January 5, 2024
High School Snow Ball 2024 - Postponed
Due to a Winter Storm Watch Saturday night, the High School Snow Ball has been postponed. The new date will be Saturday, February 10th.
Stratton Head To Toe
Happy New Year! - It’s time to sign up for Stratton Foundation’s Head-to-Toe Spring Sneakers!
Low income Leland and Gray students, whose families are struggling to provide them with basic necessities. According to the state of Vermont, you qualify as low income if you your annual income is:
At or below $29,160 a year for a single person
At or below $39,440 a year for a couple
At or below $60,000 a year for a family of four
PLEASE, do not sign up if you do not qualify.
Resources are limited and should be reserved for those in need.
Please send an email to Alicia Carey ( NO LATER THAN JANUARY 26th.
In the email include:
Student’s name
Shoe size - There are no half sizes, so please consider your child’s growth and round up.
Your student’s preferred style (masculine or feminine)
If you do not sign your child up (by January 26th), they will not receive sneakers.
RTU Event 4 (all grades) will be held at Dutton Gym (at L&G) from 7pm to 8:30pm. This is a mandatory Event for all students, and caring adults.
WCPP Winter 2023 Questionnaire
Please take a moment to complete this Winter Survey for parents and caring adults of students in grades 6-12. This survey is completely voluntary and anonymous. All information will help inform the work of Building a Positive Community, the Deerfield Valley Community Partnership, and West River Valley Thrives.
6th Grade Rebel Report
For more detailed information on what the 6th graders are doing, take a moment to read the Rebel Report.
Important Dates
Wednesday, January 10th - Winter Activities Begin
Friday, January 12th - Makeup Day
Monday, January 15th - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, January 16th - Teacher Inservice Day - NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, February 7th - RTU, 7PM-8PM
Saturday, February 10th - Snow Ball, 6PM-9PM
January Menu