Upcoming Dates:
May 16-26 - SBAC Days (more details to come next week!!!)
May 19 (Thur) - Spring Pep Rally (1 hr at end of day)
May 21 (Sat) - Prom at River Ledge Farm (Grafton)
May 27 (Fri) - Music Trip to 6 Flags (Mostly HS, some MS)
June 1 (Wed) - 6th grade Move Up Day
June 2 (Thur) - Pops Concert, Student Art Show AND Elks Student of the Month Banquet
June 3 (Fri) - Underclass Awards/Field Day
June 7 (Tue) - 8th Grade on Ropes Course (other culminating events too)
June 9 (Thu) - Last Day for Seniors (Make-up Day)
June 10 (Fri) - Grad Rehearsal/Senior Breakfast
June 11 (Sat) - Graduation
June 14 (Tue) - Last day of actual underclass classes
June 15 (Wed) - Last day of actual underclass classes
June 16 (Thur) - Last Student Day - Summative Make up Day
May is the time of year that we complete our federally required accountability (read: standardized testing) of several grades for different subjects. Vermont uses the Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium (SBAC) tests in English Language Arts (ELA), Math, and Science for various grades. These assessments are very important for us to gather a snapshot of student learning at this time. Please do your best to encourage persistence during these assessments.
All students will need to have a fully CHARGED chromebook and HEADPHONES. We will have limited chargers, loaner computers, and headphones available. PLEASE help ensure your student is prepared for these tests by checking that their computer is charged and they have headphones if possible.
Here’s the list of assessments, followed by the schedule of days:
6th Grade - ELA and Math
7th Grade - ELA and Math
8th Grade - ELA, Math, and Science
9th Grade - ELA and Math
11th Grade - Science
Week 1
Week 2
On these days, we ask that students get a good night sleep and a solid breakfast prior to taking the assessments. The testing for Middle Schoolers will happen first thing in the morning on each day, and therefore, it is of vital importance that students are on time for school. The testing for 9th graders will primarily be before lunch. Thank you for your support with this. Also, please note the schedules for each day:
Monday, May 16th - 7:45 start for MS, 9th and 11th grades; 9:15 classes start for all HS
Tuesday, May 17th - 7:45 start for MS, 9th and 11th grades; 9:15 classes start for all HS
Wednesday, May 18th - 7:45 start for MS; PBL Wednesday Schedule 9:15 start for HS
Wednesday, May 25th - 7:45 start for MS; PBL Wednesday Schedule 9:15 start for HS
All other days are a regular 7:45 start for MS and HS
We apologize for these differences, but we are trying to minimize the time missed from each course, especially down the stretch run towards June, and the end of school. And speaking of the end of school, please be aware that the last student day will be Thursday, June 16th (a make up day) and our graduation for the class of 2022 will be Saturday, June 11th at 10am. Please call us if you have any questions!
Bob Thibault
Nurse Update:
May 13, 2022
Dear Leland and Gray families,
I wanted to update you on our current situation. Leland and Gray is still experiencing students and staff with COVID-19, influenza, upper respiratory illnesses, strep throat, and stomach issues. We are employing mitigation efforts to help reduce the spread of illnesses, which include:
* having masks available for anyone who wants to wear one,
* hand sanitizer,
*windows are open in classrooms and on busses
*sanitation and cleaning have been addressed
*students working outside as much as possible
*sending students and staff home when they are ill
We are doing what we can to help prevent the spread of illnesses. We need our community partners to continue mitigation efforts when not in school. Vermont Department of Health says “The COVID-19 virus will be with us for a long time. We have the tools needed to protect ourselves and others from getting or spreading the virus.” Please follow the information below:
*If you or your child is ill STAY HOME.
*Students need to stay home if they have a temperature of 100.4 F or higher and must be fever free for 24 hours without the use of Tylenol or Advil.
*Use a facial covering (N95 is recommended) when you are in situations where you cannot maintain safe distance from others not in your home, or you are in an indoor event with people not living with you.
*If you are exposed to COVID-19 positive person, be vigilant in monitoring for symptoms
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
Sore throat
Loss of taste or smell
Nasal congestion
Nausea or vomiting
These symptoms may start 2-14 days after exposure. People with COVID-19 may have a wide range of symptoms ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness.
If you have symptoms, even if mild, you are encouraged to:
*Wear a mask
*Stay away from others
*get tested when possible, even if you are vaccinated or if you had COVID-19 in the past
If you need Rapid Antigen Test Kits, please let me know.
Please be vigilant and stay healthy!
Jorda Daigneault, APRN, MSN, MS, FNP-BC
Leland and Gray Union Middle and High School Nurse
WCSU COVID Coordinator
Music Notes:
Upcoming "Hats Off" Performance:
The Leland & Gray players are looking for submissions for the 2022 Hats Off performance. There will be two shows both on Sunday, June 5th at 2 pm and then at 7 pm. The submissions can include comedy sketches, skits, vocal or instrumental performances, and/or if you have something else. Submissions ideas can be given/emailed to Mr. Chapin. There is no guarantee your submission will be chosen, but we welcome anyone and everyone to submit ideas.
WRED Future Planning:
Brilliant Pathways Opportunities for Students and Staff:
L&G Co-Curricular Calendar:
School Calendar:
WRVT Community Outreach Intern:
Camp Counselors Needed:
Other Opportunities:
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Grace Cottage Tour de Grace
4 STRONG High School volunteers needed to help riders get their bicycles up the 82 stone steps at the Townshend Dam. The commitment is 3 hours, or a bit more, and the reward, in addition to community service hours, is pizza at the end!
Saturday, June 25th from 9am-Noon
4 STRONG High School volunteers needed to help riders get their bicycles up the 82 stone steps at the Townshend Dam. The commitment is 3 hours, or a bit more, and the reward, in addition to community service hours, is pizza at the end!
Saturday, June 25th from 9am-Noon
Green Up Day Mentor Program:
Entrepreneurship Institute “Creativity & Innovation”- GIV (Governor’s Institutes of VT) Students ready to spark your entrepreneurial spirit? June 26 – July 1 - residential @ Vermont Tech College - Randolph Campus - Rising 10th – 12th grade students bring their passion and curiosity to this program where they’ll spend a week diving deep into the creativity and innovation that goes into developing new products and services. With the guidance of proven entrepreneurs and experts, plus a network of peers, students leverage their own unique business ideas to propel them to future success. They’ll learn to develop an “entrepreneurial mindset” and what it takes to create a business or be more successful in any career pathway, college and the workforce. Option for 3 college credits.
Laurel Butler
Start up Business Advisor & Student/Educator Entrepreneur Specialist
Vermont Small Business Development Center ( - 802-922-3692
Prepare Today’s Students for Tomorrow’s Workforce