September 1, 2023
Dear L&G Families:
What a great first week! It is great to have the students back in the school! We started on Wednesday with our middle schoolers and 9th graders; both groups had a very productive and fun “welcome back” day. We welcomed the 10th-12th graders on Thursday! As I went through the building, students were engaged in their classes and seemed happy to be back!
Many people have responded in support of our goal of reducing cell phone usage in high school and having middle school students store cell phones safely for the day. So far, the students have done an excellent job meeting the expectations! They haven’t necessarily liked it, but they have done a great job! Please mention you heard they are doing a good job.
The Rebels of Leland & Gray do not fail to impress.
Enjoy the great weather tonight! If you are around, stop by and cheer our VB Soccer team as they play Twin Valley at 4:30. Tomorrow, at 11:00 am our VG soccer team plays Twin Valley!
Have a great and restful long weekend!
Dana Aquadro
Welcome Back from the Nurse’s Office:
Welcome back!
I wanted to share with you updates from the nurse’s office. Let’s start off with COVID. VDH is anticipating a fall booster to be approved within a month or so, and we will be notified when a plan has been made, and then I will share with you what I learned. If someone in your family tests positive for COVID (from cdc):
They should stay home for at least 5 days and isolate themselves from others in your home. You are most infectious during these first 5 days.
Wear a high quality mask if you are around others at home or in public.
Do not travel.
Stay home and separate from others as much as possible.
Take steps to improve ventilation in your home, if possible.
Don’t share personal household items, like cups, towels, and utensils
Monitor your symptoms. If you have an emergency warning (trouble breathing), seek emergency medical attention immediately.
End Isolation after day 5 if you are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication (tylenol, advil).
If your symptoms are not improving, continue to isolate until you are fever-free for 24 hours and your symptoms are improving.
Regardless of when isolation ends, until at least day 11 of illness:
Avoid being around people who are likely to get very sick from COVID-19 (the old, very young, people with underlying illness such as heart disease, cancer, breathing issues, etc)
Wear high-quality mask when indoors around others at home or in public
Do not go places where you are unable to wear a mask until you are able to discontinue masking. It is recommended that you wear a mask through day 10 of illness. If you have two sequential negative antigen tests 48 hours apart, you may remove your mask sooner than day 10.
If your antigen test results are positive, you may still be infectious. You should continue wearing a mask and wait at least 48 hours before taking another test. Continue taking antigen tests at least 48 hours apart until you have 2 sequential negative results. This may mean you wear a mask and test beyond day 10.
Please see For more information.
It is a good idea to call your PCP if you test positive for COVID-19 as there may be treatment available if you meet certain criteria.
Please send in the annual health questionnaire. If you need another copy, please let me or Jenna Jordan know and we can get a copy for you.
If your student has asthma or allergies I am required to have an Asthma Action Plan or Allergy Action Plan from the student’s PCP. They forms can be faxed to me at 802-365-4126, or emailed to me at
Thank you,
Please remember to return completed forms that were sent home in August, including:
Free/Reduced lunch - even if you know you don’t qualify, please submit as every student’s form is needed to maintain free breakfast and lunch for ALL students!
Log in to your Alma account and ensure your contact information is current.
Resilience Through Understanding (Refuse to Use has been renamed)
It’s never too soon to start thinking about January! If your child is interested in skiing or snowboarding at Stratton as their winter activity choice (there will be ten other options, including free ones at the school), you should know that they will need their own lift pass for those days. The best way to get a pass - a full season’s pass - is to participate in the RTU program. This involves registering on their website, paying their reduced fee for the pass (scholarships are available, easy to obtain, and never denied), and attending a series of educational events beginning on September 17th. If you need more information on the RTU program, check out the RTU Portal. Please email with any questions!
802 Smiles
GREAT NEWS! Leland & Gray Union Middle & High School is participating in the 802 Smiles Network!
Dear parents or guardians,
Leland & Gray Union Middle & High School is participating in the 802 Smiles Network, which promotes dental health programs in schools throughout Vermont. This means your child is eligible for a FREE dental screening and may be eligible to receive preventive dental services at no cost to you. All you have to do is complete the Consent Form (one per student).
Leland & Gray’s registered dental hygienist can provide the following free services:
Dental Screening (simplified dental check-up)
Fluoride Varnish (brush-on liquid that can help prevent cavities)
Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) (brush-on combination of silver and fluoride that can help stop cavities from getting bigger)
You can find information on the differences between varnish, sealant, and SDF here.
If you choose to participate, after your child is screened our dental hygienist will send you a follow-up letter explaining the services provided to your child and whether or not they recommend additional treatment. The hygienist can also help connect you to a dental professional who can provide the recommended treatment for your child, if needed.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact L&G’s nurse, Jorda Daigneault, or L&G’s School Social Worker, Alicia Carey.
Alicia Carey & Dana Aquadro
Alicia Carey Dana Aquadro
School Social Worker Principal
Hello from the Equity Coordinator:
Head to Toe Program
We are launching Phases One & Two of the Stratton Community Foundation’s Head-to-Toe program.
If you are interested in receiving ANY items please send Alicia Carey an email letting her know -
Phase 1: Winter Boots & Socks
Phase 2: Winter Coat, Pants, Mittens/Gloves, Hat & Dental Kit
Phase 3: Spring Sneakers & Socks
Phase 4: 2024-2025 Backpack/School Supplies
Please be mindful to identify your children in need.
Deadline to register a child is: September 10, 2023
Distribution goal is planned for October and may vary due to shipping.
Important Dates
Monday, September 4th - Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, September 6th - Middle School Open House September - 5:30 - 7pm
Thursday, Sept 7- Parent/ Student Fall 2023 Driver Education Introduction Zoom Meeting 8 PM
Sunday, September 10th - Head to Toe Deadline
Monday, September 11th - Mean Girls Auditions - 2:40 - 4pm
Tuesday, September 12th - Mean Girls Auditions - 2:50 - 4:00pm
Sunday, September 17th - RTU Kickoff Event - 7-8:30pm
Friday, October 6th - Rocktoberfest - 7 pm
Monday, October 9 - No School - Indigenous Peoples’ Day - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, October 10th - Picture Day
Kick Off Event Sunday, September 17, 2023
In the L&G Main Gym - 7:00 PM
For all students who want a RTU pass at Stratton Mountain and their parent, guardian, or caring adult.