Friday, October 8, 2021

Friday Notes 10/8/21



October 8, 2021

Dear L&G Families:

There’s a lot to write about this week, so I’ll jump right in!  Despite the challenges that schools around us are having, this week was pretty quiet here.  We’re thrilled that the vast majority of our students are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing, despite continuing to fight through the after effects of months and months of social isolation.  There are challenges, to be sure, but we’re working hard to meet the kids where they are, and be there for them.  

Tonight is our RocktoberFest bonfire/dance event from 7-10pm; admission is $5.  All 6-12th grade L&G students are welcome to attend, but we will not be accepting outside guests.

This coming week is a short week for us, with Indiginous Peoples’ Day and Parent Conferences:

Monday - No School

Tuesday - Early Release Schedule (ends at 11:30am); Parent Conferences are 2-7pm and you should have already received invites from your child’s teacher for those zoom meetings, using the web interface.  If you didn’t receive one, reach out to the teacher directly!*

Wednesday - HS students will have some alternative activities on this day.  

  • 9th graders will have a rotation of activities tied to college and career planning, the Intro to HS course, and some others. 

  • 10th and 11th graders will take the PSAT (Practice SAT test). 

  • 12th graders will take the ASVAB, which is a career interest and aptitude.  This assessment, while also utilized as the entrance exam for military service, we are not sharing the students’ results, unless directed to by the family.  

  • This means that all of these activities will run concurrently from 8-noon, with lunch at noon and classes afterwards.  Parents who wish to opt their child out of these activities will be reliant on their own transportation, and the students must be at school by noon.  But we hope you encourage them to join us, and take these experiences seriously. 

  • MS students will have a normal day!

* We are aware that many MS parents were unable to get a slot for parent conferences, due to the high number of students each teacher works with.  To respond to this challenge, Monday, October 18th will be another early release day for middle school only, so that additional parent conferences can be conducted in the afternoon.  Parents who wish for their children to stay at school on that day until 2:40, will be accommodated, but buses will run at 11:30 as well as at the normal time.  More information on this will be forthcoming from Ms. Liskowsky-Doak.  

Picture Day is scheduled for Thursday, October 21.  Forms have been given to students in advisories.  If you didn’t receive it (congrats, you have a teenager!) you can go to and use our school code: EVT2BVF3W.

JumpRope Family Portal - By now you should have received your child’s progress report and in that mailing the login information for the JumpRope family portal - where you can see your child’s grades in each class.  You’ll notice that there will be assessments in both the content area as well as in Habits of Learning.  Both are very important for the success of your child, and we hope that you emphasize that point to them as you review the report together.  Please share the login information with your child, as this is their entry point into the system as well.  There is only one login/password for each student.  If you have questions about our relatively new grading system, please visit our website, and click on Academics, and Grading at L&G.

I hope you all have a restful and enjoyable long weekend!

Very sincerely,

Bob Thibault


L&G Co-Curricular Calendar:

Refuse to Use:

If you missed the live virtual Kick-Off, watch the recording and answer the questions. If you saw the virtual Kick-Off, please answer the questions.

Kick-Off (Event #1) closes October 17, 2021

Event #1 Kick-Off Instructions: Students AND caring adults should watch/listen to the performance together. This event lasts about 1.5 hours. Once you have interacted with the recording, please answer a short series of follow-up questions.  

Link to Event #1: Kick-Off featuring Benjamin Lerner Recording to be watched by caring adult AND scholar together.  

Link to Event #1: Follow Up Questions to be completed by scholar AND caring adult together by October 17th.

Registration is open until October 10, 2021.

Here is the Refuse to Use 2021-2022 registration link:

Please head over to the Refuse to Use website if you have any questions! 

You can find everything you need to be successful in the RTU program there.

After School Program:

To Register: Click here

School Calendar:


Annual Health Forms:


Valley Cares:

Valley Cares is seeking self-motivated, vaccinated students that can work independently for weekend positions as front door screeners:  This would entail  signing visitors in and making sure they are screened for contact tracing.  Training is available.  Saturdays & Sundays 9-12 and 1-4.  Training days and times are flexible.  . 

If interested, please see Terry in Room A-13.

Community Service and/or Paid Opportunity:

Hey L&G Students!

We are looking for enthusiastic, kind, and engaging students to help out with our after school programs at our local elementary schools.

Our programs run from 3:00-4:30/5:00, Monday thru Thursday.  Your key responsibilities would be to support our program leaders and to have fun with the kids.

This can be a paid position, hours towards community service requirements, or a combo of both.

If interested, please reach out! Contact Kiley, the Director of After School & Summer Programs at

Junior Ambassadors 2021-22:

Do you want to join a group of like-minded peers who wish to make a difference to help those less fortunate in your local community? The Stratton Foundation’s Junior Ambassador Program is a great way to have a voice and do good to help those in need by being active in the foundation’s events and programs, while also working closely with the executive director to organize and lead individual/group philanthropic initiatives.

To understand what a nonprofit does, it’s important to know its MISSION. The Stratton Foundation cares about the health and well-being of Vermont families living in economic hardship. Our goal is to end generational poverty. To do this, we focus on the children and the challenges they face in order to be healthy, safe, and successful. Our primary concerns are hunger, warmth and basic necessities, health, and education. To fulfill our mission, we hold major fundraising events, execute goodwill initiatives, and partner with schools and other organizations that provide critical services to those most vulnerable.

Perhaps you want to volunteer more, earn community service, learn about nonprofits, gain experience in running events or wish to have something fantastic to put on your college resume. Whatever the reason, there are lots of opportunities. And for everyone, it is a chance to align with a group of teens who wish to make a powerful difference.

The Details & Sign Up!
What’s involved?

While the Junior Ambassador program has a purpose and therefore plays a critical role in the success and impact of our mission, we know that those who apply will do their best to be actively involved.

The role of the Junior Ambassador Program is to:

1. Support, advise and assist the Stratton Foundation in efforts to end the cycle of poverty
2. Give passionate students the opportunity to serve as a voice between community youth and the Stratton
3. Help identify and prioritize key challenges of poverty affecting young people, and suggest, develop and
implement programs to address these issues
4. Serve as a vehicle for teens with strong philanthropic values to embed their ideas and passion into the
organization of the Stratton Foundation
5. Give students a chance to learn about community engagement, fundraising, philanthropy, event planning, and
communication skills.

We recognize you are busy at school with homework, clubs, sports, and activities. That said, our expectations include:

* Be actively involved in the Ambassador Program through the Stratton Foundation
* Be a volunteer and organize volunteers for special events and initiatives
* Identify programs/events/opportunities to fundraise or ‘do good’
* Commit to being engaged and attend meetings (Timing/ Frequency TBD)
* Serve for 1-year as a Junior Ambassador
* Have fun, learn, and change lives for Children in Vermont!

Ambassador Requirements: Grades 7 – 12


Employment Opportunity:

Coffee Barn Cafe in West Dover is a community cafe that serves breakfast, lunch, and various coffees, teas and smoothies.  We will train! Hours are morning to early afternoon, can be flexible, weekends preferred.


Ruth Baliotti
845 664-0258

Dan Baliotti
845 664-0259

Vermont High School Writing Contest: