Friday, June 8, 2018

Friday Notes 6-8-18

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End of the Year Schedule: 

To view the end of the year schedule click here.

Middle School Service Learning Project Showcase:

June 20th, 8:30am - 10:00am

Come see the murals, outdoor classroom, maintained trails and planters 
that the middle school students selected, designed and are building to enhance our school community!

School Calendar:

Please make sure to check out the Leland & Gray school calendar.  It differs from the District calendar because of professional development days for our faculty.   The full calendar can be found here.


Spring Sports Banquet:

The Spring Sports Awards Banquet will be help on Wednesday June 13th in the L&G Main Gym at 6pm. This is a Potluck Style banquet. Please bring your favorite dish to share!

Fall Athetics:

L&G Fall Athletic registration has been opened and is ready for you to sign your child up for middle school and high school fall sports. Remember that this needs to be completed BEFORE the first day of practice.

HS Soccer begins on Thurdsay 8/16/18

MS Soccer begins on Wednesday 8/29/18

Also remember that L&G now requires a yearly Well Exam/Physical for participation in all sports.

Here is the link to get to the forms. It is alsp available on the L&G website.

Important Link for online forms:

Forms must be submitted on or before the first day of practice.

Important Update:

All practices and games will be listed on our Events and Activities Calendar which is on the L&G website under Calendars.

L&G Recreational Games Camp:

L&G Baseball and Softball Camp:

L&G Basketball Camp:

22nd Annual L&G Soccer Camp:



Community service is now a graduation requirement starting with the Class of 2019. All information can be found here:

Please e-mail any community service opportunities to Terry Davison Berger <>

Green Mountain Club:

Green Mountain Club - Brattleboro Section

maintain section of the Long Trail/App from Winhall River to Rt 11/30 in Manchester

Looking for students to assist in trail and shelter maintenence

Relay Community Service:

We are looking for students to volunteer to help set up and clean up.  If students want to register a team they can do that as well.

Any questions they can contact me at (802) 380-2367 or

Drop In Community Service:

3 Generation Collaboration Community Service Opportunities:

New community service opportunities with 3 Generations Collaboration are always being posted at

Also, visit the link to learn about Build Your Own Service.

Video Contests:

Kids, see these two video contests!
100-Seconds Film & Video Festival: Deadline: 9/1/18. Entries will be compiled to premiere on Community Media Day on October 20. Enter at 

Freedom & Unity Youth Film Contest: for Vermont filmmakers age 10-26. Deadline: 4/21/18. Cash prizes. Enter at

Community Service Opportunities with BEEC:


Graduation Message from WRVT:

High School Graduation is coming up soon! In this time of accomplishment and celebration, West River Valley Thrives would like to encourage and support responsible parenting. It’s not easy being a parent in today’s world, but it’s an important job. We hope you find the following tips helpful in keeping your child safe, healthy, and supported:

The Graduation season is an exciting time for teens, but sometimes it can also be stressful so…
·      I will help my teen to balance the responsibilities and celebrations.
·      I will check in on their stress level, plan some downtime and make sure we have time to connect. I will be a parent, not a BFF.

Because teens thrive with clear and consistent expectations…
·      I will talk to my teen about my expectations around underage drinking, and…
·      I will make sure I know where they are, who they are with, and how they’re getting to and from parties. I will be a parent, not a BFF.

Because teens can sometimes take risks I want to make sure they’re safe so…
·      I will talk to my teen about the risks of underage drinking.

·      I will make sure all parties include adult supervision because I am a parent, not a BFF.

Parent Survey:

Dear Parents and Guardians,

The Windham County Prevention Partnership (West River Valley Thrives, Deerfield Valley Community Partnership, Greater Falls Connections, and Brattleboro Area Prevention Coalition), is requesting that parents and guardians of students in Windham County complete the following short survey to help us better understand the opinions and choices of parents and guardians related to marijuana and their child's use of marijuana. 

This survey will take approximately 3 minutes to complete.

The survey will close on June 15 but please take it now if you have a few minutes so we may have your important input! Click here to complete:

Thank you,

West River Valley Thrives (on behalf of the Windham County Prevention Partnership)

Community Survey:

West River Valley Thrives, a substance use education and prevention organization based in Townshend and serving the towns and villages of Windham Central Supervisory Union, has developed a short survey to assess perception of community members around smoking on town commons and at public events on town commons. We are an independent, not-for-profit organization and would like to emphasize that this survey in no way is directed at creating mandates, laws or ordinances. We do not have that authority.
If you have not already, would you please take a moment to add your opinion to this short 8-question survey at We appreciate your participation and honest opinions. We take them all seriously. Please limit yourself to one survey response. Thank you to all who have already responded and given their important feedback!


Stratton Community Foundation:

 - Summer Volunteer Opportunities - 

Community Service Hours & Community Support

June 29 Golf Outing
Hours During 11AM-6:30PM 
18 year old to monitor hole in one
registration & event execution

August 10-12 NE Obstacle Course 
Challenge Championship
Hours During 8AM-8PM Over Weekend
Tasks yet to be determined

August 16-19 Vermont Challenge Bike Tour 
Hours During The Weekend

To help, please email or call Tammy (802) 297-2096
and we will contact you with more information
as the event nears.

Thank you!  
 Stratton Foundation |  802.297.2096 | Email

Summer Camp:

Free Summer Cyber Camp:

This camp is free, even including transportation to the school. Application deadline is MAY 9th! 

Natural Resources Management Academy:

At the Natural Resources Management Academy participants will have the opportunity to take in-depth, hands-on workshops with experts.  Each workshop will allow for extensive in-the-field exploration of the subject matter. 

2018 Workshops include:  Wildlife Biology, Orienteering, Geology, Herps/Salamanders, Watersheds, Soil Science, Alternative Energy, Let's Go Fishing  and more!  

View information here:
Top Ten Reasons to Attend the Natural Resources Management Academy:

1. Learn about and enjoy Vermont’s diverse natural resources.

2. Explore natural resources management issues and what you can do to help.

3. Find out about careers related to natural resources management.

4. Learn from University of Vermont faculty, UVM Extension, and Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department staff, and other natural resources professionals.

5. Make new friends from across the state and learn about where they are from.

6. Enjoy a chance to be independent from your family in a safe, friendly environment.

7. Learn new ideas, skills and techniques you can use for the rest of your life.

8. Develop your leadership abilities.

9. Paddle a canoe, catch a fish or shoot a shotgun under expert supervision.

10. S’mores at the campfire!!!  Need we say more?

View information here:

Summer Classes at InSight:

Summer Job Opportunities:

Spring/Summer job opportunities for students:

1. Part-time Assistant Rangers at Jamaica State Park and Lowell Lake in Londonderry.  If interested, please apply as soon as possible.

 For more information, please contact Chris Peterson at (609) 358-3940.

2. Lawn care, maintenance and mowing at Townshend cemeteries.  Please contact Charlie Marchant at 365-7937.

If you have any community events or information you would like to be listed in Friday Notes, please e-mail