Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday, March 30 - PBL day for HS (9:15 arrival)
Wednesday, April 6 - PBL day for HS (9:15 arrival)
Wednesday, April 13 - Early Release
April 18-22 - Spring Break
Just a reminder to all families and students to please cross the road in front of all school buses and not behind them. The bus drivers can't see behind them and want to be sure everyone stays safe!
School Calendar:
Career Fair:
Brattleboro Parks and Rec:
2022 VYCC Opportunities:
Green Up Day Mentor Program:
The Green Up Vermont Mentor Program, open to Vermont Students grades 9-12, is designed to help develop leadership skills while actively engaging students in civic volunteerism and taking care of our environment with a focus on Green Up Day.
The Green Up Vermont Executive Director pairs interested students (mentees) with Green Up Day Volunteer Town Coordinators in their common towns that have voiced an interest in being mentors.
Green Up Vermont Mentor Program objectives are to:
• Create connected relationships between coordinators and youth in their towns
• Build awareness and stewardship for clean, healthy environments
• Promote civic engagement and volunteerism that helps their hometown
• Extend knowledge and the traditions of Green Up Day
• Build pride and commitment in taking care of Vermont
• Add youth perspective and ideas to keep Green Up Day vibrant for generations to come
• Have Mentees assist our Volunteer Town Coordinator Mentors in ways that are helpful
and rewarding.
Community Service Opportunity:
Free Screening:
Long Range Planning Community Visioning:
We are inviting all community members, especially those who will be voting on the school budget, to come contribute to the future vision for our schools in our school district. The school board has been engaged in a planning process for several years at this point (please review the WRED website for more background information:
We invite you to join one (or all) of these in-person sessions in order to contribute your vision for the future of schools. Masking is optional at all of these sessions, in alignment with current guidelines at all of these schools. These sessions are designed to last 1 hour, and will be led by community volunteers to help gather more input from our community, which will be shared with the school board to inform their planning.
Jamaica Elementary School: Saturday, April 2nd @ 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Please join us!
You may have also seen boards up at the Newfane Store, West River Provisions, The Harmonyville Store, and River Bend Market - please put your ideas on the boards!
The more voices and ideas that are gathered at this point the better. We want to create the best educational future for our children, and we need to hear as many voices as possible in order to do so. Thank you!
We also have a way to contribute digitally - GOOGLE FORM LINK
Want to see what others have said so far? Check out this Miro Board. This contains all the responses so far and will be populated with all future responses. So check back in!
The more voices and ideas that are gathered at this point the better. We want to create the best educational future for our children, and we need to hear as many voices as possible in order to do so. Thank you!
Any questions about the events or visioning protocol please contact Luella Strattner
Virtual Leadership Speaker Series:
Summer STEM Camp @ West Point:
Student Opportunities:
Student Business/Entrepreneurship 2022 Competitions – for all VT secondary students. Open now through May 2, 2022 (submission’s deadline) – Cash prizes
1) Business Model Canvas (BMC) Plans
2) Business Video Pitch Plans
Students prepare a Business Model Canvas (BMC) plan and Executive Summary or Business Video Pitch up to 5 min. (MP4 or YouTube) and Executive Summary of a product(s) and/or service(s). Explanations/Rubrics/
Entrepreneurship Institute “Creativity & Innovation”- GIV (Governor’s Institutes of VT) Students ready to spark your entrepreneurial spirit? June 26 – July 1 - residential @ Vermont Tech College - Randolph Campus - Rising 10th – 12th grade students bring their passion and curiosity to this program where they’ll spend a week diving deep into the creativity and innovation that goes into developing new products and services. With the guidance of proven entrepreneurs and experts, plus a network of peers, students leverage their own unique business ideas to propel them to future success. They’ll learn to develop an “entrepreneurial mindset” and what it takes to create a business or be more successful in any career pathway, college and the workforce. Option for 3 college credits.
Laurel Butler
Start up Business Advisor & Student/Educator Entrepreneur Specialist
Vermont Small Business Development Center ( - 802-922-3692
Prepare Today’s Students for Tomorrow’s Workforce
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