Please also add to your contact list so the mailing doesn't end up in your spam folder. Thank you.
School Calendar:
Please make sure to check out the Leland & Gray school calendar. It differs from the District calendar because of professional development days for our faculty. The full calendar can be found here.
Refuse To Use 2019 Kickoff:
We have our date and our speaker for the Refuse To Use 2019 Kickoff Event.
I have confirmed the "Eddie Speaks" presentation for September 20th from 6:30 - 7:30 PM.
This event is MANDATORY for all students (grades 7-12 and their parents) who want the the reduced rate 2019 RTU Stratton unlimited season pass.
School Lunch:
The Abbey Group Welcome Back Packet can be found here.
Free and Reduced Lunch Benefits Reminder:
Date: September 4, 2018,
To: Parents(s)/Guardian(s) of Windham Central S.U. Students
From: Deborah Mears, Free and Reduced Meal Clerk for Leland
and Gray.
- · If your family was eligible for Free or Reduced school meals last year and you have not yet submitted a new meal application please do so by 9/30/2018 or your student(s) may have to pay the full price of meals.
- · If you have received a letter from me that states your students are eligible this year no need to fill out an application. If you have a letter approving you for VT 3 Squares, SNAP or Reach Up I can approve your student(s) for free meals. Send it along with a completed meal application.
- · Meal prices at Leland and Gray this year are $1.75 for breakfast and $2.90 for lunch.
you have any questions you may call Deborah Mears at 802-365-9510 or email at
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individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected
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If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint
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USDA office, or call (866)632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of
the information requested in the form.
Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S.
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who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA
through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339; or (800) 845-6136
(Spanish). USDA is an equal
opportunity provider and employer.
Picture Day 9/25/18:
Fall Musical:
The Pajama Game!
Winning best musical in 1955, The Pajama Game is about labor troubles in a pajama factory, where workers' demands for a seven-and-a-half cent raise are going unheeded. In the midst of this ordeal, love blossoms between Babe, the grievance committee head, and Sid, the new factory superintendent. (from Wiki) There are a lot of great songs, fun characters, and an overall powerful story about union rights.
You can watch the movie version on Amazon Prime for free. It stars Doris Day and is fabulous.
I'm super psyched to have settled on a musical that feels really right for us. (Thanks to James for suggesting this show!)
Performances will be Nov 9-11.
Thanks and see you all in a few weeks!
Theatrically yours,Jessa
Winning best musical in 1955, The Pajama Game is about labor troubles in a pajama factory, where workers' demands for a seven-and-a-half cent raise are going unheeded. In the midst of this ordeal, love blossoms between Babe, the grievance committee head, and Sid, the new factory superintendent. (from Wiki) There are a lot of great songs, fun characters, and an overall powerful story about union rights.
You can watch the movie version on Amazon Prime for free. It stars Doris Day and is fabulous.
I'm super psyched to have settled on a musical that feels really right for us. (Thanks to James for suggesting this show!)
Performances will be Nov 9-11.
Thanks and see you all in a few weeks!
Theatrically yours,Jessa
Late Bus Calendar:
The late bus schedule can be found here. Please note the bus will only run south this year.
Save the Date:
Mark your calendars - Prom will be on Saturday, May 18th starting tentatively at 7pm.Music Parent Meeting 9/10/18 at 6pm:
The Leland and Gray Music Department will be hosting a general meeting for all music parents on Monday, September 10 at 6pm in the music room (D3). All band and choir parents are encouraged to attend. We will discuss the music calendar, honor band and choir opportunities, general expectations and requirements for music performance classes, music class enrollment and a discussion of a possible music field trip in May of 2019. The school year is off to a great start and we look forward to seeing everyone on Monday!
Mr. Bernard (Middle and High School Band)
Mr. Pecsok (Middle and High School Choir)
West River School Board Meeting:
West River School Board Meeting (WRMUED)
Tuesday, September 11, 7 p.m., Open Public Meeting; Library Room, Leland & Gray Union Middle and High School, 2042 VT Route 30, Townshend.
