Friday, June 3, 2022

Friday Notes 6/3/22



June 3, 2022 Dear L&G Families: It’s JUNE!!! As we quickly approach the end of a long school year, I want to take this opportunity to publicly thank my entire staff - administration, teachers, office staff, custodians, paraprofessionals, kitchen staff, bus drivers and our substitute teachers who allowed us to run school on days when teachers were out sick. It’s been a herculean effort by so many people in the toughest school year of my 28 years in the profession. There’s been much in the news about the many challenges in schools, and we’ve had our share, but the people who work here persevered; when most schools had midyear resignations - we had NONE! I am incredibly grateful and proud of the efforts of everyone and I thank you, the parents, for supporting us. Why was the school year so tough, you ask? Well, it’s too simplistic to just say, “COVID.” The truth of the matter is that the impact of social isolation and remote schooling in a rural area is harder hitting than in other places. While we were told to worry about “learning loss,” the reality is we suffered more from social interaction loss - kids forgot how to behave in school. They spent a lot of their time away from school on social media, youtube, and gaming. These platforms don’t have the structures and norms that an institution like school not only offers, but requires. To add to the challenge, teachers (and administrators!) were stressed and exhausted and few were at their best. We attempted to combat this combination by instituting more social-emotional learning (use of our ropes course and High5 Edge of Leadership in grades 6-7), more executive functioning instruction (Intro to HS for 9th grade), and through structured social interactions (MS after school programming), but no one was fully prepared for the overall challenge. However, we persevered. No one resigned midyear. And now, we’re a week away from graduation! Upcoming Dates: June 5 (Sun) - Hats Off Performance June 6 (Mon) - Underclass Awards (final assembly) June 7 (Tue) - 8th Grade on Ropes Course (other culminating events too) June 8 (Wed) - Last PBL Wednesday and Field Day in PM June 9 (Thu) - Last Day for Seniors (Make-up Day) June 10 (Fri) - Grad Rehearsal/Senior Breakfast June 11 (Sat) - Graduation @ 10:00 June 15 (Wed) - Last full day of classes for 6th - 11th graders June 16 (Thur) - Last Student Day - Summative Make up Day (11:30 dismissal) Bob Thibault Principal

Upcoming "Hats Off" Performance:

The L&G Players' last performance is happening on June 5th with one show starting at 2 pm and the other at 7 pm. Suggested donation of 5$ at the door.

After School Programs:

After School Programs are done for the year, and the late bus will no longer be running.

WRED Future Planning:

Brilliant Pathways Opportunities for Students and Staff:

Summer Opportunities at SUNY Adirondack! (see attached flyer & forms)
Interested in a career in healthcare? Attend a MASH (Medical Academy of Science & Health) camp this summer for FREE at SUNY Adirondack on July 13th. Applications are available in Guidance! (WE WOULD HAVE TO ASK THE College for the needed forms) They are due on June 10th. Students must be in grades 9-12 in the 2022-2023 year.

Scholarship Information
Any students who are looking for scholarships can check out our Twitter page where we will be posting different scholarships throughout the month! 

L&G Co-Curricular Calendar:

School Calendar:


Other Opportunities:

There is a bulletin board in the C-Level lobby with summer job opportunities, as well as upcoming community service opportunities. Please see Terry in Room A-13 for more information about any of the listed postings!


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Grace Cottage Tour de Grace

4 STRONG High School volunteers needed to help riders get their bicycles up the 82 stone steps at the Townshend Dam. The commitment is 3 hours, or a bit more, and the reward, in addition to community service hours, is pizza at the end!

Saturday, June 25th from 9am-Noon

BEEC Summer Camp 2022:


Stratton Foundation Head-to-Toe Program:

National Summer Camp Institute:

The Agency of Transportation, with the support of FHWA, in Partnership with Vermont Technical College, is running the National Summer Transportation Institute (NSTI) this summer.  The program offers students (both high school and middle school) a chance to learn about transportation careers from an early age. 


Our high school camp is being hosted by Vermont Technical College in Randolph.  This is a residential opportunity where the students live in the dorms, eat in the cafeteria, and work with professors and industry professionals from July 10-July 15.


Our middle school students will be hosted by Vermont Technical College in Williston.  This day camp experience begins to introduce students to workplace and college atmospheres through exciting hands-on experiences from July 25-July 29.


Students this year can expect to learn through hands-on activities about Civil Engineering, Aviation, Environmental Engineering, Auto/Diesel Mechanics, Heavy Equipment, Construction, GIS technology, and Traffic Safety, as well as (for HS) the college admission process and preparation for the workplace. 


This is a FREE camp – these amazing experiences are open to all middle and high school students at no cost to them or their families. 


Video from past students about their experience:


Registration is available online at:


Questions can be sent to or