Monday, September 24, 2018

Friday Notes 9-21-18

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School Calendar:

Please make sure to check out the Leland & Gray school calendar.  It differs from the District calendar because of professional development days for our faculty.   The full calendar can be found here.

School Safety Information:

Leland & Gray Community:
The safety of our school community is our priority.  We have increased various safety measures throughout the school and are working on improving our communication with families around what to do in the event of an emergency.  This video discusses the roles and responsibilities parents can play during a crisis.  We would greatly appreciate you taking the time to view this video: 

Women Can Do Conference:

All females and female-identifying students in grades 9-12 are invited to attend the "Women Can Do" conference on Thursday, October 11, 2018. The conference is held at Vermont Technical College in Randolph, VT. 

Participants attend hands-on workshops that promote STEM and Trades careers. such as: Computers and Communication, Engineering and Manufacturing, Law Enforcement and Public Safety, Medicine and Health, Professional and Life Skills, Science and Natural Resources and Skilled Trades.

See Mrs. Jones for a registration form and for more information. The cost per student is $5.00 (if we will be travel with the Career Center students or $25 if we drive up separately) 

Spots are limited so register ASAP


All students and staff are invited to attend "ROCKTOBERFEST", an Outdoor Dance and Bonfire on Friday, October 12, 2018 from 7:00 - 10:00.

The evening takes place between the tennis courts and soccer field.  This is just one of two all-school events for all students in grades 7 - 12.

Admission is $5.00.  The L&G Booster's Club will be there selling food and drinks.  Music and light show to be provided by Peak Entertainment.

Classes with the highest percentage of attendance will receive spirit points.  Any questions please reach out to Tammy Claussen  221-2141

Refuse To Use 2019:

Refuse to Use Registration is OPEN

The fee for a Refuse to Use pass is $50.00.  West River Valley Thrives
is generously subsidizing the fee.  West River Valley Thrives has
funding that allows the first 80 L&G students to purchase a RTU pass
for $35.00.

Payment of the  $35.00 subsidized fee can be made in CASH or with a
CHECK made out to West River Valley Thrives.

Payment must be dropped off at the West River Valley Thrives office at
Leland and Gray.

All registrations after October 12, 2018 will incur a $10.00 late fee.-

Scholarships are available.  See West River Valley Thrives for a
scholarship application.

Register at:

Picture Day 9/25/18:

Fall Musical:

The Pajama Game!
Winning best musical in 1955, The Pajama Game is about labor troubles in a pajama factory, where workers' demands for a seven-and-a-half cent raise are going unheeded. In the midst of this ordeal, love blossoms between Babe, the grievance committee head, and Sid, the new factory superintendent. (from Wiki) There are a lot of great songs, fun characters, and an overall powerful story about union rights. 
You can watch the movie version on Amazon Prime for free. It stars Doris Day and is fabulous. 
I'm super psyched to have settled on a musical that feels really right for us. (Thanks to James for suggesting this show!)
Performances will be Nov 9-11.
Thanks and see you all in a few weeks!
Theatrically yours,Jessa

Blood Drive at L&G:

There will be a blood drive at Leland and Gray on Friday, October 26th from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. You can find guidelines on who can donate (age and weight restrictions) and  schedule an appointment online at Contact Susan Jones at, if you have any questions.

Late Bus Calendar:

The late bus schedule can be found here.  Please note the bus will only run south this year. 


Fall Athletics:

L&G Fall Athletic registration has been opened and is ready for you to sign your child up for middle school and high school fall sports. Remember that this needs to be completed BEFORE the first day of practice.

Forms must be submitted on or before the first day of practice.

Important Update:

All practices and games will be listed on our Events and Activities Calendar which is on the L&G website under Calendars.


Community service is now a graduation requirement starting with the Class of 2019. All information can be found here:

Please e-mail any community service opportunities to Terry Davison Berger <>

3 Generation Collaboration Community Service Opportunities:

New community service opportunities with 3 Generations Collaboration are always being posted at

Also, visit the link to learn about Build Your Own Service.


Leland & Gray Food Shelf:

Dear Families,
Beginning Monday, by 2:00, the Leland and Gray Food Shelf will have
fresh produce from our own community garden thanks to LEAF (L&G
Environmental Action Force). There are a few green peppers, a few
bunches of carrots, several bundles of chard and kale and a recipe to
help chard and kale seem as delicious as they are nutritious. Please
let Susan Gunther-Mohr know if you are interested in these items by
calling her directly at 221-2183. By Next Friday, we hope to have more
fresh food as well as pasta, cans of tuna and chicken, raisins and

Dash to the Dam 5K:

Community Yard Sale:

Community Dialogue:
