Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Friday Notes 11/19/21



November 22, 2021

Dear L&G Families:

I hope that this letter finds everyone relaxing and enjoying some time with family and friends during this Thanksgiving break!  These last few months have been the longest stretch that schools see without a prolonged vacation opportunity.  We all need the rest and relaxation, and I am thankful for the progress we have made this fall as a school community, in returning to 5-day a week learning!  While it hasn’t been without challenges, the opportunity to see your children every day has surely helped all of us!

Upcoming events:

  • Nov 22-26, 2021 - Thanksgiving Break - No School

  • Nov 30, 2021 - Picture Makeup Day

  • Dec 8, 2021 - Early Release Day (Teacher In-Service)

  • Dec 23, 2021 - Early Release Day

  • Dec 24, 2021 - Jan 2, 2022 - Winter Recess Break

Vaccination Clinics:

Please see the Vermont Department of Health website for opportunities for your 5-11 year old children to access a vaccination.  We strive to get to a place where once the state announces we can go mask-free (after achieving 80%) that we can celebrate that freedom knowing that our children are protected by several mitigation measures.  

Have a great vacation!

Bob Thibault


L&G Co-Curricular Calendar:

Refuse to Use:

**Refuse To Use Passes were distributed to students during school TODAY: FRIDAY, NOV 19th.**

All RTU students received an envelope either containing their 2021-2022 Stratton Season's Pass or a letter explaining why their pass is on-hold.  On-hold reasons include lack of current photo for the pass, missing an event, or missing a payment. As soon as the "hold" is lifted, the pass will be in the student's hands.


Note: This same information is on the RTU page on the Leland and Gray website. Go to the Leland and Gray homepage and follow the Refuse to Use link.

Afterschool Program:

School Calendar:


Matt Bellace Presentation:

Parents and Students,

Join us for a virtual presentation by Matt Bellace, Ph.D. on Monday, November 22nd at 6:00pm.

Matt has been a youth motivational speaker and stand-up comedian since 1995. He has a Ph.D. in clinical neuropsychology (the study of the brain and behavior), is a member of the National Speakers Association and the author of the book, "A Better High". He is also a contributing author for the National Geographic Kids book series, "This or That." His "How to Get High Naturally" program encourages over a hundred thousand students a year worldwide to pursue natural highs and make healthy choices.

Join Zoom Meeting


This presentation is sponsored by the Deerfield Valley Community Partnership as part of the Choose Snow program but is open to all to attend!

The Village Closet:

Townshend Community Toy Drive:

Parents sign up for gifts for your children (infants thru Grade 8) from the Townshend Community Toy Drive & surrounding communities. Sign up by either filling out a form for each child at the Food Shelf on Monday evenings and placing the forms in the box provided, OR by emailing the following information to me directly.

The deadline for sign-ups is Dec. 6th, and Toy Pick-up will be Dec. 20th at the food shelf between 6:00-7:30pm

PLEASE EMAIL THE FOLLOWING INFO to:  moparchris1@comcast.net

Parent Name & Phone #

Child age & gender

Items wished for (please be specific for clothing or shoe size)

Have a wonderful Holiday Season!

Chris Carter