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Attention Students in the Classes of 2017, 2018, and 2019
It's your turn to serve on Leland and Gray's School Board! Three seniors graduate in June, opening three slots for high schoolers in grades 9-11 to join the Board and contribute to the most powerful decision-making in school. To apply, write a detailed letter of interest to the principal Dorinne Dorfman and the School Board chair Joseph Winrich, and attend a School Board meeting, preferably on Tuesday, May 12th at 6:30pm in the library. The deadline for applications is Friday, May 15th. The two-year term as a student member of the School Board begins in August 2015 and ends in June 2017, during which you attend monthly Board meetings and a two budget meetings.
Participating on the Board gives students voice at the highest levels in developing school budgets, adopting policies, and discussing the most pressing issues at Leland and Gray. Every eligible student should consider the influence and prestige this role brings, not just here and now, but in the future as a leader and top competitor when applying to college and career.
For more information, see student Board member Julian Plumadore, Dr. Dorfman, or Terry Davison Berger.
Do you want to learn more about Leland and Gray? If so, you should apply to become a substitute teacher? Choose the days you want to work and fill out an application at the Central Office. Call Patty in the office for more information about this exciting opportunity!
A valuable part of the National Foundation for Women Legislators (NFWL) mission is connecting women leaders of today with women leaders of tomorrow. As a successful and experienced woman leader, you are no doubt aware that you are in a prime position to reach out and mentor women leaders of the future.
Each year, to fulfill this key mission, NFWL partners with the National Rifle Association to sponsor an academic scholarship. Winners receive a $3,000 college scholarship and an-expense-paid trip to attend NFWL’s Annual Conference. At the Conference, these young ladies speak, receive leadership training, and network with lawmakers. For several winners in prior years, their NFWL scholarship made the difference in funding their attendance at college. Nearly all winners have found their passion for public leadership ignited or strengthened.
This year, the eighteenth annual Bill of Rights Essay Contest of NFWL and the National Rifle Association will award six female high school juniors and seniors with a $3,000 college scholarship. The six winners will receive a trip to the 2015 NFWL Annual Conference, September 11-15 in Oklahoma City, OK. The recommending legislators of the awardees will also receive an NFWL travel scholarship to the Conference and are invited to attend the entire conference with their student.
Please distribute the attached application to female high school juniors and seniors individually, through the schools, and/or through the media, so they can take advantage of this excellent opportunity. The application deadline is Friday, June 12th, 2015, by which essays must be submitted via email.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email Meghan Cusick at meghan@womenlegislagtors.org We look forward to working with you and young women from your district!
Rising Juniors and Seniors:
Intro to College Night:
This informative workshop will answer all of your questions about the college search and admissions process. Natalie Brennan, Leland & Gray’s Outreach Counselor from the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC), will explain the admissions process, financial aid, visiting colleges, and the SAT/ACT. She has materials that will assist you in tracking “what to do when.” The school counselors will review L&G’s transcript, recommendations, deadlines and our web-based college and career planning tool, Naviance.
We look forward to seeing you and working closely with you and your college-bound student. If you have questions, please feel free to call Sarah Grasso at 365-7355 ext.125.
Refreshments will be served.
Wednesday, May 13th
L&G Library
Wednesday, May 13th
L&G Library
Prom will be held on May 16th at Stratton in the Green Mountain Room from 7-11pm.
Tickets are on sale now!
See Nika with questions.
10th Grade Class Fundraiser:
Stay hydrated with a new colorful and stylish 19 oz. Leland & Gray water bottle! See Ms. Dixon, Mrs. Liskowsky-Doak or a 10th grade Student Council member (Chloe Fawcett, Caroline Tietz, McKenzie Boyle, Caleb Thibault, Tino Benson, Jake Wilkins or Aaron Claussen) to get one. Water bottles will also be available for purchase at upcoming softball/baseball games. They are $8.00 each, all proceeds will support the 10th grade class.Summer Opportunities:
Looking for something to do this summer? Look no further! Click the link below to see a wide range of non-academic and academic summer programs!!
Current Juniors:
Looking for an incredible summer experience that pays?!
