Sunday, March 29, 2020

Friday Notes 3-27-20


3/29/20 Sunday Alert:

Good evening L&G families, this is principal Bob Thibault.  Beginning tonight, I will be sharing out weekly news regarding the ongoing school dismissal.  These will occur on Sunday nights. I will try to highlight new information, ongoing important reminders, and anything else that shifts or changes as we dig into this new world of remote learning.  

First, I want to take the opportunity to remind everyone that food is available daily between 11-1 at 3 pick-up locations (Newbrook, Jamaica Village School, and Leland and Gray).  Bus stop delivery will likely begin this week and details will be available soon about that. There is a survey on the WCSU COVID-19 website to collect family info on food deliveries  This site is easily linked to from our main L&G website. In the meantime, additional questions about food can be sent to Phoebe Connolly via email.

With regards to learning expectations, we are working very closely with the Agency of Education to determine what that looks like long-term.  Guidance for this came into our hands over the weekend, and the principals are all meeting tomorrow - via zoom - to talk this through. Stay tuned.

There are still many decisions to be made - possessions left at school, daily workload, grades, prom, graduation, and a myriad of others.  Please be patient as we work through these - each has a profound impact on our community of learners, and we want to react as quickly as we can, but with an emphasis on thoughtfulness.

If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me, Ms. Liskowsky-Doak, your child’s school counselor, or case manager.  I certainly understand the level of stress that this is causing families and that for many, the stress levels were very high even before this crisis. We will do what we can to support families and of course, your children during these incredibly challenging times.

Thanks, and have a great night!

Bob Thibault, Principal
Johanna Liskowsky-Doak, Dean of Students
Pam Bernardo, Dean of Academics

Sarah Grasso, HS Counselor
Phoebe Connolly, MS Counselor
Emily Evans, SPED Case Manager

Letter from Bill Anton:

March 23, 2020

Dear Families,

We are truly living in an extraordinary time. I want to thank each family for your patience, cooperation, and communication during this challenging period. We have a developed a website for centralized communications:

Your students’ schools have been working hard to provide a continuity of education, while at the same time starting to prepare for a longer-term plan, should the need arise. I encourage you to continue communicating with your child’s teacher and principal. It is important to have regular communication about your students’ instruction and social and emotional well-being. We are here to help, so please do not hesitate to reach out.

Schools in West River prepare meals daily with pick-up between 11am and 1pm at Jamaica Village School, NewBrook Elementary, and Leland & Gray Middle High School.

Marlboro is beginning food service delivery this week. Please contact the school directly at 254-2668 with any questions or how to get a lunch.

River Valleys, through the Dover School runs a combination of delivery and pick-up. The Dover School is serving lunch to students during the school closure.  Here is a link to a google form to order hot lunch next week: .

This week we are opening an Essential Person Childcare on Thursday, March 26th. Information about this service can be found at under Public Service Announcements.

Everyone in the Windham Central Supervisory Union is pitching in to help as we navigate these continuing evolving times. Thank you for your partnership in your child’s education. 

I have the utmost confidence that working together, we will make it through this challenging time.


Bill Anton

Letter from Principal Thibault:

Dear L&G Community,

It is with great sadness that I report to you that tonight, Gov. Scott announced that "in person" school will not happen for the remainder of this school year.  It is OK for you to be upset, sad, or frustrated.  It is OK for you to feel confused and concerned.  It is OK for you to be mad.  I can tell everyone, on behalf of your faculty and staff, that we are too.  We have already missed seeing your faces every day and frankly can't conceive of not seeing them for the next several months.   I personally am very frustrated with the way this news was released by the Governor's Office, without even a hint for schools to be prepared for the enormity of the impact.  What I can tell you, though, is that school is not a building.  Leland & Gray is not a closed school building on the corner of Rt 30 and Rt 35.  Leland & Gray is a community - one that is very much open and alive in the hearts and minds of Rebel Nation!  You will be OK, because we will make sure that you are.  You will persevere because we will all carry on together.  You will overcome this, because as a community working together, we are stronger than we are as individuals.

There are many questions yet to be answered.  What I can tell you at this point, is that the Governor is having a press conference tomorrow morning, and the Agency of Education is supposed to release more guidance for us to consider as we move forward. I will share more information as it becomes available.  I can tell you one thing - your teachers and support staff are here for you.  This team of adults is amazing - they quickly made the adaptations necessary in a couple of short days to continue teaching online, and in the days and weeks ahead, I suspect more changes to come, and this group of professionals will (again) rise to the challenge.  That's what Rebels do.

So I implore of you - parents, students, faculty, staff and community members - remember what it means to be a part of this incredible family that we call Leland & Gray.  To me, it means that we will get through this together.  To me, it means that we will be there for you.  To me, it means that school is not a building - it's a community of learners, teachers, and families.

Very sincerely,

Bob Thibault
Your principal

Survey for Parents:


Please give us feedback on how things are going so far....

Free Internet:

The link below is to the Vermont Department of Public Service, which has links to companies like Comcast that are offering free internet for 2 months for low-income households. Comcast is also committed to serving people even if they cannot pay their bill. Mobile phone companies are helping out and hotspots will have free access etc.

People will still need devices that allow them to have access to the internet – not sure what is being done in that area.

Nurses Notes:

Dear Leland and Gray Families,
I hope you all are taking this time to turn inward and care for yourselves and your families during this time of social distance.   Please continue checking in with WCSU and L & G for food pick up options and continued learning. While we understand that these unprecedented restrictions present challenges for many, please do your best to avoid large groups and your elderly friends and family, to ensure everyone’s safety.  I will continue to be available by email and am planning to post office hours by the end of this week when I know better the flow of my own “new normal”. Please reach out with any concerns or questions you may have and keep an eye on the Vermont Department of Health website for updates.
It will take a community effort from us all to get through these next few weeks and months.  Please support each other and know that we continue to support you. 
Nurse Lauren  

Food Pickup: