Friday, March 19, 2021

Friday Notes 3/19/21



March 19, 2021

Dear L&G Families:

I know that in the past few weeks, you’ve each received several of my “COVID Update” emails alerting you to positive cases in our school community and that this information can be very stressful for all of us.  Additionally, we’ve also had other people facing quarantine due to “close contact” to those affected.  These are certainly challenging times but we’re confident that if each member of our “family” continues to treat COVID with the respect it deserves by appropriate behavior, we believe we can slow the spread of things here, and continue to stay open for our students.  I will tell you now that the biggest threat to staying open and having to shift to a remote environment (even temporarily) is the shortage of substitute teachers.  We are very thankful to the few that we have, but our resources are stretched thin and even a couple of absences can disrupt our daily schedule.  

Absence From School

Some families have made the choice to keep kids home out of “an abundance of caution” in certain situations, based on people awaiting test results, etc.  To clarify from a record-keeping perspective, any student who is required to quarantine will receive an AE (excused absence) as their attendance code for the day.  Students who are voluntarily quarantining will receive an A as an attendance code.  This will only impact those students whose total absences exceed what is allowed in our attendance policy - and will likely receive an absence letter at some point.  Excused absences will not count towards that letter.  In all cases, students should continue to do the assigned work.  Teachers will be having special zoom meetings on Wednesdays for students in quarantine, and they will alert those students via email, with the link.

Picture Day

The new, rescheduled dates for pictures are:

  • Cohort A & 6th graders Tuesday, March 30

  • Cohort B & Remote Academy Friday, April 2

Ordering forms were already sent home, and can be still used.  Additionally you may order online at and our unique code is JAR59H6E.  We ask for all students to participate so that we’ll have pictures for the yearbook!

Parent Conferences

We hope that everyone who wanted or needed a parent conference was able to schedule one.  If not, please reach out to the teacher individually and see if they have time to connect with you one-on-one.

Board Meeting

As I described last week, the school board met this past Monday and voted to start up the elementary schools in our district 5 days a week, beginning after April vacation.  We are awaiting changes from the AOE and the VDH on distancing guidelines before any such changes would occur here.  I suspect those changes might come, so stay tuned!


  • Spring sports will start on April 5 (baseball pitchers and catchers 3/29)

  • Travel out of state requires quarantining for any unvaccinated (students) people.  Please consult with our nurse, Jorda Daigneaultif you have any questions about how this might impact your family.  This is especially important as we get closer to April break.

Thanks and have a great weekend!

Bob Thibault


Attendance Surveys:

The attendance surveys will now only be sent to students on Wednesdays.  Very important to ensure that this survey is submitted when received. 

HEY Help:

HEY Help is available Wednesdays from 10:00-2:00

Mrs. Lindsley is available if students need help with Math:  HEY Help Math Link

Mrs. Guerrero is available  if student need help with Humanities: HEY Help Humanities Link

NHS Announcement:

Reminder!  Next week is the final week of the NHS March Madness Food Drive.  The theme is "FREE FOR ALL"  bring in any non perishable items.  Help decide who will win the spirit week points; 6th grade or 11th grade.


Dinner Together:

The Nature Museum:  Summer Camp Assistant Positions:

The Nature Museum in Grafton, VT has two summer camp assistant positions available:
Up to 40hrs/week during camp season, primarily from June 21th - August
13th. Preparation and training will take place during the week of June 21st. Total of up to 300 hours over the course of the summer.  Hourly Rate: $12-15/hr. Rate of pay dependent upon experience. This is a seasonal position that is not eligible for benefits.
More details/job descriptions are available in the L&G main office.