CollegeQuest is free to those who apply, and includes all materials, room and board, and meals. This year, students will be awarded with 3 VTC credits for successfully having completed the college-level Human Biology Lite course offered by CollegeQuest, and each student completing the 5 weeks will receive a stipend in the amount of $1500. This is a huge opportunity for the rising high school senior who intends to pursue a career in healthcare or the health sciences following high school. The CollegeQuest opportunity is available to students currently in the 11th grade (who will be seniors next year), and who will be the first in their family to receive a four year degree. They must be a VT resident. APPLY NOW!
www.svahec.orgLEAF Meetings:
L.E.A.F. - Leland & Gray Environmental Action Force
Want to farm?
Want to reduce how much trash L&G generates?
Want to make upcycled crafts with elementary students?
Want to attend student centered summits to make our school more sustainable?
Want to plan, build and plant a greenhouse at L&G?
Want to watch movies on science, art, nature, and other cool stuff?
Want to bring local produce to your cafeteria?
JOIN US! - We make things happen.
Middle School students - Thursday lunch meetings with Ms. Davis
High School students - Fridays lunch meetings with Ms. Nyzio
Leland & Gray Players:
Leland and Gray Players present The Servant of Two Masters, physical comedy and farce at its best, on Thursday, May 28 at 7; Friday, May 29 at 7:30; Saturday, May 30 at 3 and 7:30. Laughs will keep coming in two packed hours of witty exchange, twisted plot intrigue, juggling, music and dance--all with characters from centuries ago who make comedy what it is today. Info: alandenberger@lelandandgray.org.
Word of the Week:
Xenophobia [zen-uh-foh-bee-uh, zee-nuh-] Noun-An unreasonable fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers or of that which is foreign or strange.
Origin: Classic Greek-xeno "foreign or strange" and phobia "fear." First known use as xenophobia in 1903. Derived Forms-Xenophobic, adjective.
Synonyms-discrimination, animosity, bigotry
Antonyms-fairness, impartiality, tolerance
Prefix-xen or xeno
Sentence: Many issues we see regarding police violence, riots and racial struggle occur because of xenophobia.
Note: Although often associated, xenophobia and racism have different meanings.
Picture: Draw a picture representing this word to help you remember it.
Pantomime: Act it out in a skit or human sculpture with a classmate or friend to help you internalize its meaning.
Origin: Classic Greek-xeno "foreign or strange" and phobia "fear." First known use as xenophobia in 1903. Derived Forms-Xenophobic, adjective.
Synonyms-discrimination, animosity, bigotry
Antonyms-fairness, impartiality, tolerance
Prefix-xen or xeno
Sentence: Many issues we see regarding police violence, riots and racial struggle occur because of xenophobia.
Note: Although often associated, xenophobia and racism have different meanings.
Picture: Draw a picture representing this word to help you remember it.
Pantomime: Act it out in a skit or human sculpture with a classmate or friend to help you internalize its meaning.
From the Nurse:
♦ Apply insect repellent (DEET or herbal products) every few hours. See below for a home recipe.
♦ Reduce perfumes and sweet smelling soaps or shampoos.
♦ Wear white or light colored solids
♦ Check inside your shoes or hats before putting them on.
♦ Wear gloves, socks and long sleeves, and tuck your pants into your socks when working in the garden, wood piles, sheds, or any dark, warm, dry place.
♦ If you are allergic, wear a medical alert bracelet, carry an allergy kit with epinephrine (epi-pen) and plan ahead about what to do in the event you are stung.
♦ Remove the stinger with tweezers if it is visible. If you can’t see a stinger, there isn't one. Avoid squeezing the stinger as it will release more venom.
♦ Apply ice or a cold pack.
♦ Consider using a folk treatment such as baking powder, meat tenderizer or active charcoal mixed with water to make a paste.
♦ Consider using an antihistamine (oral or topical) such as Benadryl or calamine lotion to reduce itching, pain or swelling.
Home Bug Repellent Recipe:
1. In a 16oz bottle combine:
a. 15 drops of lavender oil
b. 3-4 Tbsp. of vanilla extract
c. ¼ cup lemon juice
2. Fill the rest of the bottle with water
3. Shake and it’s ready to use as a topical spray!
(Source: Online Holistic Health – www.onlineholisitchealth.com)
From Jaclyn:
With summer approach we can reflect on all of the activities that we enjoy; swimming, hiking, biking, going on vacations with family and friends, and over all being outside. Most of us may get a sunburn at the beginning of summer and then tan, but those of us who are not so luck tend to get sunburn after sunburn. Even with sunscreen on after a while if you do not remember to reapply it will be of no use to you. Using SPF 100? What is it really doing? Most sunscreens will need to be reapplied after two hours to remain effective. SPF refers to the ability of a sunscreen to block ultraviolet B (UVB) rays, which cause sunburns, but not UVA rays, which are more closely linked to deeper skin damage. Children are especially at risk: one blistering sunburn in childhood or adolescence more than doubles a person's chances of developing melanoma later in life.
