Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday Notes 4/27/18

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SBAC Testing Reminders

Tuesday, 5/1 - grades 7-9 take SBACs; grades 10-12th have activities planned; 12th graders will have a required class meeting!

Wednesday, 5/2 - grades 7-9 take SBACs, early release day at 11:30am; grades 10-12 get to stay home!

Thursday, 5/3 - grades 7-9 take SBACs; grades 10-11 have activities planned; 12th graders who are graduating this June may come to school at 10am.

Friday, 5/4 - grades 7-9 take SBACs; grades 10-11 have activities planned; 12th graders who are graduating this June may come to school at 10am.

Monday, 5/7 - grades 7-9 take SBACs; grades 10-11 have activities planned; 12th graders who are graduating this June may come to school at 10am.  There is no assembly.

Other notes:

For FLEX, students go to A-D blocks rotating based on the Bell Schedule, unless you are in band, then you go to band for each FLEX period.
Bell schedule:

Students in grades 7-9 who are absent during assessment blocks, will be rescheduled for make ups in the following week.
10th and 11th graders have the option of earning up to 8 hours of community service towards their community service graduation requirement based on which activity they choose.
Some activities require special clothing - gym clothes, boots, outdoor clothing, etc.  Students should come prepared based on the activity they’re signed up for.
Some activities will require transportation via bus or walking off campus.  If you do not want your child leaving campus, please email Phoebe at to opt out.
Selection of activities will take place in advisory on Monday, 4/30.

April 16, 2018
Dear Leland and Gray Families,  
Leland and Gray students in grades seven through nine will be taking the required Smarter Balanced Assessments in English Language Arts and Math beginning on May 1 through May 7, 2018.  The assessments which are administered electronically, take approximately 6 hours and are divided into 5 or 6 sessions. These sessions will be from 8:00-10:00 A.M. and the schedule of classes are condensed to accommodate this required State testing. 
May 2, 2018 is a scheduled Early Dismissal day, only grades 7-9 students need to attend.  Students in grades 10, 11, 12 are excused from attending school on this date (May 2, 2018). On the other testing dates, various activities are planned for students in grades 10, 11, 12 during the testing times (8:00-10:00 A.M.) and students are expected to be present. 

From the Vermont Agency of Education -
At the conclusion of the testing for all schools in the State, school leaders and teachers will be able to access individual student reports that will be forwarded to parents on a date determined locally. These reports will give parents information on how their child achieved in relation to a common set of statewide academic standards.  However, parents need to keep in mind that the tests provide a broad overview of growth and success.  The results are most useful when viewed in the context of other data gathered by teacher(s) and their child’s school.  The primary purpose of the testing program is to provide parents and the community with the combined results for all students in the school and for major student groups, as one gauge of how well the school is meeting the educational needs of all of its learners. 

Computer-based testing provides students with a variety of innovative format, tools and accessibility options. These options include the following:
All testing is administered using a secure online assessment system that includes a variety of tools and technology enhanced test questions that will improve the assessment experience for our students.
Foremost among the new technologies is Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT).  CAT selects a unique set of test questions for each student that will produce very precise results in less time than the last generation of paper/pencil tests.
In addition to the CAT portion of the test, students will also participate in a hands-on, minds-on performance task that permits students to use their skills on an authentic and engaging challenge. 
The assessment includes an array of embedded accessibility tools for special populations - features such as read aloud, color and contrast choices, expandable reading passages, key word translation glossaries, American Sign Language translation, Braille, and many other tools.
Because the test is administered electronically, student results will be returned to schools very quickly.  We can expect school scores by mid-June and individual student scores prior to that.
Please note that Vermont’s test delivery system uses state of the art security features that will protect our students’ privacy and will adhere to all federal and state confidentiality regulations, including but not limited to the Family Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

To learn  more about Smarter Balanced Assessments, log on to where you will find additional information for parents, as well as practice tests that will allow you to try out the test your child will be taking in May.  

In addition, there are two new state tests. The Vermont Science Assessment  (VTSA) will be administered to students in grades 8 & 11 is scheduled for May 22, 23, 2018.  The Vermont Physical Education Assessment (FitnessGram) testing is planned for grade 10 on May 22, 23, 2018. 

Please visit this website to read more about any of the Vermont State Assessment programs:

If your child is absent due to illness during testing, makeup sessions will be arranged.  If you already know that your student will be absent during one or more of these days, please contact one of his or her teachers right away. 
Feel free to contact us about SBAC general testing procedures.  For questions about testing accommodations for students with special needs, contact Eleanor Kearney at 365-7355 ext. 131 or your child’s case manager. Thank you for all your support of our students’ achievement.


Mr. Bob Thibault, Principal

Pamela J. Bernardo, Instructional Coach  ext. 178
Johanna Liskowsky-Doak, Instructional Coach ext 179

School Calendar:

Please make sure to check out the Leland & Gray school calendar.  It differs from the District calendar because of professional development days for our faculty.   The full calendar can be found here.

