Friday, April 12, 2024


April 12th, 2024 

Panorama Survey 

We thank you and your family for being our valued partners as we work together to educate the children in our district. Windham Central Supervisory Union values input from our community – and we need to hear from your child or children! 

Students are important partners as we work to improve our communication, academic program and overall experience for everyone. In order to learn more about student experiences at school, we will be asking for your child’s feedback via an online survey they will be completing at school. 

We are asking that all of our students in grades 6 through 12 participate in the surveys, as their feedback will provide invaluable insights into their experiences and how we can improve and adapt our district to their needs. If a student doesn’t feel like they have enough information to answer a question, they will be able to skip the item altogether. We are partnering with a third-party vendor, Panorama, to support us in administering these surveys.

The survey content will ask students to self-reflect on their feelings of their classroom and support they receive along with their general feelings. Students will have an option to use voice to text to complete their survey if they have difficulties typing or reading. We will also accommodate students who wish to have a more private space to complete the survey so that they can feel confident and comfortable noting their responses. 

Please notify us if you would like your child to opt out by emailing by Monday, April 15th. We thank you in advance for your thoughtful responses. If you have any questions about the survey administration, please don’t hesitate to contact us at (802)356-7355.


Dana Aquadro 

Vermont Tobacco Control Youth Leadership Council 

The Vermont Tobacco Control Youth Leadership Council is accepting student applications for 2024-2025. This is a new youth leadership opportunity designed to bring the voices of youth grades 6 - 12 to the forefront of tobacco prevention efforts in Vermont. 

Council members will work alongside Vermont Department of Health staff to envision and create positive change in their schools and communities.

The 12 members selected to the council will receive expense reimbursement and stipends, not to exceed $1,400, for their time and participation. 

Complete the application and email to by May 1, 2024.

Fundraiser for Class of 2025

The Junior class is selling Little Caesars pizza kits during the month of April. Please see any junior to purchase a kit.  The kits will be delivered directly to your house. 

West River Valley Thrives 

Youth Ally of the Year Award - Call For Nominations!

We are seeking nominations for our Third West River Valley Youth Ally of the Year Award. This award is intended to provide much-deserved recognition for all of the great work being done to support youth in the West River Valley. Research has shown that youth who receive support from the adults in their community are more likely to live happier and healthier lives. We need your help identifying and honoring those caring adults who are supporting our youth!

Who can be nominated? There are two criteria for nominations:

  • The Nominee must live in Windham County.

  • The Nominee must have been involved in initiatives having a positive impact on youth in the West River Valley (defined as Newfane, Brookline, Windham, Jamaica, Townshend, Wardsboro, Marlboro and their surrounding hamlets) in 2023/2024.

Top nominees will be recognized for their work on Thrives’ website and social media, and the winner will be honored at a recognition ceremony and featured in a press release.

We will be reviewing nominations on a rolling basis, and will announce the recipient in May 2024. Nominations must be submitted by April 22, 2024 via this link: 

or QR Code:

So go ahead and nominate your favorite teacher, youth pastor, scout leader, or other community member! Please note that Thrives will not be accepting self-nominations at this time.

Community Hope and Action 

You may or may not remember Community Hope and Action - the grassroots, volunteer-led, non-profit organization with the goal of bringing people together for fun, community, and entertainment. With the group currently inactive, your input is needed to help shape how the organization is re-envisioned and to provide ideas for what type of events and activities community members want to attend.

Let’s see what we can create together!

Provide your input here:

Learn more about Community Hope and Action:

Second Round of Dental in May

Leland & Gray Union Middle & High School is participating in the 802 Smiles Network, which promotes dental health programs in schools throughout Vermont. This means your child is eligible for a FREE dental screening and may be eligible to receive preventive dental services at no cost to you. All you have to do is complete the Consent Form (one per student).

You DO NOT need to fill out another consent form if your child participated in November, 2023.

Leland & Gray’s registered dental hygienist can provide the following free services:

  • Dental Screening (simplified dental check-up)

  • Fluoride Varnish (brush-on liquid that can help prevent cavities)

  • Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) (brush-on combination of silver and fluoride that can help stop cavities from getting bigger)

You can find information on the differences between varnish, sealant, and SDF here.

If you choose to participate, after your child is screened you will receive a follow-up letter explaining the services provided to your child and whether or not they recommend additional treatment.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact L&G’s nurse, Jorda Daigneault, or L&G’s School Social Worker, Alicia Carey.  

6th Grade Rebel Report 

For more detailed information on what the 6th graders are doing, take a moment to read the Rebel Report.

Important Dates 

  • Friday, April 12th - 6:30 pm Music Night

  • Tuesday, April 16th - Spring Concert

  • April 22nd - April 26th - Vacation Week - No School 

April Menu