture into the heart of Ecuador’s lush Amazonian rain forest, where you’ll find one of the world’s most diverse ecosystems. In Otavalo, you’ll experience the culture and heritage of the city, visiting the Mercados de los Ponchos—a famous market known for its local beautiful textiles—and learning how traditional crafts and meals are prepared when you visit a local family’s home. As you’re immersed in the Quito and Otavalo cultures, you’ll also put your hands to work: building and restoring local schools and promoting social justice.

For more information visit the EF Tours website: http://www.eftours.com/educational-tour/ecuador-culture-and-service

If you are interested in this service learning travel opportunity, contact Susan Jones, sjones@lelandandgray.org.

Substitute Teachers Needed:

Attention Parents: Would you like to learn more about Leland and Gray??? Here's your opportunity: BECOME A SUBSTITUTE TEACHER NEXT YEAR!! Stop by and pick up an application at the school during the summer and we'll get it processed for you so you'll be ready to substitute in the fall. Teaching experience not required, training provided.

Upcoming Events:

PBGR Info Night for Parents: Sept 12, 2017- 6-7-Room A3 - Gr. 7-12
This is a parent information night regarding L&G’s shift to Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirements.

9th Grade Orientation Night: Sept 14, 2017- 6:30-7:30PM- Room A3
Information night for parents regarding shifts from middle to high school. Pizza and drinks!

Middle School Open House: Sept 19, 2017- 6-7PM - Room A3 - Gr. 7-8
Come tour the new MS rooms and learn about the new middle school model at L&G!

School Meals and Eligibility Benefits:


DATE: July 25, 2017

TO: Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of Leland and Gray students

FROM: Deborah Mears, Leland and Gray Free and Reduced Meal Clerk

RE: School Meals and Eligibility Benefits

If your family was eligible for Free /Reduced school meals last year and we have not received an application for the current year you must submit an application by 9/25/2017 or your child(ren) will have to pay the full price. If you have a letter approving you for VT 3Squares, SNAP, or Reach-Up we can approve your student(s) for free meals. Please send a copy of the letter. As of  10/11/2017, your child(ren) may have to the pay the following prices for school meals:

Breakfast $1.75  
Lunch   $2.85

You may call Deborah Mears at 802-365-9510 if you want to discuss this matter.


Important Update:

Online Registration is now open for Middle School and High School Soccer!

You can register on the Leland and Gray website or go to this link:
If you registered last season, you can use the same login and password.
If you are new to the site, you need to create an account....YOU NEED TO REMEMBER YOUR PASSWORD FOR FUTURE USE!

Also please remember, L&G has moved to requiring a well exam (sports physical) every year starting 2017-2018. This requirement is for grades 7-12.

All practices and games will be listed on our Events and Activities Calendar which is on the L&G website under Calendars.


HEY Programs:

HEY! Programs start on September 18th! It will be the first day of the Late Bus.
HEY! Help is seeking Peer Tutors!
We are also seeking 8-10 Elementary Counselors per session this year! Some of these positions will have the opportunity to lead STEM programs too.
Both Peer Tutors and Elementary Counselors are PAID positions.
Email Crystal at afterschool@lelandandgray.org for more info.

Crystal Hope Garrity
HEY Site Coordinator

Junior Iron Chef:

Calling all chefs, chef want-to-be's, and food critics...if you enjoy cooking, want to hone your cooking skills, want to create an original recipe, eat, and have fun, please come to the FACS room on Tuesday, September 19, from 2:45-4:15pm. and/or come see or email Mrs. Jones at sjones@lelandandgray.org.


Community service is now a graduation requirement starting with the Class of 2019. All information can be found here: https://sites.google.com/lelandandgray.org/communityservice

Please e-mail any community service opportunities to Terry Davison Berger <tdavison-berger@lelandandgray.org>



Middle School

Above the Influence: (ATI) is a national campaign that informs and inspires teens to stand up to negative pressures and influences they face in life. This group will meet and carry out activities from September 2017 to June 2018. Involvement includes:
- Lunchtime meetings twice a month
- Meetings or activities outside the school day including ATI meetings to plan upcoming event details, and gathering to carry out activities in the community
- Various field trips including, but not limited to: Sticker Shock, Tag IT, and Getting to Y

Edge of Leadership: Participants in ATI are eligible to attend a two-day, overnight training at High 5 in Brattleboro called Edge of Leadership. The goal for this training is for students to discover the leadership qualities within themselves and become empowered to go back to their school or community and make a difference through involvement in the ATI group. The dates for this year are September 23-24.

