Please also add to your contact list so the mailing doesn't end up in your spam folder. Thank you.
School Calendar:
Please make sure to check out the Leland & Gray school calendar. It differs from the District calendar because of professional development days for our faculty. The full calendar can be found here.
L&G Food Shelf:
The Leland & Gray Food Shelf, an annex of the Townshend Community Food Shelf, is up and running. It is open to all of the L&G community during school hours. Please contact Sara Dunbar, the school nurse, at 221-2126 or or one of the school counselors or social worker to come shopping, drop ins are welcome. Students are invited and encouraged to shop for their families.
If you have items you would like to donate, they can be delivered to the nurse's office at Leland & Gray. We appreciate your support of this program.
Thank you to the contributions of The Stratton Foundation and The Townshend Community Food Shelf for helping to make this vision a reality.
If you have items you would like to donate, they can be delivered to the nurse's office at Leland & Gray. We appreciate your support of this program.
Thank you to the contributions of The Stratton Foundation and The Townshend Community Food Shelf for helping to make this vision a reality.
Annual Report:
Refuse to Use:
Mandatory Meeting
Grade 9 & 10 Tuesday, Feb 6 @ 3 PM in room B-5
Grade 9 & 10 Tuesday, Feb 6 @ 3 PM in room B-5
Student Assistance Program:
Leland and Gray has a Student Assistance Program with services including prevention, screening and referral for issues with alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, early intervention, and referral for treatment. The Student Assistance Professional (SAP) can conduct confidential screenings and provide support and referrals for students demonstrating possible mental health or substance use concerns. Mandatory referrals are made when a student violates the Leland and Gray substance use policy or athletic code of conduct related to substances. Please contact Sarah Jensen at 802-221-2143 or if you have any questions, concerns or would like services for your child.
Heart & Sole:
Want to be a part of something AMAZING?
Leland & Gray is gearing up for its 2nd year of the Middle School Girls on the Run program and is looking for COACHES!
If you believe that exercise is good for your heart, soul and mind & want to help make a difference in our students' lives....come join the team!!
Anyone interested should email Johanna Liskowsky-Doak at jliskowsky-doak@lelandandgray. org
Check out for more information
Here is more information about the Middle School program:
Heart & Sole is Girls on the Run’s program for middle school girls! Heart & Sole creates a positive, structured space for middle school girls to learn about themselves, explore new ideas, cultivate empathy, strengthen connections and develop life skills that will help them as they move through adolescence and beyond.
The Heart & Sole curriculum is rich with themes girls can relate to, addressing the whole girl—body, brain, heart, spirit and social connection—and building important life skills such as team building, developing a support system, boundary setting, decision making, asking for and providing help and more.
Important Update:
L&G has moved to requiring a well exam (sports physical) every year starting 2017-2018. This requirement is for grades 7-12.All practices and games will be listed on our Events and Activities Calendar which is on the L&G website under Calendars.
West River Valley Thrives- a substance abuse prevention organization based in Townshend, VT- is pleased to announce the hiring of their new Director, Steve Tavella, and Project Coordinator, Nick Plante.
As director, Steve is primarily responsible for oversight of the coalition, grant writing and grants management, and program development. Steve has a Bachelors degree in Sociology/Anthropology from Gettysburg College, and a Masters in International Administration from the School for International Training in Brattleboro, VT. Steve has been a resident of the West River Valley for over 32 years, raising his daughter in Brattleboro. He has worked, lived, and traveled in over 50 countries and 6 continents, including longer-term stints in Afghanistan, Rakhine State Myanmar, The Republic of Georgia, Egypt, Kiribati, and the Solomon Islands, working with displaced persons, communities in distress, and youth. Steve feels it is imperative to find positive influences in our young people’s lives and to create healthy lifestyles. “We must better understand substance abuse issues in our communities, and educate and support our younger generations to live healthy, substance-free lives.” Steve is currently a resident of Dummerston, VT.
As coordinator, Nick oversees the majority of the organization’s youth programming, including the Leland & Gray Above the Influence (ATI) group, which supports West River’s mission to engage youth in developing healthy lifestyles, and educating them to the risks of substance use. Nick holds a Bachelors degree in Psychology from Clarion University and is a member of the Psi Chi National Honor Society in Psychology. He has co-authored several academic papers on self-esteem, anxiety, well-being and stress, and proxemics. Having previously worked in treatment as a Mental Health Worker at Clarion Psychiatric Center and Brattleboro Retreat, he is excited to be a part of a community effort to prevent substance abuse and encourage healthy living. Nick is currently a resident of Brattleboro, VT.
West River Valley Thrives’ mission is to support and promote healthy lifestyle choices with an emphasis on the prevention of alcohol, tobacco and other drug use by young people. For more information, questions, or volunteer opportunities, contact Steve at, Nick at, or call 802-365-4700. WRVT is located at the Leland & Gray Union Middle and High School.
Community service is now a graduation requirement starting with the Class of 2019. All information can be found here:
Please e-mail any community service opportunities to Terry Davison Berger <>
3 Generation Collaboration Community Service Opportunities:
New community service opportunities with 3 Generations Collaboration are always being posted at
Also, visit the link to learn about Build Your Own Service.
Tech Help is now on Mondays
Tech Help, a community service activity during the afterschool period, MOVES TO MONDAYS starting in January. Students may participate by doing show-and-tell about a device or an app they use, or by helping 3GC leaders answer tech questions from the public. Other types of service, such as data entry or outreach, are available for teens with different interests. Students who wish to help are needed at the Townshend Library from 2:45 to 4:15. The public is invited to come for help from 3-4 PM. Questions may be directed to Janis at 3 Generations Collaboration, 802-428-4333,
Tech Help is now on Mondays
Tech Help, a community service activity during the afterschool period, MOVES TO MONDAYS starting in January. Students may participate by doing show-and-tell about a device or an app they use, or by helping 3GC leaders answer tech questions from the public. Other types of service, such as data entry or outreach, are available for teens with different interests. Students who wish to help are needed at the Townshend Library from 2:45 to 4:15. The public is invited to come for help from 3-4 PM. Questions may be directed to Janis at 3 Generations Collaboration, 802-428-4333,
If you have any community events or information you would like to be listed in Friday Notes, please e-mail