If you are not receiving Friday Notes by email and would like to or if you would like to be removed from the Friday Notes email list, please email fridaynotes@lelandandgray.org Thank you.
Please submit the following:
1. Letter of interest, which includes the following
• What do you know about the HEY program?
• What would be your approach to developing new program offerings?
• What strategies would you use to recruit students to participate?
• How would you define “success” for HEY programs?
2. Resume
3. Contact information for two references
Send to: Thara Fuller, Director of WCSU After-School Programs
tfuller@windhamcentral.org 802-365-9510
Student Handbook Logo:
Entries are being submitted for the design (back and front) of the 2015-2016 student handbook. If students would like to submit a design, please give a hard copy to Dr. Dorfman by the end of the day on June 5th.
A valuable part of the National Foundation for Women Legislators (NFWL) mission is connecting women leaders of today with women leaders of tomorrow. As a successful and experienced woman leader, you are no doubt aware that you are in a prime position to reach out and mentor women leaders of the future.
Each year, to fulfill this key mission, NFWL partners with the National Rifle Association to sponsor an academic scholarship. Winners receive a $3,000 college scholarship and an-expense-paid trip to attend NFWL’s Annual Conference. At the Conference, these young ladies speak, receive leadership training, and network with lawmakers. For several winners in prior years, their NFWL scholarship made the difference in funding their attendance at college. Nearly all winners have found their passion for public leadership ignited or strengthened.
This year, the eighteenth annual Bill of Rights Essay Contest of NFWL and the National Rifle Association will award six female high school juniors and seniors with a $3,000 college scholarship. The six winners will receive a trip to the 2015 NFWL Annual Conference, September 11-15 in Oklahoma City, OK. The recommending legislators of the awardees will also receive an NFWL travel scholarship to the Conference and are invited to attend the entire conference with their student.
Please distribute the attached application to female high school juniors and seniors individually, through the schools, and/or through the media, so they can take advantage of this excellent opportunity. The application deadline is Friday, June 12th, 2015, by which essays must be submitted via email.
Each year, to fulfill this key mission, NFWL partners with the National Rifle Association to sponsor an academic scholarship. Winners receive a $3,000 college scholarship and an-expense-paid trip to attend NFWL’s Annual Conference. At the Conference, these young ladies speak, receive leadership training, and network with lawmakers. For several winners in prior years, their NFWL scholarship made the difference in funding their attendance at college. Nearly all winners have found their passion for public leadership ignited or strengthened.
This year, the eighteenth annual Bill of Rights Essay Contest of NFWL and the National Rifle Association will award six female high school juniors and seniors with a $3,000 college scholarship. The six winners will receive a trip to the 2015 NFWL Annual Conference, September 11-15 in Oklahoma City, OK. The recommending legislators of the awardees will also receive an NFWL travel scholarship to the Conference and are invited to attend the entire conference with their student.
Please distribute the attached application to female high school juniors and seniors individually, through the schools, and/or through the media, so they can take advantage of this excellent opportunity. The application deadline is Friday, June 12th, 2015, by which essays must be submitted via email.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email Meghan Cusick at meghan@womenlegislagtors.org We look forward to working with you and young women from your district!
Attention Students in Grade 7-11:
Be an assembly leader is 2015-16! Up to 5 students can collaborate together and plan fun assemblies for the whole school. To apply, you will need to:
Write a letter with your name and grade that includes:
Your reasons why you would like to become an assembly leader
Your experience working on stage or on other events
Your ideas for assemblies
Your time availability (we meet once a week for planning)
A letter of recommendation from L&G's faculty
The name(s) of students with whom you hope to collaborate for planning assemblies
Deadline for applications: Friday, June 12th to Dr. Dorfman
Band Performances:
The music department awards banquet will be on June 1st at 5:30 at the Townshend Dam.
The Pops Concert and Art Show is June 4th. The art opening is at 6:30 and the concert is at 7PM.
10th Grade Class Fundraiser:
Stay hydrated with a new colorful and stylish 19 oz. Leland & Gray water bottle! See Ms. Dixon, Mrs. Liskowsky-Doak or a 10th grade Student Council member (Chloe Fawcett, Caroline Tietz, McKenzie Boyle, Caleb Thibault, Tino Benson, Jake Wilkins or Aaron Claussen) to get one. Water bottles will also be available for purchase at upcoming softball/baseball games. They are $8.00 each, all proceeds will support the 10th grade class.
