March 1, 2024
The Emperor's New Clothes
The Leland & Gray Players are proud to announce their upcoming production of The Emperor’s New Clothes, to be performed at the Townshend Town Hall on March 15th at 6:00PM and March 16th at 7:00PM, as well as at the Regional One Acts Festival at Thetford Academy on March 23rd.
This version of The Emperor’s New Clothes was written by Brattleboro’s own Rosa Palmeri, and features an eclectic cast of commedia dell'arte style characters. The play is directed by Doran Hamm with Cassidy Majer as assistant director. Ben Stockman is the tech director and Shannon Ward is the producer.
“This show is... Eccentric. Which works for us because we as a theater troupe are the definition of Eccentric,” says Anni, an actor and costumer for the show.
There is a suggested donation of $10 for adults, $5 for kids and seniors for admission. The show will be less than an hour in length. More information about the performance can be found at
“My experience in this play is amazing. It’s super fun and exciting. I can’t wait to see this show fully set up,” says Danika, an actor in the show.
Don’t miss this exciting performance!
WCSU Kids Night Out - Still time to Register!
Windham Bus
No Bus for Windham on Wednesday, 3/6
Second Round of Dental in May
Leland & Gray Union Middle & High School is participating in the 802 Smiles Network, which promotes dental health programs in schools throughout Vermont. This means your child is eligible for a FREE dental screening and may be eligible to receive preventive dental services at no cost to you. All you have to do is complete the Consent Form (one per student).
You DO NOT need to fill out another consent form if your child participated in November, 2023.
Leland & Gray’s registered dental hygienist can provide the following free services:
Dental Screening (simplified dental check-up)
Fluoride Varnish (brush-on liquid that can help prevent cavities)
Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) (brush-on combination of silver and fluoride that can help stop cavities from getting bigger)
You can find information on the differences between varnish, sealant, and SDF here.
If you choose to participate, after your child is screened you will receive a follow-up letter explaining the services provided to your child and whether or not they recommend additional treatment.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact L&G’s nurse, Jorda Daigneault, or L&G’s School Social Worker, Alicia Carey.
West River Modified Union Education District 2024 Annual Meeting
The Historical Society of Windham County
6th Grade Rebel Report
For more detailed information on what the 6th graders are doing, take a moment to read the Rebel Report.
Important Dates
Monday, March 4th - Teacher Inservice NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, March 5th - Town Meeting Day NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, March 6th - PBL Begins
Wednesday, March 6th - Grade 6,7,8 RTU Make Up - 2:45pm-4:15pm
Friday, March 8th - WCSU Kid’s Night Out 5:30pm-9:30pm
Tuesday, March 12th - Band and Choir Solo Festival - 4pm-7pm
Monday, March 11th- Friday, March 15th - Spirit Work
Friday, March 15th - Spirit Dance
Friday, March 15th - The Emperor's New Clothes - 6pm-7pm
Saturday, March 18th - The Emperor’s New Clothes - 7pm-8pm
March Menu