Friday, September 8, 2023

Friday Notes 9/8/23



September 8, 2023

Dear L&G Families:

While it was very hot this week, teachers have reported that the students maintained good poise and continued their learning. Teachers are continuing to remind students of routines and leaning into learning more and more. 

As a follow-up to some shifts in practice, students continue to do very well with the phone expectations (one office referral).  

The middle school had an open house on Wednesday evening at the peak of the heat for the day.  Forty or so brave families came to see our Thrives, RTU, 802 Smile, Farm to School and exploratory teacher tables in Dutton gym, after which they proceeded into Leland & Gray to explore core classes.

Dana Aquadro 


Snack Shack Sign Up

We are in need of sign ups for the booster club in the snack shack for home games! Check out the sign up form below:

L&G Snack Shack Sign Up

Town Library Survey

Calling all parents, guardians, and extended families! The West River Valley libraries of Newfane, Townshend, and Jamaica, along with West River Valley Thrives are working together to create new programming for families, parents, and kids. Please complete our community survey to help us design the best programming possible for your interests and schedule. Your input is greatly appreciated and can be anonymous if you choose >>> survey link.


Musical Auditions

The theater auditions for "Mean Girls" have been changed to Monday and Tuesday, September 11th and 12th from 2:50 - 4:00.  Please stop by the music room to sign up for a time slot.  Any questions, please see Dr. Kellett in the music room.


Please remember to return completed forms that were sent home in August, including:

  • Health Questionnaire

  • Free/Reduced lunch - even if you know you don’t qualify, please submit as every student’s form is needed to maintain free breakfast and lunch for ALL students!

  • Log in to your Alma account and ensure your contact information is current.

802 Smiles 

Leland & Gray Union Middle & High School is participating in the 802 Smiles Network, which promotes dental health programs in schools throughout Vermont. This means your child is eligible for a FREE dental screening and may be eligible to receive preventive dental services at no cost to you. All you have to do is complete the Consent Form (one per student).

Leland & Gray’s registered dental hygienist can provide the following free services:

  • Dental Screening (simplified dental check-up)

  • Fluoride Varnish (brush-on liquid that can help prevent cavities)

  • Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) (brush-on combination of silver and fluoride that can help stop cavities from getting bigger)

You can find information on the differences between varnish, sealant, and SDF here.

If you choose to participate, after your child is screened our dental hygienist will send you a follow-up letter explaining the services provided to your child and whether or not they recommend additional treatment. The hygienist can also help connect you to a dental professional who can provide the recommended treatment for your child, if needed.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact L&G’s nurse, Jorda Daigneault, or L&G’s School Social Worker, Alicia Carey.  

Head to Toe Program

We are launching Phases One & Two of the Stratton Community Foundation’s Head-to-Toe program.

If you are interested in receiving ANY items please send Alicia Carey an email letting her know -

Phase 1: Winter Boots & Socks

Phase 2: Winter Coat, Pants, Mittens/Gloves, Hat & Dental Kit

Phase 3: Spring Sneakers & Socks

Phase 4: 2024-2025 Backpack/School Supplies

Please be mindful to identify your children in need.

Deadline to register a child is: September 10, 2023

Distribution goal is planned for October and may vary due to shipping.

Important Dates 

  • Sunday, September 10th - Head to Toe Deadline 

  • Monday, September 11th - Mean Girls Auditions - 2:40 - 4pm

  • Tuesday, September 12th - Mean Girls Auditions - 2:50 - 4:00pm

  • Sunday, September 17th - RTU Kickoff Event - 7-8:30pm

  • Friday, October 6th - Rocktoberfest - 7 pm

  • Monday, October 9 - No School - Indigenous Peoples’ Day -  NO SCHOOL

  • Tuesday, October 10th - Picture Day 

Kick Off Event Sunday, September 17, 2023

  In the L&G Main Gym - 7:00 PM

For all students who want a RTU pass at Stratton Mountain and their parent, guardian, or caring adult.