Please also add to your contact list so the mailing doesn't end up in your spam folder. Thank you.
School Calendar:
Please make sure to check out the Leland & Gray school calendar. It differs from the District calendar because of professional development days for our faculty. The full calendar can be found here.
Winter Clothing Drive:
The National Honor Society will be collecting warm winter clothing in good condition from now until Thanksgiving. Donations of jackets, snow pants, sweaters, sweatshirts, gloves/mittens, boots, and hats are happily accepted! Please place your donated items in collection bins on A level in A-3 (Ms. Matson's room) or on B level in B-4 (Ms. Doty's room). Donations will be used to stock "The Thrifty Rebel." Thanks!
Late Bus Calendar:
The late bus schedule can be found here. Please note the bus will only run south this year.ATHLETICS:
Fall Sports Banquet:
POT LUCK-Bring your favorite dish!
Thursday, November 8th at 6pm
L&G Main Gym
Winter Sports Registration:
Is now open on the L&G website:
Leland and Gray Under Armour online Store....Get you Rebel Gear!
The store is open until 10/31/18!
Click on Co-curricular activities
Click on Athletics
Go to: Click here for online Forms and Submittal
Register under 2018-2019 Winter Athletics
L&G Booster Club Under Armour Gear Store:
We are a few items short of meeting are required numbers to place an order. Please checkout the cool L&G Under Armour gear ready to order!Leland and Gray Under Armour online Store....Get you Rebel Gear!
The store is open until 10/31/18!
No Weight Lifting:
No Weight Lifting November 5th - 9th.
Important Update:
All practices and games will be listed on our Events and Activities Calendar which is on the L&G website under Calendars.
Community service is now a graduation requirement starting with the Class of 2019. All information can be found here:
Please e-mail any community service opportunities to Terry Davison Berger <>
Community Service Opportunities:
1. West Townshend Country Store is looking for volunteers on Friday Pizza nights. Please see Terry for more information.2. Community, Hope and Action is looking for students who would like to join their committee. They would also like volunteers for the monthly events they host. Please see Terry for more information
3. Laura Richardson is looking for student volunteers to assist her with the Townshend Holiday Toy Drive. If you are interested, please email her at
3 Generation Collaboration Community Service Opportunities:
New community service opportunities with 3 Generations Collaboration are always being posted at
Also, visit the link to learn about Build Your Own Service.
Grant for Students: invites high school students to apply for grants to fund their community service ideas across any one of 16 issue areas in four categories:
The Environment: global warming, clean water, land preservation, and recycling; Democracy and Equality: education and development, gender equality, homelessness and poverty, and financial well-being; Health: HIV/AIDS, cancer/smoking, organ and blood donation, and general fitness; Community Issues: drug/alcohol abuse, crime prevention, animal welfare, and senior care.
Applicants should summarize in 5,000 characters or less how the project will involve others, who it will help, what effect it is expected to have, when it will start, and how the funds will be used. Deadline: Rolling.
The Environment: global warming, clean water, land preservation, and recycling; Democracy and Equality: education and development, gender equality, homelessness and poverty, and financial well-being; Health: HIV/AIDS, cancer/smoking, organ and blood donation, and general fitness; Community Issues: drug/alcohol abuse, crime prevention, animal welfare, and senior care.
Applicants should summarize in 5,000 characters or less how the project will involve others, who it will help, what effect it is expected to have, when it will start, and how the funds will be used. Deadline: Rolling.
L&G students are welcome to contact 3 Generations Collaboration if they need a local collaborating organization for their project. Please note, you should first check with your school's community service coordinator to make sure your project will qualify for service hours credit.
Community Hope and Action Presents:
Free Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner and Concert
Come out to the Townshend Town Hall on Saturday, November 17th to enjoy a community Thanksgiving dinner, followed by a musical performance by Dan Fontaine. This is a potluck event, so everyone is welcome to bring their favorite Thanksgiving meal, side, or dessert to share with their friends, family, and neighbors, old and new. Dinner will be from 5-6 PM and music will be from 6-8 PM.
We look forward to sharing a holiday meal with you!
If you have trouble following the registration button, copy and paste the following link into the address bar to register: https://register. |