Mimesis 2018 announcement:

Mimesis, Leland and Gray's literary magazine, will be published again this June. Please submit your poetry, prose, and graphics (drawings or photographs that will reproduce well in black and white) by 5/25/18. Send submissions to, or

If you have any questions or are interested in serving on the literary magazine board, please contact one of the board members above. 

Save the Date Prom 2018:

Message from Jessica's Closet:

Attention Girls!! There are many dresses rented from Jessica’s Closet that have not been returned by Leland and gray students. Please bring dresses to the school office where they will be picked up and returned ASAP!! Even if your dress was damaged they would like them back. They donate damaged dresses to theater groups. This is a wonderful cause, so let’s help it continue by returning the dresses!! 

Bubble Soccer:


April 29th, 2018
1:00pm - 3:00pm on the L & G Athletic Fields
Sponsored by the Class of 2018

Teams of Four will compete against each other.   
You will be assigned to one 15 minute time block between 1:00 and 3:00.
You will only be in the "bubble" for 10 minutes!  (This will be more than enough!)
Registration fee is $20 per person.  
To register for this event please use the following link:
Teams are encouraged to pre-register by April 19, 2018.
Age divisions include Elementary, HS/MS, and Adult

Spectators admission fee is $5.00
Concessions will be available for sale throughout the event.

The senior class would like to thank our sponsors:
Clark Electric, D & K Jamaica Grocery, Jeff Russ Plumbing & Heating, Lucas Bates Construction, Messenger Valley Pharmacy, Plimpton Excavating, RP Tree Service, Top Of The Hill Grill, Southern Vermont Cable Company, WW Building Supply, Yankee Groundskeeping, Sysco Foods, Bromley Market, Village Pie, Southern VT Painting, Riverbend Bookkeeping, Granger Real Estate


Important Update:

All practices and games will be listed on our Events and Activities Calendar which is on the L&G website under Calendars.


Community service is now a graduation requirement starting with the Class of 2019. All information can be found here:

Please e-mail any community service opportunities to Terry Davison Berger <>

Green Team:

Community Service Opportunity:

Invite you to join our Valley Lions Club efforts to help coordinate the five towns of Newfane, Brookline, Townshend, Wardsboro and Jamaica to make an impact upon our Valley's environment and to pull our communities together in celebration on this day.  

The Valley Lions Club is hosting with the Community Hope and Action monthly event.  On Saturday, May 5 at 12 Noon, after helping to pick up the litter alongside the roadways through out our five town area in the morning you are invited to join our two groups for a pig roast & potluck food and music community event to be held at the Townshend Commons!

Drop In Community Service:

3 Generation Collaboration Community Service Opportunities:

New community service opportunities with 3 Generations Collaboration are always being posted at

Also, visit the link to learn about Build Your Own Service.

Video Contests:

Kids, see these two video contests!
100-Seconds Film & Video Festival: Deadline: 9/1/18. Entries will be compiled to premiere on Community Media Day on October 20. Enter at 

Freedom & Unity Youth Film Contest: for Vermont filmmakers age 10-26. Deadline: 4/21/18. Cash prizes. Enter at

Community Service Opportunities with BEEC:


Movie Night: Jumanji (2017)

Leland & Gray's Above the Influence (ATI) group is hosting a movie night next Friday, April 27th, at Dutton Gym from 6-830 PM. Admission and snacks will be available by an optional suggested donation. Bring your friends and have a fun movie night with ATI. 

Any parents interested in chaperoning this event, please contact Nick at or 365-4700.

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

West River Valley Thrives invites community member to take advantage of Prescription Drug Take Back Day, Saturday, April 28th, and take some time to clean out medicine cabinets of all extra unused prescription medication.

Many drugs are addictive or can have adverse effects for someone not prescribed the drug. Proper prescription drug disposal can help keep them out of our kids’ hands and prevent pollution of our waterways.

To dispose of your medication safely, drop them off at one of the local permanent drop box locations at:

Windham County Sheriff’s Office in Newfane, and Brattleboro, Winhall, Wilmington, and Bellows Falls Police Departments.

 If the door is locked at the Windham County Sheriff's Office on Saturday, proceed to the employees only front door (solid white with the sign "Windham County Sheriff's Dept. over it) and ring the bell. Someone will come downstairs and open the door to enable you to drop your expired medications.

Green Up Day

After a busy morning of clean-up of our roadsides, in Newfane, Brookline, Townshend, Jamaica, Windham and Wardsboro, we (Valley Lions, West River Valley Thrive and Community, Hope & Action) cordially invite YOU to attend a community celebration of Green Up Day to be held on the Townshend Common!

We are planning for a local pig roast (a vegetarian option will also be provided), potluck salads and desserts from the community, along with live music, too! In addition, tabletop displays of local GREEN businesses, groups, and organizations to share what they do in the West River Valley.

Co-hosted by West River Valley Thrives, Community Hope and Action, and Valley Lions

Please bring a chair and let us know you will be attending by clicking using this SignUp Genius just click on this link: View Sign Up Form:
For additional information regarding the event, please contact or call (802) 221-0536 for further information.


If you have any community events or information you would like to be listed in Friday Notes, please e-mail