Summer Opportunities:
Looking for something to do this summer? Look no further! Click the link below to see a wide range of non-academic and academic summer programs!!
Current Juniors:
Looking for an incredible summer experience that pays?!
CollegeQuest is free to those who apply, and includes all materials, room and board, and meals. This year, students will be awarded with 3 VTC credits for successfully having completed the college-level Human Biology Lite course offered by CollegeQuest, and each student completing the 5 weeks will receive a stipend in the amount of $1500. This is a huge opportunity for the rising high school senior who intends to pursue a career in healthcare or the health sciences following high school. The CollegeQuest opportunity is available to students currently in the 11th grade (who will be seniors next year), and who will be the first in their family to receive a four year degree. They must be a VT resident. APPLY NOW!
www.svahec.orgLEAF Meetings:
L.E.A.F. - Leland & Gray Environmental Action Force
Want to farm?
Want to reduce how much trash L&G generates?
Want to make upcycled crafts with elementary students?
Want to attend student centered summits to make our school more sustainable?
Want to plan, build and plant a greenhouse at L&G?
Want to watch movies on science, art, nature, and other cool stuff?
Want to bring local produce to your cafeteria?
JOIN US! - We make things happen.
Middle School students - Thursday lunch meetings with Ms. Davis
High School students - Fridays lunch meetings with Ms. Nyzio
Leland & Gray Players:
The Leland and Gray Players close their 19th season May 28-30 with the zany farce and slapstick of Commedia dell’arte in Carlo Goldoni’s The Servant of Two Masters.
Here are some pictures from their recent dress rehearsal:
Here are some pictures from their recent dress rehearsal:
In a madcap Italian comedy of love, disguise, duplicity and dueling --adapted for today by Jeffrey Hatcher and Paolo Emilio Landi-- betrothed couple Silvio and Clarice are devastated when a previous fiancé reappears, back-from-the-dead. In this farce people, places and things are not what they seem – disguises, traps and trickery produce a whirlwind of mass confusion. At the center of the farcical romp is Truffaldino, the scheming – and perpetually hungry – servant who lands on a crazy way to double his wages (and his meals) by serving two masters at once.
Commedia dell’arte from 16th century Italy descended from Greek and Roman comedy and is granddaddy to some of the best loved comedy of the last 100 years: Second City, Lucille Ball, Charlie Chaplin, Harpo Mark, SNL, the Simpsons, Daily Show and a boatload more. As the improvisational and physical comedy of the commedia grew increasingly popular, it became less impromptu street theatre and more of an “art” involving trained performers. Traditionally, many of the laughs were generated by ridiculously stupid, bumbling—often grotesque-- characters. When women were eventually allowed into commedia troupes, they rebelled against the demand that all characters be buffoons, so they injected cleverness and intrigue into plots that had otherwise relied only on slapstick. The physical humor remained, but was heightened by the contrast of the bumblers with their savvier counterparts as we see in Goldoni’s 1743 play.
To ensure that the Players could milk the script for all the laughs it allows, a commedia-trained New York actress, Emma Wade, was contracted for two days of workshops and for the making of masks for the four characters called upon to wear them. (In earlier commedia, masks were worn by all characters, except the lovers.) With training, research and ample time spent combing the text, the Players have uncovered marvelous laughs, subtle innuendos and opportunities for high physicality.
The cast includes Alexa Litchfield as Truffaldino; Jesse Cannella as Pantalone; Madison Cannella, Beatrice; Tino Benson, Florindo; Veronica Stevens, Brighella; Giannina Gaspero-Beckstrom, Smereldina; Nathaniel van Osdol, Dottore Lombardi; Adam Culver, Silvio Lombardi; Maria Groepler, Clarice; Vinny Ferrizzi, Pardone; Sam Thibault, stage manager; Nathan Claussen, mute prompter; Marissa Sparkman, Muffletta; Trey Crego, Luigi; Susie Francy, Marscapone; Madison Chase, Duck girl; Nastia Stevens, Nutella.
Original music for the production is composed by Susie Francy and played by Francy with Nathaniel van Osdol and Veronica Stevens. Nastia Stevens is assistant director; Dale Stevens is the Players’ Technical Director. Ann Landenberger directs.
