Friday, May 11, 2018

Friday Notes 5/11/18

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School Calendar:

Please make sure to check out the Leland & Gray school calendar.  It differs from the District calendar because of professional development days for our faculty.   The full calendar can be found here.

Vermont Science Assessment:

May 7, 2018

Dear Families,

On May 22 and 23 students in grades 8 and 11 will be participating in a required field test of the Vermont Science Assessment.  The testing will be from 8:00-9:30 with a modified schedule of classes for the remaining hours of the day. Students in grade 11 that attend the Windham Regional Career Center that did not already take the test will need to attend school at Leland and Gray for the assessment. 

Students in grades 7 and 10 will be participating in the required Fitness Assessment on those days as well, from 8:00-9:30.  Please be sure that your child has sneakers and has a change of athletic clothing to be comfortable and successful with the event stations. 

Seniors will be meeting with their Advisors finalizing end of year events.

Please ensure that your child is present and on time on those above-mentioned dates so that make up sessions will not have to be scheduled thus impacting end of year events.

For more information on the Vermont State Assessments please visit for Science


Thank you for your continued support and interest in your child’s educational experiences.

Leland and Gray Environmental Action Force News:

  1. L.E.A.F. is fundraising!  We have catalogs available from the following vendors:
  • Equal Exchange (coffee, tea, and chocolate)
  • ChicoBags (reusable shopping/produce bags and reusable bamboo utensil sets)
Funds are raised to support the L&G community garden, the composting program,  and in general, moving towards a more sustainable school.

If you are interested in purchasing any of these products to support our work, please see any member of LEAF, (Maris, Bay, Aiden M., Evan, Adam, Ande, Fairen) and Ms. Davis or Ms. Nyzio.

  1. Looking to get rid of old garden tools?  Our school garden is prepped and ready for spring planting, but we are in need of garden tools.  Anything you don’t need and are willing to donate would be much appreciated. Please see any member of LEAF or Ms. Davis or Ms. Nyzio to make donations.

Mimesis 2018 announcement:

Mimesis, Leland and Gray's literary magazine, will be published again this June. Please submit your poetry, prose, and graphics (drawings or photographs that will reproduce well in black and white) by 5/25/18. Send submissions to, or

If you have any questions or are interested in serving on the literary magazine board, please contact one of the board members above. 

Prom 2018:

*****Tickets can be purchased from Mrs. Marchant in the Library*****

Message from Jessica's Closet:

Attention Girls!! There are many dresses rented from Jessica’s Closet that have not been returned by Leland and gray students. Please bring dresses to the school office where they will be picked up and returned ASAP!! Even if your dress was damaged they would like them back. They donate damaged dresses to theater groups. This is a wonderful cause, so let’s help it continue by returning the dresses!! 


Important Update:

All practices and games will be listed on our Events and Activities Calendar which is on the L&G website under Calendars.


Community service is now a graduation requirement starting with the Class of 2019. All information can be found here:

Please e-mail any community service opportunities to Terry Davison Berger <>

Green Mountain Club:

Green Mountain Club - Brattleboro Section
maintain section of the Long Trail/App from Winhall River to Rt 11/30 in Manchester
Looking for students to assist in trail and shelter maintenence
Contact:  Bonnie at 802-380-5165 or

Spring Clean-up:

The Townshend Community Garden is looking for volunteers for spring clean-up.  If you are interested, please see Terry.

Grace Cottage Hospital Fair Day:

Grace Cottage Hospital Fair Day is looking for volunteers to help on the day of the event to help sort books, face paint and work in some of the other booths.  The event will be on Saturday, August 4th.  Please see Terry if you are interested.

Grace Cottage:

Grace Cottage Hospital is planning a mass casualty drill on Wednesday, May 16th, 2018. They need some student volunteers to play the parts of patients. The ideal participant would have a late arrival and a B block class that they could easily get permission to get out of (with the understanding that any missed work would need to be made up!)
See Mrs. Jones, for a permission form if you are interested.

Drop In Community Service:

3 Generation Collaboration Community Service Opportunities:

New community service opportunities with 3 Generations Collaboration are always being posted at

Also, visit the link to learn about Build Your Own Service.

Video Contests:

Kids, see these two video contests!
100-Seconds Film & Video Festival: Deadline: 9/1/18. Entries will be compiled to premiere on Community Media Day on October 20. Enter at 

Freedom & Unity Youth Film Contest: for Vermont filmmakers age 10-26. Deadline: 4/21/18. Cash prizes. Enter at

Community Service Opportunities with BEEC:


As Vaping continues to rise in popularity, a New York Senator is working with teens to combat this trend. Learn more and watch a moving video from the teens at the link below:


Summer Camp:

Free Summer Cyber Camp:

This camp is free, even including transportation to the school. Application deadline is MAY 9th! 

Natural Resources Management Academy:

At the Natural Resources Management Academy participants will have the opportunity to take in-depth, hands-on workshops with experts.  Each workshop will allow for extensive in-the-field exploration of the subject matter. 

2018 Workshops include:  Wildlife Biology, Orienteering, Geology, Herps/Salamanders, Watersheds, Soil Science, Alternative Energy, Let's Go Fishing  and more!  

View information here:
Top Ten Reasons to Attend the Natural Resources Management Academy:

1. Learn about and enjoy Vermont’s diverse natural resources.

2. Explore natural resources management issues and what you can do to help.

3. Find out about careers related to natural resources management.

4. Learn from University of Vermont faculty, UVM Extension, and Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department staff, and other natural resources professionals.

5. Make new friends from across the state and learn about where they are from.

6. Enjoy a chance to be independent from your family in a safe, friendly environment.

7. Learn new ideas, skills and techniques you can use for the rest of your life.

8. Develop your leadership abilities.

9. Paddle a canoe, catch a fish or shoot a shotgun under expert supervision.

10. S’mores at the campfire!!!  Need we say more?

View information here:

Summer Job Opportunities:

Spring/Summer job opportunities for students:

1. Part-time Assistant Rangers at Jamaica State Park and Lowell Lake in Londonderry.  If interested, please apply as soon as possible.

 For more information, please contact Chris Peterson at (609) 358-3940.

2. Lawn care, maintenance and mowing at Townshend cemeteries.  Please contact Charlie Marchant at 365-7937.

If you have any community events or information you would like to be listed in Friday Notes, please e-mail