Friday, November 9, 2018

Friday Notes 11-9-18

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Please also add to your contact list so the mailing doesn't end up in your spam folder. Thank you.


School Calendar:

Please make sure to check out the Leland & Gray school calendar.  It differs from the District calendar because of professional development days for our faculty.   The full calendar can be found here.

Winter Clothing Drive:

 The  National Honor Society will be collecting warm winter clothing in good condition from now until Thanksgiving. Donations of jackets, snow pants, sweaters, sweatshirts, gloves/mittens, boots, and hats are happily accepted! Please place your donated items in collection bins on A level in A-3 (Ms. Matson's room) or on B level in B-4 (Ms. Doty's room). Donations will be used to stock "The Thrifty Rebel." Thanks! 

**We extend our gratitude to community member Irene Saulnier, "the mitten lady," for her donation of beautiful fleece hats and mittens for our Winter Clothing Drive. Thanks for helping to keep L &G students warm!**

Fall Musical:

Late Bus Calendar:

The late bus schedule can be found here.  Please note the bus will only run south this year. 

Refuse To Use:

Refuse To Use student meetings:
Grades 9 & 10 Monday Nov 12  (6:00-7:15)
Grades 11 & 12 Thursday< Nov 15 (6:00-7:15)

Reminder to all Refuse to Use Students:  You must go to 2 student meetings before the Thanksgiving break.  If you  missed your grade level meeting, you can use any meeting as a make up.

L.E.A.F Fundraiser:

The annual L.E.A.F. Fundraiser is Underway!  
Chico Bags: Buy reusable shopping bags, totes, bamboo utensil sets, and water bottles.
Equal Exchange: Buy high quality, fair trade chocolate, coffee, tea, and cocoa. What is fair trade? Fair Trade means the farms are in developing countries, use sustainable practices and farmers receive most of the profits. 
Send us an email with questions or see a member of LEAF to order. Don't know who that would be? I can help, or (802) 221 - 2149

Thanks! Stephanie Nyzio LEAF co-advisor

Project Feed the Thousands 2018:

The Project Feed the Thousands collection drive has begun! Grades 7-12 will compete to see which class can bring in the most food and personal care items. The winning class will earn spirit points as well as some delicious cookies lovingly baked by members of Leland and Gray's chapter of the National Honor Society. Join us in helping local Vermonters in need!

What to donate:
non-perishable food items
personal care items
Collection boxes are in the following classrooms:

7th grade: Ms. Matson's room (A-3)
8th grade: Ms. Matson's room (A-3)
9th grade: Ms. DeBisschop's room (B-11)
10th grade: Ms. Jones (C-3 FACS)
11th grade: Ms. Sanderson (B-7)
12th grade: Ms.Marchant (library)

Monetary donations are also welcomed and should be given to Ms. Doty. Please make checks payable to Leland and Gray with "Project Feed" on the memo line.

Last year, Leland and Gray collected 500 pounds of food and over $500! This year, let's help even more! See Ms. Doty or a National Honor Society member with any questions. Thanks in advance for your generosity!


Winter Sports Registration:

 Is now open on the L&G website:

Click on Co-curricular activities
Click on Athletics
Go to: Click here for online Forms and Submittal
Register under 2018-2019 Winter Athletics

    Important Update:

    All practices and games will be listed on our Events and Activities Calendar which is on the L&G website under Calendars.


    From the Nurse:

    Please keep an eye out in your e-mail (possibly in SPAM folders) for your invitation to join the health portal.  Verify important information, get access to documents, and communicate with the nurse from one convenient portal.  

    School immunizations are being reviewed, so please respond promptly to any notices you receive by e-mail or postal mail. 

    Flu is a serious contagious disease that can lead to hospitalization and even death. You have the power to protect yourself and your family this season with these three actions to fight flu.

    Get a flu vaccine. Everyone 6 months of age and older should get a flu vaccine by the end of October, if possible. A yearly flu vaccine is the first and most important step in protecting against the flu. As long a flu viruses are circulating, it is not too late to get vaccinated!
    Take everyday actions to stop the spread of germs. Wash your hands often with soap and water, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, and wash your hands often with soap and water. If you become sick, limit your contact with others to keep from infecting them.

     Thank you all for your assistance in keeping our community as healthy as we can be!  


    Community service is now a graduation requirement starting with the Class of 2019. All information can be found here:

    Please e-mail any community service opportunities to Terry Davison Berger <>

    Community Service Opportunities:

    1. West Townshend Country Store is looking for volunteers on Friday Pizza nights.  Please see Terry for more information.

    2. Community, Hope and Action is looking for students who would like to join their committee.  They would also like volunteers for the monthly events they host.  Please see Terry for more information

    3. Laura Richardson is looking for student volunteers to assist her with the Townshend Holiday Toy Drive.  If you are interested, please email her at

    3 Generation Collaboration Community Service Opportunities:

    New community service opportunities with 3 Generations Collaboration are always being posted at

    Also, visit the link to learn about Build Your Own Service.

    Grant for Students:  invites high school students to apply for grants to fund their community service ideas across any one of 16 issue areas in four categories:
    The Environment: global warming, clean water, land preservation, and recycling; Democracy and Equality: education and development, gender equality, homelessness and poverty, and financial well-being; Health: HIV/AIDS, cancer/smoking, organ and blood donation, and general fitness;  Community Issues: drug/alcohol abuse, crime prevention, animal welfare, and senior care.
    Applicants should summarize in 5,000 characters or less how the project will involve others, who it will help, what effect it is expected to have, when it will start, and how the funds will be used. Deadline: Rolling.

    L&G students are welcome to contact 3 Generations Collaboration if they need a local collaborating organization for their project. Please note, you should first check with your school's community service coordinator to make sure your project will qualify for service hours credit.


    Community Hope and Action Presents:
    Free Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner and Concert

    Come out to the Townshend Town Hall on Saturday, November 17th to enjoy a community Thanksgiving dinner, followed by a musical performance by Dan Fontaine. This is a potluck event, so everyone is welcome to bring their favorite Thanksgiving meal, side, or dessert to share with their friends, family, and neighbors, old and new.  Dinner will be from 5-6 PM and music will be from 6-8 PM. 
    We look forward to sharing a holiday meal with you!


    FREE Webinar:
    Hiding in Plain Sight

    Tuesday, November 13, 2018
    2pm-3pm ET

    Unfortunately, teens often exhibit some of the riskiest behavior when compared to other age groups. Drug and alcohol use is even further accentuated with peer pressure and the ideation that drugs are becoming decriminalized. In addition to their perception of illegal activity, there are also new technological advancements in the drug and alcohol world, which makes detection by others much harder. This course is designed to educate parents and those working with youth about current drug trends.

    Presenter:  Robert Purdy - Kentucky State Trooper

    Register Now

    If you have trouble following the registration button, copy and paste the following link into the address bar to register:
    *Please note: Once you've registered, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. If you are registered and are unable to attend the live event you will receive a recording of the webinar the following day.