Both UVA and UVB contribute to the risk of skin cancer. The SPF rating is a measure of the time it would take you to sunburn if you were not wearing sunscreen as opposed to the time it would take with sunscreen on. SPF 15 product blocks about 94% of UVB rays; and SPF 30 product blocks 97% of UVB rays; and SPF 45 product blocks about 98% of rays. Sunscreens with higher SPF ratings block slightly more UVB rays, but none offers 100% protection.
So please remember to apply sunscreen when outside for extended periods of time and remember to take care of yourself. For more information visit skincancer.org and/or webmd.com
Late Bus:
The late bus will be running the following dates:
Monday - Thursday: April 27-May 28th
After School Schedule:
Just a reminder about our current after school offerings:
Monday: AM and PM HEY! Help and Computer Refurbishing
Tuesday: AM and PM HEY! Help, Set Construction (Dutton), Dungeons & Dragons (A3) and LGTV & Aviation (IT Room)
Wednesday: AM and PM HEY! Help
Thursday: AM and PM HEY! Help and CLEA (B2)
Friday: AM HEY! Help and GSA (B11)
Tuesday: AM and PM HEY! Help, Set Construction (Dutton), Dungeons & Dragons (A3) and LGTV & Aviation (IT Room)
Wednesday: AM and PM HEY! Help
Thursday: AM and PM HEY! Help and CLEA (B2)
Friday: AM HEY! Help and GSA (B11)
Samba Band:
The Samba band meets on Thursdays from 2:40-4:00 in the Music Room.
Spring Into Health 5k:
6th Annual Spring Into Health 5K
It’s time to think spring! Registration is now open for Grace Cottage’s 6th Annual Spring Into Health 5-K, co-sponsored by People’s United Bank and Grace Cottage Hospital.
The race begins on the Townshend Common at 8:30 a.m. (rain or shine) on Saturday, May 9. This is a timed race. Register on or before May 7 for the early bird rate: $15/adults; $10/children (13 and younger). The first 150 registrants receive a t-shirt. After May 7, registration is $20/adults; $15/children.
The popular and free kids’ Fun Run begins at 9:15 a.m. on the Common.
To register, visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/springintohealth5k. For more information, call 802-365-9109 or visit www.gracecottage.org.
Upcoming Events:
The West Townshend Country Store will be holding the following events:
Worm composting and Vermiculture May 18th
Seed Swap and Seed Bomb workshop May 4th
Seed Swap and Seed Bomb workshop May 4th
Middle School Track & Field Results:
Ellie Longo and Bay Holmes are participating on the Middle School Green Mountain Track and Field Team. On Thursday April 30th, both student-athletes competed in their first meet...here are their results:
100 M-1st place Ellie Longo 13.8 and 4th place Bay Holmes 15.0
4x100-The team of Ellie and Bay and 2 other Green Mountain students finished in 1st place 59.3
4x200-2nd place Bay and 3 other students 2:13.8
Discus-1st place Ellie 63'0"
Long Jump-1st place Ellie 14'0"
Congrats Girls!
Operation Hat Trick:
The L&G Athletic Department along with the L&G Booster Club will be participating in Operation Hat Trick on Tuesday May 12th. Both the Varsity Baseball and Softball teams have games that day and we would like the opportunity to honor veterans from the area. Please join us down on the fields for the games that begin at 4:30pm. We will be selling Camouflage Hats to raise money for wounded warriors in Vermont.
Go Rebels!
Summer Soccer Camp:
Leland and Gray 19th Annual Summer Soccer Camp forms are now out. Please download or pick up in the front office. It can be found here.
Open Gym:
Leland and Gray will be providing some Open Gyms boys interested in playing pick up basketball on Sundays from 12-1:30pm in the main Gym.
Upcoming Events:
Please check Digital Sports for any changes.