Rachael Turner, Tino Benson and Nathaniel van Osdol are costume designers; Nathaniel van Osdol and Fairen Stark are set designers –with tech director Stevens; Madison Cannella is graphic designer; Grant Cullen and Sage Hall run sound; Kenny Cashman, Anna-Cate Harrison, and Josh Garland are on lights. Running crew captain is Olivia Reilly, and crew includes Kaylah Jacobs, Fairen Stark, Gabrel Vanni-Phillips, Jillian Carona and Emily Frost. Volunteer coordinator is Bonnie Cramp and the Players are supported by a team of adult volunteers.
Performances are Thursday, May 28 at 7; Friday, May 29 at 7:30 and Saturday, May 30 at 3 and 7:30 in the Dutton Gymnasium on the Leland and Gray campus, Rte. 30, Townshend. Tickets are $6 for adults; $4 for students and seniors. Group rates are available. For more information, write verbatim@svcable.net.
Word of the Week:
Suss : \ˈsəs\: to find or discover (something) by thinking: to inspect or investigate (something) in order to gain more knowledge
Origin: English-First Known Use: 1966
Root: English slang by shortening & alteration from suspect or suspicion.
Synonyms-solve, resolve, calculate
Antonyms-disregard, ignore, neglect
Sentence: Students are often asked to suss out correct answers during class
Derived Terms-suss out
Picture-Draw a picture representing this word to help you remember it.
Pantomime-Act it out in a skit or human sculpture with a classmate or friend to help you internalize its meaning.
Origin: English-First Known Use: 1966
Root: English slang by shortening & alteration from suspect or suspicion.
Synonyms-solve, resolve, calculate
Antonyms-disregard, ignore, neglect
Sentence: Students are often asked to suss out correct answers during class
Derived Terms-suss out
Picture-Draw a picture representing this word to help you remember it.
Pantomime-Act it out in a skit or human sculpture with a classmate or friend to help you internalize its meaning.
From the Nurse:
February Vacation Travel:
On Tuesday, June 9 there will be a meeting for all joining and all interested in joining the Leland and Gray trip to Ireland, Wales and England during the February 2016 vacation.
The meeting will be in Room B4 from 6:30-7:30. For more information, contact Annie Landenberger at 365-7355 x 204; alandenberger@lelandandgray.org.
Job Opening:
Application MaterialsPlease submit the following:
1. Letter of interest, which includes the following
• What do you know about the HEY program?
• What would be your approach to developing new program offerings?
• What strategies would you use to recruit students to participate?
• How would you define “success” for HEY programs?
2. Resume
3. Contact information for two references
Send to: Thara Fuller, Director of WCSU After-School Programs
tfuller@windhamcentral.org 802-365-9510
New Logo:
A big thank you and congratulations to Emily Reilly, Elizabeth Bills, and Corrin Broussard for designing the new HEY! and L'After (elementary after school programs) logos! Also, thank you to Ms. Wilson for her assistance with this project. Check out the new logos:
Late Bus:
The late bus is no longer running this school year.
After School Schedule:
After school programs will be ending on Friday, June 12th. The last day for HEY! Help will be Monday, June 15th.
Just a reminder about our current after school offerings:
Just a reminder about our current after school offerings:
Monday: AM and PM HEY! Help and Computer Refurbishing
Tuesday: AM and PM HEY! Help, Set Construction (Dutton), Dungeons & Dragons (A3) and LGTV & Aviation (IT Room)
Wednesday: AM and PM HEY! Help
Thursday: AM and PM HEY! Help and CLEA (B2)
Friday: AM HEY! Help and GSA (B11)
Tuesday: AM and PM HEY! Help, Set Construction (Dutton), Dungeons & Dragons (A3) and LGTV & Aviation (IT Room)
Wednesday: AM and PM HEY! Help
Thursday: AM and PM HEY! Help and CLEA (B2)
Friday: AM HEY! Help and GSA (B11)
Samba Band:
The Samba band meets on Thursdays from 2:40-4:00 in the Music Room.
Summer Meals:
Did You Know? There are FREE meals available to ALL children aged 18 and under during the summer?
Funded by the USDA, the Summer Food Service Program runs throughout Windham County and there is NO paperwork or registration to participate. Meals are open and free to all people 18 and under and many sites offer breakfast and lunch. A complete list of sites will be available by the end of the school year - call Vermont 2-1-1 (toll free from anywhere in VT), text "mealsVT" to 877877 or visit www.vermontfoodhelp.com for more information.
