Friday, March 22, 2019

Friday Notes 3-22-19

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School Calendar:

Please make sure to check out the Leland & Gray school calendar.  It differs from the District calendar because of professional development days for our faculty.   The full calendar can be found here.

2019 Program of Studies:

The 2019 Program of Studies can be found here.

Spirit Week 2019:

Spirit week schedules can be found here.

Mimesis 2019 Announcement:

Mimesis, Leland and Gray's fabulous literary magazine featuring the work of Leland & Gray students and staff will be published again in early June. We'd love to showcase your work! Please submit your poetry, prose, graphics (high contrast drawings or photographs that will reproduce well in black and white), or digital projects (for the online version of the magazine) by  5/15/19.

Please send submissions to If you have any questions or are interested in helping with the magazine, please see an English teacher: Ms. Doty, Ms. Landenberger, Ms. Matson, or Ms. Rowan.

Hat's Off Announcement:

If students are interested in doing Hat's Off this year, come to our planning meeting Thurs 3/28 from 2:45-4:30pm in A9. If you can't come after school, we'll also be having a lunch meeting that same day. Bring your skit and song ideas!
What is Hat's Off? A celebration of skits and songs; it's the most fun production all year! Ask Ms. Rowan if you have any questions!

Junior Iron Chef:

I had the pleasure of accompanying these wonderful and talented students to the 12th Annual Vermont Junior Iron Chef Competition at the Champlain Valley Expo, in Essex Junction on Saturday, March 16th. They represented themselves and their school with grace, poise, and talent. In a field of 30 school teams, they were selected to receive a well-deserved Mise En Place Award, for their "attention to keeping their work station clean" and "very well organized", "impressive team focus", "very good communication", and "great knife skills." Several judges spoke to the students individually and one sent an email expressing (to me) to congratulate them on a job well done! Thank you to these exceptional students! You made me and the school community proud!

Coach, Susan Jones

Project Based Learning Academy presents at Valley Cares:

What is the greatest challenge of our generation?
On Friday, March 15, the fourteen members of the Project Based Learning Academy, a pilot program for Leland and Gray seniors that is running for the first time this spring, attempted to answer this compelling question as they presented their initial projects to an enthusiastic group of residents at Valley Cares, a nearby assisted living facility in Townshend. Kayla Hart and Olivia Moore tackled the problems of inequality; Julia Barton, Jayden Pronovost, and Kaie Quigley considered the ways in which technology is both friend and foe; Michael Carona, Michael Fitzpatrick III, and Christian Thomsen considered the challenges of overpopulation; Samantha Derosia, Fox Pickering, and Shane Whittaker delved into the issues surrounding global climate change; and Ethan Abbott, Colton Bush, and Ben Kelly considered the problems of social, political, and cultural division. The presentations were well received, and we are making plans to return to Valley Cares for a roundtable discussion with residents to compare the challenges of their generation to those challenges presented by our students.

In addition to helping students reach content-area proficiencies, the curriculum in this class is designed to address key transferable skills, as well, such as clear and effective communication, self-direction, creative and practical problem solving, responsible and involved citizenship, and informed and integrative thinking.

For more information on this course offering, please see the Program of Studies.

Food Shelf:

Next Friday, March 22, Feed Each Other Friday will include a frozen yogurt offering. Please note that while the expiration date will suggest a time in February, they were frozen prior to that date and will be taken from the freezer an hour prior to their distribution.


Vermont EPSCOR scholarships are for students in Sciences, Engineering, Tech and Math! The deadline to apply is April 1, 2019.

Snow Day Routine Change:

 This year we have changed our routine with regards to snow days and our day rotations (green/white and A/B/C)The change - reflected in the attached calendars (click here) is that when we have a snow day, we will SKIP the intended day and NOT PUSH it. In other words, the days are hard-scheduled for the year in advance.  

Late Bus Calendar:

The late bus schedule can be found here.  Please note the bus will only run south this year.


Events & Activities Calendar:

All practices and games will be listed on our Events and Activities Calendar which is on the L&G website under Calendars.

Spring Athletic Registration:

Spring Athletic Registration is now open!

All middle school and high school students interested in participating in a spring sport must register online at this link: or go to the L&G website and go to Athletics.

Spring 2019 Athletic Registration


Community service is now a graduation requirement starting with the Class of 2019. All information can be found here:

Please e-mail any community service opportunities to Terry Davison Berger <>

3 Generation Collaboration Community Service Opportunities:

New community service opportunities with 3 Generations Collaboration are always being posted at

Also, visit the link to learn about Build Your Own Service.

Community Service Opportunities and a paid position:

Community Service Opportunities:
1. The Townshend Historical Society is looking for a student to assist with scanning, filing and updating their database.  If interested, please call Mr. Marchant at 365-7937.

2. The Cemetery Commission is looking for a student to help with site indexing.  They also need help with spring clean up at the cemeteries.  If interested, please call Mr. Marchant at 365-7937.

Paid Employment:

The Cemetery Commission is also looking to hire someone to mow the West Townshend Cemetery.  If interested, please call Mr. Marchant at 365-7937.

Job Opportunity for a Student:

Timber Creek is a Townhouse village near Mount Snow.  They are looking to hire a student for the following position: 

It would include:  answering the phone, checking the pool, monitoring the facility, checking in members, owners or guests for facility use, paging maintenance if needed, opening/closing the facility for the day. 

Friday evening shift (3p- 8p) and Sunday am 7:45a-1:30

For more information, please contact Heather at

Fundraising Brunch at the Brattleboro Legion:


Herricks Cove Wildlife Festival:


An Evening with Lynn Lyons:

Monday April 8th, 2019  Springfield High School Auditorium
4pm for school staff and professionals
7pm for parents and community members.
Both are free and open to anyone, childcare will be provided for the 7pm presentation.

Workshop Descriptions:
4pm session:
Beyond Calming Down: Process-Based Tools to Help Anxious Kids and Parents

Research that connects worried, anxious parents to the development of anxiety in children is robust, and the effectiveness of a family-based approach is also well-documented. Schools, mental health professionals, and healthcare providers should offer family-focused care to their anxious clients. This workshop describes in detail an approach that does just that.

7pm session:

     Managing Anxiety at School and Home: Strategies to Interrupt the Worry Cycle

When children and teens and their parents are in the grips of worry and stress, it feels overwhelming and mysterious. Anxiety is a very persistent master; when it moves into families, it takes over daily routines, schoolwork, bedtime and recreation. To make matters worse, the things adults (including many therapist and school systems) do to help and console anxious children actually make the worry cycle stronger. The great news? Research shows that modifying certain patterns makes a big difference in whether or not children go on to become anxious or depressed teens and adults. This presentation teaches  concrete strategies that normalize worry help families respond and react to worry in a different way.

Lynn Lyons is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and psychotherapist from Concord NH.  For more information visit her website at

L&G Class of 2020 Fundraising Dance:

Youth Services' Summer Camp Fair and Summer Jobs Bulletin:

Youth Services' Summer Camp Fair on Friday, April 5 at the River Garden in Brattleboro.  This is free to the public, offered as a public service. This is also an opportunity for youth from your school to have a booth and sell things they have made.! Please spread word!

Additional information can be found here.