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Please submit the following:
1. Letter of interest, which includes the following
• What do you know about the HEY program?
• What would be your approach to developing new program offerings?
• What strategies would you use to recruit students to participate?
• How would you define “success” for HEY programs?
2. Resume
3. Contact information for two references
Send to: Thara Fuller, Director of WCSU After-School Programs
tfuller@windhamcentral.org 802-365-9510
Mr. Russell will be running a baseball camp on 6/22-6/26 from 9am-12pm for grades 1-6 (boys and girls) and grades 7-10 (boys only).
He will also be running a basketball camp on 6/29-7/3 from 9am-12pm then 12:30pm-3:30pm for grades 1-6 (boys and girls) and grades 7-10 (boys and girls).
The cost for each camp is $110. If sending multiple family members, the cost is $85 per person. See Mr. Russell for more information or forms can be found here.
Thanks for the great year and have a wonderful summer!! Congratulations to the Class of 2015!
Samba Band:
The Rebels Samba band will be playing in the Alumni Parade in Townshend on June 20th at 7 PM. They will also be in the Jamaica Old Home Day Parade on July 25th.
Summer Opportunities:
Looking for something to do this summer? Look no further! Click the link below to see a wide range of non-academic and academic summer programs!!
February Travel:
Are you interested in traveling to England, Wales and Ireland next February? Among hundreds of sights you'll see is this, the Rock of Cashel:
Everyone in the Leland and Gray community is welcome to join us. If you're interested and want more info--or if you plan to enroll--please write alandenberger@lelandandgray.org. NB: If another FIVE travelers enroll, everyone's fare drops by about $300. Deadline for registration is October 30.
Job Opening:
Application Materials:Please submit the following:
1. Letter of interest, which includes the following
• What do you know about the HEY program?
• What would be your approach to developing new program offerings?
• What strategies would you use to recruit students to participate?
• How would you define “success” for HEY programs?
2. Resume
3. Contact information for two references
Send to: Thara Fuller, Director of WCSU After-School Programs
tfuller@windhamcentral.org 802-365-9510
Catamount Half Marathon and 5K Races on June 28:
The Catamount Half Marathon & 5K Race on Sunday, June 28 in Brattleboro, VT benefits Youth Services of Windham County. The race will start at the Brattleboro Retreat grounds on Route 30, crossing both the Dummerston Covered Bridge and the historic Rice Farm Road Bridge as well as following Route 30’s scenic West River corridor. Youth Services is recruiting 20-30 water station volunteers; community service credit available.
The Half Marathon/5K entry fees are $60/$30 before June 16; $70/$35 up until June 27; and $80/$40 on Race Day. Pacesetter Sponsors are Brattleboro Subaru, GS Precision and TransCanada. Lead race sponsors are Marlboro College & Graduate Center, and Sam’s Outdoor Outfitters. To register, visit www.catamounthm.com To volunteer, email info@youthservicesinc.org or call (802) 257-0361.
Summer Meals:
Did You Know? There are FREE meals available to ALL children aged 18 and under during the summer?
Funded by the USDA, the Summer Food Service Program runs throughout Windham County and there is NO paperwork or registration to participate. Meals are open and free to all people 18 and under and many sites offer breakfast and lunch. A complete list of sites will be available by the end of the school year - call Vermont 2-1-1 (toll free from anywhere in VT), text "mealsVT" to 877877 or visit www.vermontfoodhelp.com for more information.
Join us at the Summer Food Kick-off on Friday, June 5, from 5pm - 7pm at the Boys & Girls Club on Flat Street in Brattleboro - FREE dinner will be served at 5:30pm for all families!
Come find out more about the FREE summer food program and have some fun. The Fuel Up to Play 60 van will be there with games and giveaways! For more information, contact United Way of Windham County at 802.257.4011 or info@unitedwaywindham.org.
Funded by the USDA, the Summer Food Service Program runs throughout Windham County and there is NO paperwork or registration to participate. Meals are open and free to all people 18 and under and many sites offer breakfast and lunch. A complete list of sites will be available by the end of the school year - call Vermont 2-1-1 (toll free from anywhere in VT), text "mealsVT" to 877877 or visit www.vermontfoodhelp.com for more information.
Join us at the Summer Food Kick-off on Friday, June 5, from 5pm - 7pm at the Boys & Girls Club on Flat Street in Brattleboro - FREE dinner will be served at 5:30pm for all families!
Come find out more about the FREE summer food program and have some fun. The Fuel Up to Play 60 van will be there with games and giveaways! For more information, contact United Way of Windham County at 802.257.4011 or info@unitedwaywindham.org.
Camp Leadership Challenge:
WHO: Boys & Girls 12- 17 years old
WHAT: A six night, seven day residential camp
WHERE: Westminister National Guard Armory, Sand Hill Rd. Westminister, VT
WHEN: July 19-25th
WHAT IS IT: Camp Leadership Challenge provides youth with an introduction to military life, skills, and experiences. Opportunities are available for hands-on interactions with various community based organizations including the Windham County Sheriff's Office, Vermont State Police, Fire & Rescue, Fish and Game as well as military unitys. Youth will also get the opportunity to tour the Southern State Correctional Facility.
For more information contact Sergeant Jessica Fellows at 802.365.4942 or jfellows@windhamcountyvt.gov
The girls softball was runner up to Richford in the Division 3 Softball State Tournament. Congratulations Lady Rebels! We are proud of you!
Co-Curricular Meeting Next August:
We will hold our 1st Annual L&G Co-curricular meeting for grades 7-12 that are interested in participating in a Co-curricular activity during the fall, winter and/or spring. This meeting will cover all aspects of the activities, academic requirements and the concussion protocol. It will be held on August 27th in the Activity Room starting at 6pm...Enjoy your summer and see you then!Spring Uniforms:
If you FORGOT to return your uniform to your coach, please drop it off in the Main Office!Summer Sports Camps at L&G:
He will also be running a basketball camp on 6/29-7/3 from 9am-12pm then 12:30pm-3:30pm for grades 1-6 (boys and girls) and grades 7-10 (boys and girls).
The cost for each camp is $110. If sending multiple family members, the cost is $85 per person. See Mr. Russell for more information or forms can be found here.
Summer Soccer Camp:
Leland and Gray 19th Annual Summer Soccer Camp forms are now out. Please download or pick up in the front office. It can be found here.
Open Gym:
Leland and Gray will be providing some Open Gyms boys interested in playing pick up basketball on Sundays from 12-1:30pm in the main Gym.
Girls Summer Soccer:
Come to the soccer fields on Wednesdays and Sundays at 6pm throughout the summer to play soccer.