October 1, 2021
Dear L&G Families:
Well, September is now behind us, and we are settling into our groove here at school. We continue to have kids with occasional exposure and needing quarantining, but we are lucky so far as to not see any actual transmission at school. Please continue to monitor your child’s symptoms and keep them home when they are sick!
Progress Report Time
By the middle of next week, we hope that you will receive in the mail, a hard copy of your child’s current progress report. On it you’ll see a “content” grade and a “habits of learning” grade for each class, scored with a 1-4 system. Please keep in mind that a 2.0 or higher is acceptable for passing! Additionally, sometime next week, you will receive an email from JumpRope (check your spam if you don’t receive it by Wednesday!) with information on how to log into the family portal to see more information on assignments. We hope this new system will be effective in accurately capturing your child’s progress in our proficiency based grading system!
Letter from the COVID Coordinator:
Please follow this link to read a letter from Jorda Daigneault, our school nurse and COVID Coordinator: CLICK HERE
Notice from the IT Department:
This is a friendly reminder from IT to please take care of your Chromebooks and chargers!!! These devices are important tools that allow you to be on the school network and browse the internet. However, these devices should not be used as personal gaming devices, especially during the school day. Part of your job as a student is being prepared for class, which includes having a Chromebook and a charger. If a student has any trouble with a Chromebook they should bring it to IT so we can give them another. Students ARE responsible for their computers. This looks like keeping your Chromebook clean and charged, walking with your laptop screen closed, holding the Chromebook with two hands, or putting it in your backpack when you move from class to class.
Students will be billed for damages to their computers at the following rate:
Removing non-WCSU applied Stickers: $5 per sticker
Replacing missing WCSU applied Stickers: $5 per sticker
Single Repairable Component (Screens, Keyboards, Power Adapter, etc): $80
Multiple Components/Whole Chromebook (including management license fee): $260
On Friday October 8th, L&G will host its annual RocktoberFest Dance/Bonfire. This year we’ve added a cornhole tournament! The event will run from 7pm - 10pm on the field adjacent to the tennis courts. There will be a $5 admission fee, and only L&G students will be allowed to attend.
Youth Risk Behavior Survey:
Also on Friday, October 8th, our student body will participate in the biannual survey. Participation is important, as the data is used to apply for grants that support some of our programming, like the Student Assistance Professional, or SAP.
Parent Teacher Conferences:
In the coming days and weeks, you should receive email invitations from your child’s teachers to use to pick a virtual (via zoom) parent conference slot. These will take place on Tuesday, October 12th, between 2pm - 7pm. That day will be an early release day for students (11:30am). Also remember that Monday, October 11th is a holiday and there is no school!
Picture Day:
Picture day is scheduled for October 21, 2021.
Thanks for reading, and have a great weekend!
Bob Thibault
L&G Co-Curricular Calendar:
Refuse to Use:
If you missed the live virtual Kick-Off, watch the recording and answer the questions. If you saw the virtual Kick-Off, please answer the questions.
Kick-Off (Event #1) closes October 17, 2021
Event #1 Kick-Off Instructions: Students AND caring adults should watch/listen to the performance together. This event lasts about 1.5 hours. Once you have interacted with the recording, please answer a short series of follow-up questions.
Link to Event #1: Kick-Off featuring Benjamin Lerner Recording to be watched by caring adult AND scholar together.
Link to Event #1: Follow Up Questions to be completed by scholar AND caring adult together by October 17th.
If you missed the live virtual Kick-Off, watch the recording and answer the questions. If you saw the virtual Kick-Off, please answer the questions.
Kick-Off (Event #1) closes October 17, 2021
Event #1 Kick-Off Instructions: Students AND caring adults should watch/listen to the performance together. This event lasts about 1.5 hours. Once you have interacted with the recording, please answer a short series of follow-up questions.
Link to Event #1: Kick-Off featuring Benjamin Lerner Recording to be watched by caring adult AND scholar together.
Link to Event #1: Follow Up Questions to be completed by scholar AND caring adult together by October 17th.Here is the Refuse to Use 2021-2022 registration link:
Please head over to the Refuse to Use website if you have any questions!
You can find everything you need to be successful in the RTU program there.
Newfane Heritage Festival:
Valley Cares:
Community Service and/or Paid Opportunity:
Hey L&G Students!
We are looking for enthusiastic, kind, and engaging students to help out with our after school programs at our local elementary schools.
Our programs run from 3:00-4:30/5:00, Monday thru Thursday. Your key responsibilities would be to support our program leaders and to have fun with the kids.
This can be a paid position, hours towards community service requirements, or a combo of both.
If interested, please reach out! Contact Kiley, the Director of After School & Summer Programs at
Junior Ambassadors 2021-22:
To understand what a nonprofit does, it’s important to know its MISSION. The Stratton Foundation cares about the health and well-being of Vermont families living in economic hardship. Our goal is to end generational poverty. To do this, we focus on the children and the challenges they face in order to be healthy, safe, and successful. Our primary concerns are hunger, warmth and basic necessities, health, and education. To fulfill our mission, we hold major fundraising events, execute goodwill initiatives, and partner with schools and other organizations that provide critical services to those most vulnerable.
Perhaps you want to volunteer more, earn community service, learn about nonprofits, gain experience in running events or wish to have something fantastic to put on your college resume. Whatever the reason, there are lots of opportunities. And for everyone, it is a chance to align with a group of teens who wish to make a powerful difference.
While the Junior Ambassador program has a purpose and therefore plays a critical role in the success and impact of our mission, we know that those who apply will do their best to be actively involved.
The role of the Junior Ambassador Program is to:
1. Support, advise and assist the Stratton Foundation in efforts to end the cycle of poverty
2. Give passionate students the opportunity to serve as a voice between community youth and the Stratton
3. Help identify and prioritize key challenges of poverty affecting young people, and suggest, develop and
implement programs to address these issues
4. Serve as a vehicle for teens with strong philanthropic values to embed their ideas and passion into the
organization of the Stratton Foundation
5. Give students a chance to learn about community engagement, fundraising, philanthropy, event planning, and
communication skills.
We recognize you are busy at school with homework, clubs, sports, and activities. That said, our expectations include:
* Be actively involved in the Ambassador Program through the Stratton Foundation
* Be a volunteer and organize volunteers for special events and initiatives
* Identify programs/events/opportunities to fundraise or ‘do good’
* Commit to being engaged and attend meetings (Timing/ Frequency TBD)
* Serve for 1-year as a Junior Ambassador
* Have fun, learn, and change lives for Children in Vermont!
Ambassador Requirements: Grades 7 – 12