West River Developing School Policies for S/Y 2019/20
August 30, 2018 - This week, the West River Modified Union Education District (WRMUED) launched a single-source website where an accurate and up-to-date record of all the activities of the Board is available. Included are links to the full-length videos of the meetings, written minutes, school policies, survey results, and financial information. No sign-in is required to view any page on the site, which is is a link for feedback from users, as well. The site includes an ongoing list of public comments and the Board’s written responses through August 29.
During its August meetings, the 11 Board members continued with in-depth discussions about the policies that need to be in place for the school year 2019/20. On the first day of school one year from now, all the students in Townshend, Jamaica, Newfane, Brookline, and Windham will be under the governance of a single school board for the first time, in accordance with the Act 46 Articles, which were approved by the voters in these towns. The Board is on track with a “work plan” it developed earlier this year. One of the many decision points for the upcoming sessions is finalizing Pre-K options. The Board expects to work intensively on the school budget during November and December, so that voters have ample time to review the numbers, and understand how it will affect their tax rates before voting takes place in March, 2019.
At the meeting on August 20, one of the many topics that were discussed by the Board and members of the public attending the meeting at Leland & Gray School in Townshend was the possibility of adding student members to the unified school board. L&G principal Bob Thibault spoke favorably about student involvement, while others asked how student participation might influence the decision-making with regard to the students from the towns that are not in the WRMUED unified district, but that send pupils to L&G middle and high school classes. The suggestion to include student-input at the board level falls in line with the District’s mission, which states, “In WRMED, all students will have an outstanding educational experience in a safe and welcoming environment so they may achieve and surpass their learning goals. The WRMED is responsible to the needs of its community and provides the necessary systems, staffing and resources needed to ensure that all of our students will become informed, empowered and engaged global citizens.”
At its next meeting, to be held on Tuesday September 11, 2018, at 7 p.m. at Leland & Gray school in Townshend (in the Library Room, which is air-conditioned), the Board plans to further discuss and make decisions regarding school choice and aspects of a new structure, which may include adding 6th grade to the middle school at L&G school. Watching the video of the Board meeting held on June 20, or reading the printed minutes online, gives citizens a reference point on how the Board is striving towards operating an equitable school system in the S/Y 2019/20 among several campuses. At that meeting, WCSU Superintendent William Anton, and WCSU professionals Laurie Garland, business manager, Stephanie Hancock, director of special education, and Jen McKusick, director of curriculum, presented a slideshow of options and information about forming the structure of the new district.
All meetings of the WRMUED are always open public meetings. Referencing the board meetings mentioned above, videos of the sessions, gavel-to-gavel, are available on the WRMUED website. The written minutes of the meetings are posted there, also. No sign-in is required to view the videos or documents. The Board welcomes feedback and questions from the taxpayers, voters, residents, school parents, and every concerned citizen. There are three ways to ask questions, send comments, and get accurate updated information: 1) by clicking on the link on; 2) at a meeting where anyone may present questions to the Board, either verbally or in writing; 3) by contacting one of the Board members in person. The WRMUED Board members are: from Townshend—Joe Winrich, chair, Al Claussen, vice-chair, Mike Foley, and Trish Scott; from Jamaica—Drew Hazelton, clerk, and Christa Robinson; from Windham—Howard Ires; from Newfane— Lindsay Bertram, Emily Long, and Ken McFadden; and from Brookline —Alecia O’Donnell. Foley and Scott serve as members-at-large.
Next meeting: West River School Board Meeting (WRMUED)
Tuesday, September 11, 7 p.m., Open Public Meeting; Library Room, Leland & Gray Union Middle and High School, 2042 VT Route 30, Townshend.
Fall Athletics:
L&G Fall Athletic registration has been opened and is ready for you to sign your child up for middle school and high school fall sports. Remember that this needs to be completed BEFORE the first day of practice.
Forms must be submitted on or before the first day of practice.
Important Update:
All practices and games will be listed on our Events and Activities Calendar which is on the L&G website under Calendars.
Community service is now a graduation requirement starting with the Class of 2019. All information can be found here:
Please e-mail any community service opportunities to Terry Davison Berger <>
3 Generation Collaboration Community Service Opportunities:
New community service opportunities with 3 Generations Collaboration are always being posted at
Also, visit the link to learn about Build Your Own Service.