Join us at the Summer Food Kick-off on Friday, June 5, from 5pm - 7pm at the Boys & Girls Club on Flat Street in Brattleboro - FREE dinner will be served at 5:30pm for all families!
Come find out more about the FREE summer food program and have some fun. The Fuel Up to Play 60 van will be there with games and giveaways! For more information, contact United Way of Windham County at 802.257.4011 or info@unitedwaywindham.org.
Funded by the USDA, the Summer Food Service Program runs throughout Windham County and there is NO paperwork or registration to participate. Meals are open and free to all people 18 and under and many sites offer breakfast and lunch. A complete list of sites will be available by the end of the school year - call Vermont 2-1-1 (toll free from anywhere in VT), text "mealsVT" to 877877 or visit www.vermontfoodhelp.com for more information.
Join us at the Summer Food Kick-off on Friday, June 5, from 5pm - 7pm at the Boys & Girls Club on Flat Street in Brattleboro - FREE dinner will be served at 5:30pm for all families!
Come find out more about the FREE summer food program and have some fun. The Fuel Up to Play 60 van will be there with games and giveaways! For more information, contact United Way of Windham County at 802.257.4011 or info@unitedwaywindham.org.
100th Birthday Celebration:
West River Valley Thrives Meeting:
Hello Community Partners,
WRVthrives will be holding its next Partnership Meeting on Thursday June 11, 3:00pm at the Grace Cottage Wellness Center.
We will be looking at our brand new web site and talking about exciting updates and next steps for the organization. Come network, learn, and engage in our important work.
Please let me know if you plan to attend.
Julia Hampton
We will be looking at our brand new web site and talking about exciting updates and next steps for the organization. Come network, learn, and engage in our important work.
Please let me know if you plan to attend.
Julia Hampton
West River Valley Thrives
Engaging and inspiring healthy communities.
Like us on facebook
Spring Awards Banquet:
The Spring High School Sports Awards Banquet will be held on Monday June 8th at 5:30pm.
The Spring Middle School Sports Awards Banquet will be held on Wednesday June 10th at 5:30pm.
Both events are Pot Luck Style so please bring your favorite dish!
Summer Sports Camps at L&G:
Mr. Russell will be running a baseball camp on 6/22-6/26 from 9am-12pm for grades 1-6 (boys and girls) and grades 7-10 (boys only).
He will also be running a basketball camp on 6/29-7/3 from 9am-12pm then 12:30pm-3:30pm for grades 1-6 (boys and girls) and grades 7-10 (boys and girls).
He will also be running a basketball camp on 6/29-7/3 from 9am-12pm then 12:30pm-3:30pm for grades 1-6 (boys and girls) and grades 7-10 (boys and girls).
The cost for each camp is $110. If sending multiple family members, the cost is $85 per person. See Mr. Russell for more information or forms can be found here.
Summer Soccer Camp:
Leland and Gray 19th Annual Summer Soccer Camp forms are now out. Please download or pick up in the front office. It can be found here.
Open Gym:
Leland and Gray will be providing some Open Gyms boys interested in playing pick up basketball on Sundays from 12-1:30pm in the main Gym.
Upcoming Events:
Please check Digital Sports or the L&G homepage for any changes.
Day | Date | Time | Event | Sport | H/A | Opponent/Title | Facility |
Fri | 5/29/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Boys (8TH) Baseball | H | Vs. Putney Middle School | TBD |
Fri | 5/29/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Girls (JV) Softball | H | Vs. Springfield High School | Softball Field 1- at school |
Wed | 6/03/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Girls (8TH) Softball | A | @ Hinsdale High School | TBD |
Wed | 6/03/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Boys (8TH) Baseball | H | Vs. HINSDALE MIDDLE SCHOOL | Baseball Field- on campus |
Thu | 6/04/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Girls (8TH) Softball | A | @ Marlborough Middle School | TBD |
Thu | 6/04/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Boys (8TH) Baseball | A | @ Marlborough Middle School | TBD |
Tue | 6/09/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Girls (8TH) Softball | H | Vs. Westmoreland Middle School | Softball Field 1- at school |
Tue | 6/09/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Boys (8TH) Baseball | H | Vs. Westmoreland Middle School | Baseball Field- on campus |