High School

Above the Influence: We will be pioneering a high school ATI group this year at Leland and Gray. We encourage participation in this group for learning lifelong skills in ways to be “above the influence,” and for acquiring the skills to take on leadership roles in your school/community! Please stop by Room A13 and talk to Rebecca about this exciting opportunity.

Refuse to Use: Developed by Stratton Mountain Resort and The Collaborative in 2002, Refuse to Use provides substance use prevention education to teens, schools, and families paired with the offering of a healthy alternative to substance use – a full access pass to Stratton Mountain! These passes are additionally subsidized by West River Valley Thrives, for a final cost of $35 per student. Teens in Refuse to Use make a pledge to remain substance free, with their parents or a caring adult pledging to support their decision. Students are expected to attend five educational events, including the kick-off party.  Parents are expected to attend the kick-off party in the fall and Dialogue Night in January.  This program is co-run by Karren Meyer, the driver education teacher.

Dash to the Dam

Dash to the Dam: West River Valley Thrives’ annual Halloween 5k will be held on Saturday, October 21st at 9am. Dash to the Dam is a mostly paved trail race on the West River Trail. The race begins at a trailhead off Route 30 and finishes at the Townshend Dam Rec Area, where there will be snacks, prizes and pumpkin painting. Runners are encouraged to wear costumes; a panel of judges from Leland & Gray Middle/High School will be awarding prizes for spookiest, funniest and most creative costumes! The race will begin promptly at 9am and festivities should be concluded by about 11am.

The cost to run is $20 for adults and $15 for kids under 15. Day-of registrations are the same prices, but we encourage you to sign up in advance. Sign-up is open at https://www.runreg.com/dash-to-the-dam.

More information on any of these programs is available by contacting Rebecca Keppler with West River Valley Thrives at 365-4700, wrvthrives@gmail.com or Room A13.


If you have any community events or information you would like to be listed in Friday Notes, please e-mail fridaynotes@lelandandgray.org

Vermont Parent Survey on Youth Substance Use:

Hello Prevention Partners,

I wanted to let you know that the Vermont Parent Survey on Youth Substance Use is now open! 

This survey is being conducted by Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation in partnership with ADAP at the Vermont Department of Health and is designed for Vermont parents with children in grades 6-12.  The purpose of the Vermont Parent Survey on Youth Substance Use is to assess parents’ knowledge, attitudes and beliefs related to youth substance use, parental monitoring behaviors, and awareness of the ParentUp campaign and other prevention messages and activities. 

We expect to keep the survey open from four to six weeks, but the exact timeframe will depend in part on how many respondents we get each week.  To encourage participation, respondents will be eligible to enter a drawing for a weekly cash prize of $100 and a grand prize of $500 at the end of the survey.  After completing the survey respondents are given the option to click on a link to enter the drawing on a separate website.  The survey itself collects no personally identifying information and survey responses cannot be linked with contact information entered on the prize drawing site.  

Recruitment will take place through Facebook ads targeted to Vermont parents.  Please “like” our Facebook page www.facebook.com/vermontps and encourage any of your contacts and/or community partners to spread the word through their social media channels and complete the survey if they are eligible. 

Any questions about the survey can be directed to me at the contact info below, or Kelly Lamonda at ADAP, 802-651-1551  kelly.lamonda@vermont.gov

Thank you,


Amy Livingston 
Associate Program Evaluator 
Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation 
P.O. Box 70 
108 Cherry St, Suite 207
Burlington, VT 05402 
ph: 802-652-4111 
fax: 802-651-1573 

alivingston@pire.org or amy.livingston@partner.vermont.gov