Friday, March 29, 2024

Friday Notes 3/29/24


March 29, 2024 

Eclipse Safety from Nurse Jorda

It is exciting that we will be able to view a total solar eclipse on April 8th! While we won’t be in the path of totality (Northern Vermont will, however), we can still see most of the eclipse.  I want to share with you how to safely view the eclipse.

  • NEVER look directly at the sun. Harmful ultraviolet and infrared rays can damage your eye’s retina and may even cause blindness.

  • ALWAYS use solar filters.  WCSU is providing all students and staff with eclipse viewing glasses.

  • Use Solar filters on cameras, telescopes and binoculars.

  • Never use regular sunglasses as they do not block the harmful rays.


According to the American Astronomical Society (AAS) here's how to use solar eclipse glasses:  

  • Inspect your solar filter before use. If they're scratched, discard them. 

  • Always supervise children using solar filters. 

  • If you wear glasses then put solar eclipse glasses over them. 

  • Cover your eyes with your eclipse glasses before looking at the sun and look away from the sun before removing them. 

The most common mistake people make when using solar eclipse glasses is to wear them like glasses. Despite their design, the thin cardboard arms on eclipse glasses make them prone to falling off. That can be dangerous if you're looking at the sun at the time. So the best way is to wear them like glasses but while doing so keep the temples pressed against the side of your head using both hands. 

However, you should never observe the sun through a telescope or binoculars while wearing eclipse glasses. Optical equipment magnifies the sun's harmful rays unless there's a solar filter in the way at the sun-facing end of the instrument. 

Let’s hope for a clear day!  Jorda

West River Valley Thrives - Call For Nominations!

West River Valley Thrives seeks nominations for its 3rd Annual Youth Ally of the Year Award. We need your help identifying and honoring the caring adults in the West River Valley who are supporting our youth. Learn more and submit a nomination here:

Community Hope and Action 

You may or may not remember Community Hope and Action - the grassroots, volunteer-led, non-profit organization with the goal of bringing people together for fun, community, and entertainment. With the group currently inactive, your input is needed to help shape how the organization is re-envisioned and to provide ideas for what type of events and activities community members want to attend. Let’s see what we can create together! Provide your input here:

Parents & Guardians! We are working on a fun project with L&G students and we need your input! We are collecting “Natural Highs” from students, staff, teachers, parents, and guardians that will be used to create an L&G community word cloud. A Natural High is anything that brings you joy or makes you feel fulfilled - such as a favorite sport, place to visit, hobby, etc. A few examples of L&G students’ Natural Highs are: friends, family, sleep, yummy food, dancing, skiing….You can submit your Natural High online at or by email to

MedQuest Health Careers Expo

Internship Opportunities 

West River Valley Thrives is hiring a student intern:

Thrives Mission: West River Valley Thrives is a community coalition whose mission is to create opportunities for meaningful contributions to support and promote healthy lifestyle choices with an emphasis on the prevention of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use by young people.

Internship Duration: Up to 40 total hours, flexible work times

Compensation: $15 / hour

Position Title: Social Media and Community Outreach Intern 

Goals and Objectives The Social Media and Community Outreach Intern will help to strengthen Thrives efforts to inform and educate our local community regarding substance use and prevention among youth and young adults. Working primarily with the Director and the Youth Engagement Specialist, responsibilities will include, but are not limited to, the following duties:

  1. Maintain bulletin board(s) in the school. Create themes, yearly and schedule/calendar including topics related to national holidays and awareness days, statewide and nationwide campaigns. 

  2. Help to advertise and market Thrives students groups such as Vermont Kids Against Tobacco (VKAT), Our Voices Exposed (OVX), and Vape Task Force. 

  3. Help recruit for middle school student groups such as VKAT and Vape Task Force. 

  4. Help create, promote, and run after school programming with The Youth Engagement Specialist.   

  5. With the Youth Engagement Specialist, create social media posts for FaceBook and Instagram, as well TikTok and YouTube Videos related to youth engagement efforts within the school and community. 

Additional Information

  • Thrives interns may do a combination of work in the office and in the community/remotely. 

  • Thrives interns will check email weekly to check trackers for updated activities

  • All Thrives staff must dress professionally on any day in which they are representing Thrives. 

  • All work must be tracked, logged, and approved by Thrives staff. Interns will track their hours using the expense reimbursement form provided for payment.  Expense reimbursement forms shall be submitted monthly. 

How to Apply: To apply please send a resume and statement of interest to  If you do not have a resume, please submit a statement of interest and include any relevant experience(s) or skills.

Summer Job Opportunity 

Youth Programs

Second Round of Dental in May

Leland & Gray Union Middle & High School is participating in the 802 Smiles Network, which promotes dental health programs in schools throughout Vermont. This means your child is eligible for a FREE dental screening and may be eligible to receive preventive dental services at no cost to you. All you have to do is complete the Consent Form (one per student).

You DO NOT need to fill out another consent form if your child participated in November, 2023.

Leland & Gray’s registered dental hygienist can provide the following free services:

  • Dental Screening (simplified dental check-up)

  • Fluoride Varnish (brush-on liquid that can help prevent cavities)

  • Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) (brush-on combination of silver and fluoride that can help stop cavities from getting bigger)

You can find information on the differences between varnish, sealant, and SDF here.

If you choose to participate, after your child is screened you will receive a follow-up letter explaining the services provided to your child and whether or not they recommend additional treatment.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact L&G’s nurse, Jorda Daigneault, or L&G’s School Social Worker, Alicia Carey.  

6th Grade Rebel Report 

For more detailed information on what the 6th graders are doing, take a moment to read the Rebel Report.

Important Dates 

  • Friday, April 5th - 5:30-9 WCSU Kid's Night Out

  • Monday, April 8th -11:30 am Dismissal - Solar Eclipse Half Day

  • Monday, April 8th - 7:00 pm WRMUED Board Meeting 

  • Monday, April 22nd - April 26th - Vacation Week No School

April Menu