Day | Date | Time | Event | Sport | H/A | Opponent/Title | Facility |
Fri | 5/08/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Girls (JV) Softball | A | @ Fair Haven Union | TBD |
Sat | 5/09/15 | 11:00AM | Game | Boys (V) Baseball | A | @ Twin Valley Middle High School | Wilmington/Baker Field |
Sat | 5/09/15 | 11:00AM | Game | Girls (V) Softball | A | @ Twin Valley Middle High School | Twin Valley HS |
Tue | 5/12/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Boys (8TH) Baseball | A | @ Chesterfield Middle School | TBD |
Tue | 5/12/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Girls (V) Softball | H | Vs. Hartford | Softball Field 1- at school |
Tue | 5/12/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Girls (JV) Softball | A | @ Hartford | HHS Softball Field |
Tue | 5/12/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Boys (V) Baseball | H | Vs. Otter Valley Union | Baseball Field- on campus |
Wed | 5/13/15 | 3:30PM | Game | Girls (V) Softball | A | @ Green Mountain | Chester Rec softball |
Wed | 5/13/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Girls (8TH) Softball | A | @ Chesterfield Middle School | TBD |
Wed | 5/13/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Girls (JV) Softball | H | Vs. Green Mountain | Softball Field 1- at school |
Thu | 5/14/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Girls (8TH) Softball | A | @ Walpole Middle School | TBD |
Thu | 5/14/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Boys (8TH) Baseball | A | @ Walpole Middle School | TBD |
Thu | 5/14/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Girls (V) Softball | H | Vs. Windsor Jr/Sr | Softball Field 1- at school |
Thu | 5/14/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Boys (V) Baseball | H | Vs. Black River | Baseball Field- on campus |
Mon | 5/18/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Boys (V) Baseball | A | @ Springfield High School | RMS Birsky/Wyman Field |
Mon | 5/18/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Girls (JV) Softball | H | Vs. Mill River Union | Softball Field 1- at school |
Tue | 5/19/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Girls (8TH) Softball | A | @ Westmoreland Middle School | TBD |
Tue | 5/19/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Boys (8TH) Baseball | A | @ Westmoreland Middle School | TBD |
Tue | 5/19/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Boys (V) Baseball | A | @ Poultney | TBD |
Wed | 5/20/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Girls (V) Softball | A | @ Windsor Jr/Sr | Var. SB Field |
Wed | 5/20/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Girls (JV) Softball | A | @ Green Mountain | Greven Field |
Thu | 5/21/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Boys (8TH) Baseball | H | Vs. Putney Middle School | TBD |
Fri | 5/22/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Boys (V) Baseball | H | Vs. Arlington Memorial | Baseball Field- on campus |
Sat | 5/23/15 | 11:00AM | Game | Girls (JV) Softball | A | @ Rutland High School | Northeast Field |
Sat | 5/23/15 | 11:00AM | Game | Girls (V) Softball | H | Vs. Rutland High School | Softball Field 1- at school |
Mon | 5/25/15 | 2:00PM | Game | Girls (JV) Softball | H | Vs. Otter Valley Union | Softball Field 1- at school |
Mon | 5/25/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Girls (V) Softball | H | Vs. Otter Valley Union | Softball Field 1- at school |
Tue | 5/26/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Girls (8TH) Softball | A | @ Hinsdale High School | TBD |
Tue | 5/26/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Boys (V) Baseball | H | Vs. Twin Valley | Baseball Field- on campus |
Tue | 5/26/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Girls (V) Softball | H | Vs. Twin Valley | Softball Field 1- at school |
Wed | 5/27/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Boys (8TH) Baseball | A | @ Dummerston Middle School | TBD |
Thu | 5/28/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Girls (V) Softball | H | Vs. Springfield High School | TBD |
Thu | 5/28/15 | 4:30PM | Game | Boys (V) Baseball | H | Vs. Springfield High School | Baseball Field- on campus |
Wed | 6/03/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Boys (8TH) Baseball | H | Vs. HINSDALE MIDDLE SCHOOL | Baseball Field- on campus |
Thu | 6/04/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Boys (8TH) Baseball | A | @ Marlborough Middle School | TBD |
Thu | 6/04/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Girls (8TH) Softball | A | @ Marlborough Middle School | TBD |
Tue | 6/09/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Girls (8TH) Softball | H | Vs. Westmoreland Middle School | Softball Field 1- at school |
Tue | 6/09/15 | 4:00PM | Game | Boys (8TH) Baseball | H | Vs. Westmoreland Middle School | Baseball Field- on campus |